Johnny Depp and I By: M. S. P.

Johnny Depp and I; A dream added on By

Johnny Depp and I; A dream added on By: M. S. P.

I’d been friends with Johnny Depp for 5 years. When I told him that I got kicked out of my apartment because I could no longer afford to pay for the hefty rent, he offered me to stay at his place till I got back on my feet again, of course I had to say yes. I’d always been in love with him even though I didn’t think he felt the same. We’d met on the set of Pirates 1, I was a caterer and he was of course the star of the film. He had fallen in love with my food, and I in return had fallen in love with him. We became friends soon after that. He then hired me for all his other films to make the food.
So now I was coming to live with him and I couldn’t be happier. He showed me his house; I met his family, who were so nice. He showed me his room, it was a room where only he could be and where only he could hang out in. We hung out in it together. A week after I was living there he told me “I think I’m falling for you Jane.” And then he kissed me. It was the best kiss I ever had. I told him “I never thought something like this would happen with us, this was completely unexpected.” “Well, I didn’t expect it either.” He told his wife, not the whole story but that we would make out together and she didn’t seem to mind. Then a month later she left him and took the kids with her. She told him: “I’m not leaving you because you make out with your friend but because I’m moving on, and I’ve found other things. I hope you have a happy life whatever you end up doing. Goodbye Johnny.” So now Johnny and I are all alone and we lived together and we couldn’t be happier. He soon proposed. But we kept it secret. Then 5 years later we got married and then told the public that we were married. A year later we had a kid and named her Elizabeth Jane. He visited his children once a month and his children met their step sister and got along well with her. Their were no hard feelings between Johnny’s ex wife and I, and she wasn’t bitter because by the time I came around she had fell out of love with him. Soon after our 2nd wedding anniversary we opened up a restaurant called Depp’s in L.A. and it’s still successful to this day.
The End