Vengeance University

Critical Acclaim

Vengeance University is the most popular teenage school in the world. Well maybe the percentage of kids that actually go their are at it’s tops. But that is because VU isn’t for the academic. So many parents find that mistake. VU is the most talked about school. Teens dream about attending and being in the year books. Teenagers cry when one of their friends have been accepted. So many kids go into trials. Asked different questions like...

What is you favorite band?
How old were you when you first swore?
What do you think of metal music?
When was your first concert?
Who was your first concert?
Have you ever had trouble at school?

Everyone thinks that only the smart asses get in. So when it comes to the last question, so many fail in result. But that doesn’t mean everyone tells a lie. Their are very little teens out their, that actually say it proud. “Yes I got suspended, and it was great and if you don’t like it, I don’t give a fuck,” Was one of the best responses Zacky ever got.

If you were wondering who Zacky is, then maybe I should give a little explanation of him. He is the guy with the money. He is the guy with the fame. He lives in a house with an ocean view right outside Huntington Beach. Also being a cloths designer, and teacher. Zacky says he has one of the best lives possible. He gets to inspire kids while on stage. Help struggling teenagers become something their proud of. He can walk the streets and smile as a girl or guy is walking in one of his shirts. Yeah that’s right. Mr. Zacky Vengeance, the green eyed guy with the sexy smirk. But what he does out side his school is a different side. He rocks on stage, he gets wasted and has the best time of his life. Also having one of the biggest but sexiest ego’s in the whole world! So how about we take a trip into Zacky’s shoes. And let’s see what happens on a very important day...


“Okay. Welcome to Vengeance University,” I study the name on the papers in front of me. Smiling up at the adoring face, “Brooke.” She was kind of cute. A little chubby here and their but still cute. A sweet smile was spread on her face. I wonder if she is a goody-good?
“Hello Mr. Vengeance, how is your day going so far?” Brooke replied. Her smile never missing a beat to brighten my day. But not long after hearing her words, I noticed her fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

“I am very good, now let me carry this interview on,” I saw her smile fade, obviously thought I was trying to get rid of her quicker, “ What is your favorite band?” I finished off. She looked up startled. Obviously wondering why I was asking her about music. A smile spread onto her lips a little while after.

“My favorite band would have to be Avenged Sevenfold, Mr. Vengeance, I love your music a lot. Unholy Confessions has got to be one of my favorite songs in the world!” She said. You could tell and feel the vibe of excitement and adrenaline running through her veins.

“Well, that is a great way to answer the first question,” I smiled at her. I could tell she couldn’t wait for this interview to keep going, “When was the first time you ever swore?” Her startled expression returned. I guess she never expected anything like these lots of questions I was asking.

“Well err. I can’t remember exactly, but I remember being a rebel when I was seven and yeah, I think I swore when I was around five or six?” She was puzzled. She held her head on a slight lean, while rubbing her chin as if to make it help her think. “Yes I think it was about five or six.” She answered with the smile enchanting her face.

“Well you were the little rebel wern’t you?” I said and chuckled. I noticed her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink before looking down at her shoes. I chuckled again and thought to carry on, “So what do you think of metal music?” I asked. A smile lit on her face.

“I love it to pieces. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, you guys even bands like Papa Roach I am all into. I hate poppy shit, but adore rock and metal!” She exclaimed. The vibe coming off her again. I smiled at the result, nodding my head and looked down towards the papers.

“When was the first concert you went to, and who was it?” I asked. She looked at me and smiled. She had a cute smile. Her whole face seemed to make me want her all of a sudden. I just hope that their is good dirt I can get from this princess type girl.

“Well, my first concert would have to be when I was seven. My mum took me to see Motley Crue, back then I was a major fan of theirs. I would sit with my mum and sing along in the car. I loved their music a lot and from their it just buzzed into what I am today,” She finished. She looked happy at the memories. I wonder if their was more to the story. But remembering the interview was for her to join, not to who she was I carried on.

“Have you ever got in trouble at school?” The buzz completely left. And from their I could see a different side of her. It turns out she is a broken soul. Maybe coming here could help. But then in a lot of ways this may make things absolutely worst.

“Actually, I got recently expelled from school. My friend had drugs and I was always the ‘weird metal chick’ none of the teachers liked me. Told me I was a failure and whatnot. But it wasn’t until she nearly got caught. I did instead. She hid the packet into my bag. I was completely oblivious to what had happened, and the principal had me leave the school straight away saying a drugged teen wasn’t going to be allowed into the school gates. So thats why my parents decided I could some here,” She whispered the last part. Her eyes were soft, and glazed over with tears. She seemed to be so upset from what had happened. I felt very sorry for the poor girl.

Such and Innocent soul being locked away and getting kicked out. Must be a hard life she deals with in sorrow. I moved my hand across the desk and reach for hers, Taking hold of it, I let a smile dance onto my face, “I have to tell you something that may be bad or good.” I took a deep breath and looked at her. She looked frozen, as if waiting for me to tell her to fuck off. I mean could I possibly do that to a poor girl. I didn’t know. But I knew she wasn’t exactly Vengeance University material. She had slight problems I guess. For one she wasn’t all that bad. Just misunderstood. But then again most teenagers that are bad always turn up to just be breaking away, no one understanding what their going through, and oblivious to what was happening.

Zacky had to change her life. For the better or for worst.
“I don’t quite know if you will fit in here. We mainly take in boys. We have a few girls though. It’s a boarding school as well. Music is the only lesson that shall be taught. But things I must say. It’s difficult here at Vengeance University. We are a well known school. So we have to be at the best every single day.So in any case, this will be a lot more work then you think you might be doing. You get 4 tests each term, their are 4 terms in a year. One will be at the start, middle closer to the end, and then the ending test. All results having to be over 90% correct otherwise you will get sent home. A useless teenager. It is a lot to do. And for a young girl that could easily get into another high school like Ocean High, I don’t get why you came straight here. This may be the biggest choice of your life. So do you want to become a member, or not?” That was all it took for her to look at me straight in the eyes. She answered the question in a soft mummer, I couldn’t quite get what she said. ‘hell yeah?’ or ‘hell no?’ I couldn’t tell which one it was...

"What was that?" I asked her again.
Her eyes shinning with tears looked up at me....

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Also i made this story for a competition that i entered!

I hoped you enjoyed this.
I want everyone to comment one what they thought!
I loved this personal and i want to see what others thoughts.

And yeah. Hoped you enjoy it!
