Lost and Found

Just a little

I woke up next morning, my clock telling it was seven. I made my way to shower, stripped out of my boxers and turned the tap on, letting warm water run relaxing down my body. I almost forgot I had to go to school, so I got out of shower, feeling cool air hit on my wet skin. I went downstairs to make some breakfast only in my towel. Seeing that I can’t find mom nowhere she’s already in work. Man, she really meant it when she said she’ll get up early. I found some cereal and ate them, then went back to my room to find some clothes. Now I’m regreting I didn’t unpack last night, ‘cause all my clothes are still in boxes. I succeeded to find a pair of black, tight jeans, bouncing souls t-shirt and a hoodie I was wearing yesterday. I put on some eyeliner, grabbed my schoolback and headed to the school. I really don’t know how I found it so fast, but it ended up that the school building wasn’t so far away from where I live now.

It was a big one. Well, it was lots of bigger than other schools I’ve been. Building was big, white and it looked a bit like institution for me. I sighed and started walking towards the building. Kids here looked just the same as everywhere else. And they looked at me just the same way than the kids in other schools.

“Move, faggot”, I heard someone spat as I was being pushed so hard I fell on the ground. “It isn’t like there’s not enought fags like you already”, the boy who pushed me sneered looking me like I was something real disgusting. His friends laughed down to me, and as they walked away one came and kicked me in the arm. I gasped in pain, but he didn’t really kick me so that he’d broken my arm. I got up and walked straight to the building, not wanting other people to come to tell me I’m faggot, witch I’m not, you know. It’s not like being emo means you’re gay. And who the fuck ever told you I am emo anyway? Duh. On the other hand, I knew it would be like this. And I was right, it’s never different. I need to find pricipals office now, so that he’ll give me my schedule. I manged to find it in about five minutes and knocked at the door. “Come in”, someone, well principal I suppose, shouted inside the office. I opened the door and looked around. The room wasn’t really so special, it just got this wooden table with computer on it, and chairs in both sides of table. Principal to smiled me and nodded toward one of those hard chairs in front of his table. I sat down, looking at my hands. “You’re Frank Iero, I suppose”, the pricipal said, still smiling. “Yeah”, I replied, not really knowing what should I say. “Well, I’ll just give you your schedule and you should just go to your first class, Mr. Iero. I’m sure you’ll like it here”, he said shoving a paper towards me. I took it, thanked him and made my way out of the room.
Why does everyone think I’ll like this place? I just don’t fit in schools so well. I checked from my schedule what I’ll have first. Oh great, math. If there’s something more boring, tell me. I made it to class and sat in the back. I let my eyes travel around the class. My so_called_classmates were mostly those guys who had big muscles and who play football. Right that kind of guys who used to beat me up in my last school, I thought sighing. And the girls were all those cheerleader-type whores. But there were those two girls who didn’t look so bad. They were dressed kinda same way as I, the other one was pretty tall and got blond messy hair, tight blue jeans and Taking Back Sundays t-shirt [A/N: I know there wasn’t TBS when Frank was in high school but hey, it’s fictional.] The other one was about my heigh, got green, also messy hair, pair of black jeans and Nirvana’s hoodie. Both was also wearing eyeliner. Well maybe not everyone in this school suck so much, atleast there girls got some taste. I may try to talk to them later. “..... Mr. Iero, is here for first day”, I heard womans voice say my name, bringing me back to reality. Everyone turned their heads towards me, staring me like some animal. I don’t like being stared at, normally if people just stare at me (which happens really often -.-) I’ll give them a finger. You know I’m not some freaking sight. “So, today we’ll lear about.......” then I didn’t listen to anymore, I could care less what our teatcher wanted us to learn, I hate math. Well, I hate school, but math is suck a thing I’ve never been good at. Suddenly I felt something hit my head. I looked at the floor and saw a paperball. I picked and opened it, eyeing the words written in it. “Yo fag, why don’t u just go back where u come from?” I shook my head, sighing, and threw paper out of the window beside me. If I’m so awful why can’t they just leave me alone? God Frank, you’re really starting to sound like some whining five-years-old. It’s only the first day, you cannot be so negative already. Okay.

Oh great, now I’m talking to myself. I really need to get some friends.

[A/N: sorry it’s so short, but I need to go to my dad’s place now. I’m going to eat crabs(=]