‹ Prequel: The Truth Revealed
Status: Active :) - Thanks to:Dirty Liar for being such a huge supporter to my story

When it all falls apart

The will


Vince P.O.V

All the soldier's, David, John, Antoinette and I have been waiting in the most dull room ever for the past half an hour.

Then finally a doctor came out "Who's here for Xiomara Fuentes"

"We all are" I said standing up

"This is alot of people..are you sure"

"I'm sure"

"Very well then, I'm not going to sugar coat any thing. She's in bad shape...she lost alot of blood, and when she went into shock it didn't help her condition. The chances of her having a full recovery is nothing short of a miracle. I'm sorry I've done all I could.You can see her, but only 2 at a time" he said and then walked out the room

"Daddy is mommy going to heaven?" Antoinette asked

I picked Antoinette up and held her as close to me as I could and said "I don't know honey"

"Daddy I don't want mommy to leave"

"I hope she doesn't sweetie" I said back

I stood up and gave Antoinette to John

"Where are you going?" John asked

"To make a phone call, I'll be back in a couple of minutes" John nodded and I walked out the room

I found a small room with no one in it so I sat down on a chair and took my phone out and dialed the my mom's number it rang twice then she picked up

"Hello" she said

"Mom" I said my voice cracking

"What's wrong honey?" she asked concerned

"Mom..Xiomara's in the hospital"

"Oh my god what happened?"

"Carlos kidnapped Antoinette and she went with some of the guys to get her back and he stabbed her mom."

"Is she okay?"

"Mom, the doctor said that she needs a miracle"

My mom started crying and my dad had to picked up the phone "Well be there as fast as we can son"


"Stay strong you have a daughter to take care of"

"I'll try, bye dad"

"Bye,Vince" he said and hung up

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears and then dialed Maritza's number

"Hello" she said

"Maritza, it's Vince"

"Hello Vince, what can I do for you?"

"Maritza I have some bad news"

"What is it?"

"Xiomara's in the hospital"

"She what?"

"Carlos kidnapped Antoinette and she went with some of the guys to get her back and he stabbed her"

"How is she?"

"She needs a miracle" I whispered

"The son of a bitch" she mumbled "I'll be there as fast as I can"

"I should be getting back to Antoinette"

"That's fine good bye Vince"

"Bye" I said and hung up feeling a huge weight in my chest

I walked back into the room where every one else was at

"Daddy" Antoinette said

"Yes, sweetie" I said and picked her up

"I want to see mommy"

"Okay, let's go" I said while putting her down "John, David" I said

"Yeah" they said

"You can see her when we come back"

"Okay, thanks" John said

"Sure thing" I said back and walked out the room with Antoinette

When we reached room 403 I felt a huge weight on my chest. I knocked on the door and I heard a faint "Come in" I opened the door and Antoinette walked over to Xiomara and gave her a hug

"Mommy I love you" Antoinette said

"I love you too sweetie" Xiomara said back

When Antoinette let go I walked over to her and Xiomara pulled me into a hug "Don't cry, I knew this was coming" she said to me

"Don't talk like that" I whispered to her

"I love you" she said to me

"I love you too" I said back

I pulled away and said "I'm going to take Antoinette home and I'll be back after I take a shower and change. David and John want to see you"

"Okay, they can come in"

"Bye mommy" Antoinette and gave her a hug and kiss goodbye "Bye sweetie" Xiomara said back

"Bye, dear I love you"

"Bye,I love you too" she said back and then I left the room with Antoinette

Xiomara P.O.V

~*4 minutes later*~

"Hey sis" John and David said as they walked in

"Hey" I whispered back

"Well get him Mara, don't worry about it" John said

"I know, I just won't be around for it"

"Don't talk like that" David said

"I heard the doctor, I need a miracle and I've used them all"

"Mara" David said with tears in his eyes

"I want my lawyer"

"What for?" John asked

"I need to have my will updated"

"Okay" David said knowing that there was no point in arguing with me. Then they both gave me a hug and a kiss good bye and left the room

~*15 minutes later*~

"Hello Mara" the lawyer said

"Hello Frank" I replied

"What do you need today?"

"I need my will updated"

"I don't think"

"You, do it or I'll find some one else who will"

"Okay" he said giving up

He set up his computer and printer

"Ready?" I asked him

"Yes, just tell me what to write"

"I Xiomara Fuentes the rightful heir to the throne of Spain leave my money, personal belongings, property, investments and the seat to the throne to my adopted daughter Antoinette Fuentes, my mother Maritza Fuentes and Vince Santos. I award partial custody and guardianship to my mother Maritza Fuentes and to Vince Santos. The money, property, and investments are to be given as see fit by the guardians. Antoinette Fuentes is to be given the throne at age 21. If she doesn't have a partner by then one will be chosen by both guardians. Antoinette Fuentes has to be aware of the circumstances to the throne and that she is next in line to receive it. Vince Santos or Maritza Fuentes shall take the throne until Antoinette Fuentes comes of eligible age to receive it. Letters have been placed in a cabinet at Estrella Manor and shall be given as said on the envelopes. Thank you to every one and any one who has helped me in the years and who have loved me. I love you all."


Xiomara Fuentes

Frank printed the letter and I signed, dated it and placed the Royal Seal on it
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