Decoding Jenny

Ms. Goodytwoshoes

We walked to his house and once we stepped inside I could smell the Christmas cookies. The entire house was decorated and it just felt like a happy place. Very Bing Crosby. Little did I know that I would be spending a lot of time at this house because it felt better than my own.
Once inside he called, “Mom! I’m Home and I brought a friend for lunch.”
A woman answered, “okay.” Then she walked out and I saw a woman with black hair and green eyes who looked exactly like Seth.
“well Hello.” She said, “I’m Ms. Charmichael. But you can’t call me that, just call me Pat.”
I smiled and said, “I’m Hayley. Nice to meet you.”
“It is so nice to meet one of Seth’s friends.” She laughed and continued, “would you like some lunch?”
“Yes. That would be great. Thank you.”
“ Well hello there Mom.” Seth said as he feigned hurt for getting ignored.
“oh save it.” She laughed.
We sat and talked for probably an hour. It felt nice to feel like no one was stepping over the subject of my sister. It was four in the afternoon before we knew it. Pat had to go to work. She worked at the local hospital. When she said hospital I’m sure I went white. But no one said anything so maybe I didn’t. But she sat with us for a little longer and in the middle of asking about my family Carter called, “ You are getting in my car and that is final.”
“Well hello to you too. No I’m not.” I stated.
“Where are you?”
“Why should I tell you? Then you’ll just come and get me.”
“That is the point Lee.”
“Hayley Laura Geralds I am picking you up now and that final.”
“ Uhh. Fine.” I said, “I am at a friend’s house across from the park.”
“okay. See ya’ in ten minutes. Bye.”
“Bye.” I said and hung up.
“ Sorry about having to answer. If I didn’t he would have just kept calling.”
“No. Its fine.”
I smiled at neither one of them in particular and said, “thank-you for lunch. But I have to head to the park before my brother calls again looking for me.”
“It was nice meeting you Hayley. I will hopefully see you over here again.”
“Mom.” Seth whined embarrassed.
“I’d like to come again if that’s okay with Seth. So Seth we will start our quest after break is over. See you soon.” I said and I walk outside to the park and as I walked out I heard Ms. Charmichael ask, “quest?”
That Christmas was probably the worst Christmas anyone one of us will ever have but no one said anything for fear of having a complete meltdown.

That Monday after school resumed marked two months after and that is when our quest began. Seth was still unaware of the nature of the quest but he still went along with it. Our first person to question was Lance and I figured that Seth would figure it out soon enough what it was about.
After school I found Lance sitting on a bench looking considerably better that the last time I’d come face to face with him.
“Hey Lance.” I said.
“Hi Hayley.”
“This is Seth. We were wondering if we could ask you some questions?” I know I probably sounded like a cop or a child reporter but it was the only way to ask.
I don’t know if it was out of pity or love for my sister that he agreed to answer.
So I began jumping right in, “Okay on November 5th you were at the party right?” I watched as his face grew pale and went blank.
“Did you see Jenny there at all?” I asked as I realized saying her name aloud felt good.
“Yeah. I drove her there. We met at the corner by the stop sign and we drove there together.” So that’s how she got there.
“Okay where were you when she wanted to go home?”
“I was outside with the team. She could’ve, she should’ve came and got me. I would’ve taken her home.”
“ I know Lance. You would have but can I keep asking?”
“If you can ask these questions then I can answer them.”
“Did she drink anything?”
“Hayley she never did. You know that. Ms.GoodytwoShoes.” Then he laughed.
I looked over at Seth’s list to make sure he got it all. He did but I asked to clarify, “So you picked her up at the stop sign took her to the party. She didn’t drink and she never asked you for a ride home. Correct?”
“Well thanks Lance. I’m Sorry.” I said knowing that all that he said to me was true.
“I’m so sorry too.” He said softly still as if he couldn’t believe she was gone.
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Sorry. sorry. Sorry. That it has been so very long. I have no excuse. Thank you to my five readers : )