Decoding Jenny


We walked a little bit before I started to give information to Seth, “We are questioning some pretty high class seniors but don’t get intimidated.” We laughed. “We are trying to find answers about Jenny and why she did what she did. You don’t know why but I want to find out.”
Seth nodded and said, “Jenny? Have I met her?” No because she is dead.
“Does she know we are trying to find out things about her?”
“No. Well I don’t know.”
“Will she be angry when we find out what we need?” Good question there Seth.
“No.” I answered and that ended our conversation.
Facts we Know
1. Lance picked her up at the corner and drover her to the party.
2. Jenny didn’t drink.
3. She never asked Lance for a ride but she could have.
4. She is a goodytwoshoes

“Okay. Good list.” I said as we check it over. “ Now we continue.”
“Thanks.” He said, “ so now what ?”
“ Well we should go and find Meghan. She might know a little more.”
He nodded and we started to walk towards the fields where the cheer team and the football team were practicing. Meghan was just as affected by the accident as Lance since she and Jenny had been best friends since the second grade. But when I saw her that day she looked better too. So it was then that I thought that maybe all it took was time to heal the wound. But little did I know then that it would yes, indeed take time but I’d always remember Jenny.
“Okay Seth. Follow me.”
We walked over to the grass where the cheerleaders were stretching and throwing each other in the air and then catching each other. Then I saw Meghan. Or more specifically I heard Meghan.
“Julian you have to catch Kara quicker! Lacey tighten that back-hand spring. Hey! Amanda this is cheer practice not lunch. So stop eating.”
“Well she sounds…pleasant.” Remarked Seth as we watched them for a minute.
“She is just darling.” I said sarcastically. “Well get ready to meet the second meanest dictator of our generation behind Castro.” I whispered as Seth started to chuckle, “Oh Meghan!”
She turned around but note that she was still wearing her dictator face but then she saw me and her face softened. “Hi. Hayley. How are you?” She asked.
“Getting better. You?”
“Coming to terms with the facts. It is harder than I thought it would be. You know?”
“yeah I do. Seth” I said and I motioned to him, “and I have a few questions for you if you don’t mind, okay?”
“oh okay. What about?” She asked. Well Meghan we are asking about my sister which you didn’t help which probably helped lead to her death. Well aren’t I nice?
“Jenny.” I deadpanned but then I smiled as I noticed her face pale.
“About Jen?” she asked in disbelief.
“I know but could you please answer them?”
She nodded so I took that as if she could handle it.
So I began, “We all know Jenny was at that party but did she drink?” I asked knowing that I’d asked Lance that question too.
“No. She wasn’t but I was so that’s why I couldn’t driver her home when she’d asked me.” She said quietly. So Jenny asked Meghan to drive her home?
“Do you know she wanted to go home?” I asked.
“No. But when she came inside from the backyard it looked like she’d been crying.”
“Crying?” I asked. Jen almost never cried.
She nodded, “I know right?” She stated after thinking the same thought I had.
“Do you know why?”
“ Well I know that when she went out there she wasn’t crying but that when she came back inside she was. So whatever it was that made her cry was out there.”
Okay Lance said he’d been out there and Jenny could have asked him to take her home. But he never said that he saw her. But maybe she just saw him.
“Okay then.” I said as my face went blank thinking of the few times that I saw my sister cry. “So she wasn’t drunk. She went outside with dry eyes and came back inside crying. Was she sad or just crying?”
“Well…”she said as thought about that night. “She looked really angry but like sad-angry. Like someone made her that way.”
“Oh.” I said. “Thanks Meghan.” She nodded as her chocolate brown ponytail bobbed up and down. “Sorry.” I said again apologizing for bringing up my sister. But even thinking that made me laugh since after all its my sister that we were talking about.
She looked up at me and gave me the eyes. That was that last time she gave me the eyes and meant it. “Me too Hayley.” Seth and I walked away as she stood there whilst the cheerleaders behind here kept flying through the air.
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Thank you for reading! Thank you to my one subscriber -- you make me smile. Comments wouls be nice : )