Decoding Jenny

Her Reason are Difficult

I was at the park soon and I tied up my bike and went over and sat on the swings with a pen and some paper and wrote down the questions I would ask and the people who could answer them.

The List
1. Lance.
2. Meghan.
3. Carter.
4. Football Team.
5. People at party.
6. The Police.
1. Why didn’t she get into the car with Lance?
2. why Justin?
3. Where was Lance?
4. Was she drunk?
5. Where was Meghan?
6. Was she different those last days?

I looked at the list and knew my sister did things for a reason. This list was going to be hard to get answers for. Well I started to swing back and forth and I closed my eyes and remembered my sister.

Home wasn’t home anymore. I couldn’t even be myself at home when a part of me was missing. My parents tried you could tell but it just wasn’t enough to keeps us from staying away as much as we could.
That night I knocked on Carter’s door. “yeah?” he asked.
I walked in and asked, “what did you mean when you said that Jen and I were alike?”
His face softened and he looked me, “What do you think it means? That you were alike.”
“No were weren’t. Opposites is what we were.”
“Lee. You must be the only person not to see it.” He sighed.
“ Then tell me what it means.” I whispered as I sat down on his bed.
“ You two looked alike and were always together Lee. People thought you two were the twins. You guys always got along even if you were fighting; you made up in minutes. Lee. When Dad said that…that she wasn’t coming back the first thing I thought about was you.”
“Yeah. I was afraid of your reaction. I was mad, sad, confused, and just I don’t even know. But you two were joined at the hip and losing her was I mean is hard but you got it the worst.” He then looked up at me and waited for my reaction.
I just stared at Carter my face was blank and I just nodded my head silently.
“ I let her go.” I said quietly. So quietly that he didn’t even hear me. “ Thanks Car, I didn’t know that.” I went over and hugged him.
“ No problem Lee. I’m always here."
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