
Time Of Your Life

“Ri. Wake up, Ri,” Sara whispered softly. After a few failed attempts at getting her brother to wake up, she had enough. “Rian! Get your ass up!” She yelled.

“Huh? I’m up! Where’s the fire?’ he mumbled sleepily, sitting up immediately.

“There’s no fire, Rian. But the bus is going to be here in an hour. And you still have to shower. You don’t know when you’ll be able to take one again.”

“Oh, right,” he grinned. “Thanks.“ He got up and patted her head, making her swat his hand away.

She rolled her eyes at her bother, and walked out of his room. She made her way to the living room, and plopped down on the couch. Her brother’s apartment was extremely clean. She figured his girlfriend, Kara, had something to do with that.

Not seconds after she had made herself comfortable, there was a knock at the door. She groaned and got up to open it. There was no surprise when she saw the three of her favourite boys. “Hey guys,” she yawned. It was around 7 in the morning.

“Hey,” they all greeted enthusiastically. They were so excited for Warped Tour, especially now that their new album just came out.

“All excited for Warped?” Zack asked.

“You mean am I excited for two months of being crammed in a bus with a bunch of sweaty boys? I’m ecstatic,” she replied sarcastically. Zack and Alex laughed.

“Oh, come on. You know you can’t wait to spend time with me. I’m a sexy beast!” Jack told her obnoxiously.

She scoffed and sat on his lap. He made a small ‘oomph’ sound. “Your ass is squishing me,” he complained.

“Pshh, you’re just jealous ‘cause I actually have an ass,” she replied.

He gasped, mocking a fake hurt, causing Alex to stifle his laughter. “Alex, you can’t be taking her side.”

“Sorry, dude. But I am,” Alex told him, trying not to laugh.

This made Jack pout. “Just because she’s a girl with…girl parts.”

This made everyone but Jack laugh. But it made both Alex and Sara blush as well. “Awe, I’m sorry. Did I hurt poor Jack’s feelings,” she cooed ruffling his hair.

“Yes,” he mumbled like a baby, still pouting.

“Well, let me make it up to you.” She gave squeezed him in a hug, and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

This made Jack grin like a child, but it also made Alex feel a bit jealous. “Yay!” Jack squealed and hugged Sara tightly as well. They both laughed.

About an hour later, the bus arrived, and all boys ran onto the tour bus to claim their bunks. By the time she got there, the only bunk left was the one right across from Alex. As everyone, the band and crew, gathered in the front of the bus, Sara decided to unpack some of her stuff.

“Hey,” Alex said coming up behind her. He put his hands in his back pockets. Something he usually does when he’s nervous.

She turned around and smiled at him. Neither of them minded how close they were due to the lack of space in the bunk area.

“So, are you excited? It’s your first time coming out on tour with us.”

Sara forced a laugh. “Not really, no. I mean, I’m glad you guys decided to bring me, but I don’t think I’ll really fit in. I don’t do so well around crowds and you know it. I just feel so paranoid. Like everyone is laughing at me or something.”

He sighed and leaned back against the bunk. “I know what that feels like. Everyone always watching your every move. Critiquing everything you do. It’s not easy. But you have to get over it sometime.”

“I know that, Alex. But it’s hard.”

“Listen. Warped tour is about having fun with your friends. And friends are people who don’t judge you. So come on, just stop worrying about everything and live it up.”

“I guess you have a point,” she mumbled.

“That’s cause I’m always right,” he smirked.

Sara let a small smile creep up on her face. “You’re so full of yourself, Gaskarth.”

“Well, Dawson, maybe I’m just confident.”

As soon as he said that, the bus hit a bump on the road causing Alex to trip over, and trap Sara against the bunks. His breathing got uneven and Sara saw this. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled.

“If I’m correct, confident boys don’t get nervous,” she whispered, then leaned in and kissed him.

“Finally!” They both pulled away to see who had interrupted. Of course, it was Jack. They both glared at him.

He grinned innocently. “Oh, don’t mind me. I just have to go to the washroom.” He walked behind Alex and pushed him into Sara.

Sara laughed and shook her head. “Only Jack.” She raised her head, and looked back into Alex’s eyes. He smiled down at her. She suddenly wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head on his chest. He hugged her back in return.

“Thank you, Alex.”

“You’re welcome, Sara,” he whispered in her ear, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

From that moment on, she knew that Alex was the one for her. But would she be able to tell him?
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Song Credit - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) by Green Day

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been having trouble writing lately. But I hope you guys still comment. It'll mean a lot to me =]