Decoding Jenny

What are you, Sherlock Holmes?

It was getting dark now. We’d been at school longer than I’d thought. It was about five thirty and people would be wondering where we were. “ Thanks Seth.” I said quietly.
“ No problem.” He said as I felt him look at me. “ Here is the list.”
Then he handed it to me:
Facts we Know
1. Lance picked her up at the corner and drover her to the party.
2. Jenny didn’t drink.
3. She never asked Lance for a ride but she could have.
4. She is a goodytwoshoes
5. Again wasn’t drunk.
6. Was fine when she went outside but crying when she came back inside.
7. Asked Meghan for ride but Megan could give her one since she was buzzed.
8. Whatever made her cry was outside.

“Good. I really like the use of buzzed instead of drunk.”
“ Well that’s what we say at my house.”
I laughed, “Thanks and I’m sorry if this is kind of…depressing.”
“It is hard. It hits close to home Hayley.”
“It does?”
He nodded. So I started to offer up some information, “ The girl that were at finding things out about, Jenny. Well she and this guy Justin were killed a couple months ago in a car accident. Apparently Justin was ‘buzzed’ no, he was plain out drunk, according to the things I hear. But the fact is that they’re dead. I…I just need to know.” She was my sister.
“Dead? Wow. So it really must have messed that guy Lance up pretty bad. Their poor families. Must have been hard.”
“Yeah.” I agreed.
“ So. Do you need a ride?”
I know what you are thinking. Hayley we know that you don’t go in cars but take this. Do it! Maybe it was because of the dark or Seth. But I agreed.
“Turn here.” I said as I directed him to my street. “Right here.” He parked the car as he found my house.
“ Thanks.”
“ No problem.”
It was an awkward silence. Really bad.
“ So I’ll see ya’ tomorrow. Bye!” I jumped out of the car and went into my house.

Like I’d mentioned before home wasn’t ‘home’ anymore. Mom, Dad, and Carter were all home but still we were missing the one person who could always brighten everyone’s mood. Mom was cooking dinner; and from the smell of it we were eating spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Yum. Dad was in his office working on something. Then there was Carter whom out of all of us was as close to ‘normal’ as I think we could be. He was planning things and doing them too. But still he lacked the enthusiasm he had before.
We started a conversation during dinner, well Carter did and it was a topic that once was out there would be questioned. Want to hear it? Yup you guessed it. My new found friendship, with a boy, Seth.
“Mom, Dad did you know that Lee has a new friend?” Carter asked as he smirked at me from across the table. He didn’t. Ooh he is going to get it now.
“Is that so?” dad asked as he too tried to be normal again.
“yeah…”I replied.
“You should invite her over.” Mom said while she smiled one of her once famous smile which we barely saw anymore.
“Him.” Carter said as he put more spaghetti in his mouth.
“What did you say Car?” Mom asked now intrigued.
“Him over. Her new friend is a guy.”
Carter answered as he gave me his battle face. It looked like a cross between laughing and mad; it wasn’t very attractive if you ask me.
“oh.” Both mom and dad said in unison. Until then I kind of forgot that dad was sitting at the table with us.
“ Well, honey.” Mom continued, “invite him over. What is his name? Is he nice?” Oh Good God Carter look at what you started.
I glared at my brother as I spoke to my mom, “Seth. Yes, he is very nice.” Still I glared at my older brother.
“ As long as you are having a good time. We are happy.” Mom finished.
But just as soon as the conversation started it ended just as abrupt. But I still kept my gaze on Carter as I ominously stared him down.

I found Seth the next morning sitting in the front seat of his car reading a book parked in the juniors section for cars. So I tapped on the glass to make my presence known. He turned a little startled at first but got out almost immediately realizing it was me.
“Morning Hayley.” Seth replied a bit groggily.
“You were just reading a book, how can you be tired? Good Moring.” I said cheerfully.
“What are you Sherlock Holmes?” He questioned as he reached for his backpack and we walked to our classes.
“Do you want to come over to my house for dinner tonight? Since its Friday we could watch a movie or something.” I said then remember another option, “ or we can continue the quest.”
“I would. I’ll just call my mom.” I waited for him to answer the other question because frankly I thought the quest was extremely important. Well I guess it was to me since it was about my sister.
“About the quest, What do you want to do?” I asked him again.
He thought about it for a minute and then said, “Let the quest begin!” He yelled then realizing it already had said, “Again!”
Later that afternoon Seth found me and told me that it was alright for him to come over as long as he was home by eleven. I asked him what else we were going to do for eight hours. Then I chuckled and he stared at me quizzically. Of course he wouldn’t get it; we had a joke my sister, brother, and I about how we use to take these long car rides to visit family up north. They were always around eight hours long and a few years back we’d came up with joke of all the ways to annoy our parents. But as we got older the more x-rated my twin siblings made it. But the game was still fun, at least in theory since we’d lost about thirty-three percent of the game’s creator.
Seth was still looking at me weird as I stopped laughing so I just looked at him and asked, “What?” Seth just shook his head and we walked our separate ways to head to our last classes of the day.
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