Decoding Jenny

Asking Some Questions

My friends just started chatting away with him as I stared off into space and started to remember that night, before she was taken away. It was the last time I was truly happy and it began a little something like this, “ Lee! Lee! Lee! Hayley!” yelled Jenny as she came into our room looking like a Greek Goddess like usual.
“Yes?” I deadpanned wondering how she could be so happy if we’d all received this much homework.
“Do you know that you are my favorite sister?”
“I hope so considering I’m the only one you’ve got.”
I just smiled and I let her continue, “ Lets go do someth-“
My memories were interrupted by my friend Casey trying to get my attention, “ Hello? Earth to Hayley, are you there?”
“Where else would I be?” I asked as I smiled again.
“I don’t know maybe Europe or Australia.” But her eyes said something else entirely.
“Someday Casey. So what were we talking about here?” I questioned since I was in a different place only seconds before.
“Planning something.” Replied Seth.
“ uh-oh. Maybe we can make a run for it.”
“ Why are they scary?” he asked as he laughed.
We were whispering now, “ no. but I don’t want to be in a car with Mandy and Casey for too long.”
“ I’m not even going to ask.” He said back to me.
Okay everyone this is the part where Seth and I became friends. I know. I know. You two were just talking how can you become friends? It is all about trust and this guy hadn’t told anyone else about him and you see he was checking with me on everything. So therefore we were friends and everyday from that point on we’d talk at least once.
I had my backpack on my back and I was wearing my helmet as I peddled out of the school parking lot trying not to get run over by any cars. I just didn’t feel too keen on riding in a car. It was too soon to volunteer to ride in one when it wasn’t mandatory but yet my brother was trying to get me to ride in his truck.
“ Come on Lee, get in!” He’d yell from his window as he held up traffic from the lot.
“We’ve been over this!” I’d yell back.
“I understand that Lee. But you know it is okay to be a little freaked but trying to be totally different from her won’t help. You two were so much alike.” He said but that was new he’d never said that before. I barely heard the alike part. I slammed on my brakes and looked at him straight on and said, “Alike. We were NEVER alike!” I screamed as I took off again as I heard him swear.
The waterworks started before I even got out of sight from the truck so I took a different route and began my mission to find the answers that I was desperately lacking.
When Jenny use to tell me that every action a person does effect them somehow I’d listen while she’d tell me the things that she did wrong and try to help me. In ways she was my mentor; my teacher. She and I never planned anything for the future because we didn’t want to know what it would be like without each other even though we tried to kill each other at times. But that was my sister and I looked up to her. I loved her.
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Comments of all kind are welcome : ) I hope you like my story.