Lost and Found

Look at me and don't forget

Gerard’s POV

God, isn’t that the same dude who I saw earlier? What was his name again.... Frank, right? And now he’s standing there in front of me, looking as nervous as he looked earlier, too. Well I suppose I’ll be nervous too, if someone would’ve dragged me in the middle of the group of people I don’t know. Sanna was introing us to Frank. Oh boy that kid is short. No, not Sanna, Frank. Well okay he’s like at the same heigh as Essi but she’s short too. Hahaha.
“Ohhh, I didn’t know you were coming today!” Essi said, turning to face me, smiling.

“Yeah well so didn’t I”, I told her, lowering my eyes to grass that I was sitting on. My head still really hurt. But I can’t help it, like I told you, painkillers are not helping and I’m not going to take any drugs, not just yet. Oh well, that’s what you get for being fucking drug-addict alcoholic, I think I really deserve all of this. I don’t know why it’s always like this, I go and get drunk again and then next morning I’ll always tell myself that I deserve it. It’s stupid, why don’t I just stop.

‘Cause I fucking can’t.

I suddenly get that weird feeling, you know, when you feel like someone is staring you? I lifted my gaze and noticed that kid looking at me, curiosity showing in his green eyes. He blushed in deep shade of red when he realized I was looking back at him. He turned to look at his hands ripping at his black nailpolish nervously.
“Erm.... so you’re new in here, huh?” I asked, ‘cause I really felt stupid just looking at him like that.

“er.. I-I... yeahh..” Frank answered stumbling in his words. He blushed even deeper and sighed, apparently trying to calm himself down. He lifted his gaze and looked straight in to my eyes. He got some beatiful eyes, I mean, really. They’re so bright green and adorable. His black hair was hanging on his other eye and I suddenly got the urge to brush it away. I gulped, it was so fucking warm all of a sudden. Frank started looking uncomfortable with me just staring at him so I noticed I should say something.

“Oh and... you’re fiveteen, right? Seeing that you’re at the same class as girls”, I laughed nervously nodding towards girls who were talking with the guys. Why was I so nervous? Normally I really don’t give a fuck for people. I never was one of those talkative kids, but it’s not like I usually get nervous when I’m talking to others. Well duh, usually I’m drunk, so ofcourse I’m not nervous. But that wasn’t the point.

“Well I’ll be next halloween.... how about you?” Frank said. He didn’t look so nervous anymore, not so much. Sure he still is nervous. He’s in the middle of the whole fucking strange people.

“16”, I replied, smiling. He smiled back looking a bit unsure, like it wasn’t too often that he smiled. But still that smile made me smile even wider...

[A/N: yes I know it’s fucking short and shitty and all but I won’t be home at the weekend and I wanted to post you something. Sorry, I promise I’ll write more when I have more time again(:]