You Can't Fix Me

How can your seemingly broken life become the perfect example of how not to live? My parents… they’re not the nicest people. If I wasn’t born into their family, I would never have even spoken to them. It’s not like I hate them or anything… It’s just, I can’t stand them.
We’re middle class. I like to think we have more money than most, but we have less. I tend to be single, considering how high my standards are. The boys around here make me laugh, but mostly gag. I want someone I can carry a conversation with, without him saying ‘that’s what she said’ or wanting to get in my pants. But that’s just the thing. No one wants to. I should be happy I’m not considered ‘hot’, but it makes me feel worthless.
My best friends are always there for me, even when I try pushing them away. I understand that if I keep pushing, they may never come back, but what if I don’t want them to? I sit watching them being all happy, and most of the time they don’t notice my sad face. Sometimes I show up to school crying. I have a feeling people think I do it for attention, but when I cry, I don’t want anyone to stare. I cry because of my dad. He doesn’t abuse me, thank goodness, but he constantly yells at me. It seems like his temper is all because of me, and it’s so hard to deal with it. He never yells at my two sisters, well, not nearly as much as me. When he yells, I cry. When he yells, I try not to yell back, but I do it anyway. When he yells, I feel pathetic.
I want to be a singer. I want to be an actress. I want to move to California. I want to be skinny. I want, I want, I want. But what I really need is an escape. And my parents provided that for me.

This is a lame story. Well, I think it is. Don't be too disappointed when you read it, 'cause I warned you!
[Disclaimer: I own all the characters. I own the story line. Please do not steal.]