Lost and Found


Gerard’s POV

“N-no, it’s okay, I was g-going anyway...”

I watched as Frank get up from the floor. I watched as he slowly made his way to the frontdoor, flinching slightly with every tiny step he took. I watched as he left the door open and carried on along our drive way. Then I didn’t see him anymore.

Mikey stared at me angrily and went to shut the door. When he came back, he still looked fucking agry.

“What the FUCK was that all about?” he asked, glaring at me like I was some dog who had just destroyed his favorite socks.

“What was?” I asked, stupidly. I couldn’t look at his face, he sure looked agry. What did I don? It was Frank who was sleeping on our couch god damnit! I did nothing wrong. And I’m not a dog and did not destroy his socks. What’s this thing with me, dogs and socks now anyway? Pffft, whatever.

“Why did you push Frank? Didn’t you see he was hurt? And now he’s alone out there in New Jerseys night! I think that you of all people should know how dangerous it is here!” Mikey shouted. He really should calm down. It wasn’t that bad, right? Yea I did nothing. And he was making my starting heartache only worse. I was at this guys house. He’s one of my ‘friends’. His parents weren’t home so there were party! I like parties. And I like llamas. Llamas are good. Dunno where that came from. I laughed slighly, now becoming to think how it would be like if I were a llama. Then I could destroy Mikeys socks. I could chew them. Now I so wouldn’t. They must smell so bad.

“Are you even listening to me?” Mikey sighed, starting to sound desperate. He was funny when he sounded like that.

“Mikey you should get a girlfriend”, I laughed. Mikey threw his hands in the air, screaming angrily. They landed on top of his head and he ruffled his hair, making them stood up weirdly.

“There’s no point in talking to you. You won’t remember anything in the morning anyway”, he spat, walking out of livingroom into his room, I think. What the hell was his problem?


Bad, bad, bad headache. Because of hangover. Again. Again another hangover. It has been few days since last time, I think it’s my new record. Are you proud of me now, huh?

I guess you’re not. Yeah. I’m not, either.

And now I really need to puke.

few minutes later:

I climbed up from the bathroom floor, shakily, wiping my mouth into my sleeve. I was still wearing the same hoodie that I was wearing last night at the party. Thinking about that now I pulled it over my head and tossed it into basket where the other laundry were. I wandered back into my basement room, grapping half-clean hoodie from the floor and pulling it on me. I made my way upstairs to make some coffee, and I was slightly suprised to found Mikey sitting there, staring out of the kichen window. He didn’t normally get up so early when it was Saturday, and it was just nine o’clock.

“Morning, littlebro”, I grinned, walking straight to the coffeemaker, seeing there already were some fresh coffee for me. I smiled at that, Mikey was so considerate. He turned his face towards me, looking tired as hell, like he hadn’t slept too much last night. Seeing him like that made my smile fade.

“Hi, Gee...”, he mumbled, turning back to face the window. What was wrong with him? He looked almost... almost miserable?

“Are you okay Mikes? You seem to be tired”, I said, gently. He sighed and turned his gaze towards me again, studying my face as if he was searching something.

“You don’t remember anything from last night, do you?” he sighed. To tell you the truth, I didn’t. I couldn’t remember a thing about me coming back to home, last thing I remember I was drinking and playing poker with some random guys at the party.

“What do you mean?” I asked hesitately, trying to read his mind through his eyes but they weren’t giving my anything. I never really was that good in reading people’s minds, anyway. Oh wait, I was once. It was back then when we were just kids, me and Mikey. We were so close back then. Before I grow up. Before I started drinking. Before I messed up my life along with my mind. Back then, I really was able to read his mind. It was the kind of thing that brothers can do. I just think I’ve lost it.

“Nothing, I meant nothing. I just – nothing”, Mikey sighed yet again, lovering his eyes to the cup of coffee he was holding in his hands. It looked like he hadn’t really drank it at all.

“No, come on Mikes, I can tell something is wrong. Just tell me, maybe I can help”, I pleaded, touching his arm slightly. He stared at my hand for a minute before looking back at me. He opened his mouth, then shut it, then opened it again.

“I’m just worried of Frank”, he simply said, staring at me emotionless. I took my hand of of his, staring back. Frank?

“Frank? What about Frank, Mikey?” I asked, confused. I really had no idea what was he talking about.

“You don’t really, like, really really remember anything?” he asked again, still looking strainght into my eyes.

“No, I don’t. I can’t remember a thing. God damnit Mikey, spit it out already, what about Frank?”, I exclaimed, now really wanting to know what the hell was wrong. And how did Frank belong to this conversation.

Mikey sighed, still looking in my eyes and shrugled: “Frank was here last night. He was sleeping on our couch when you came, I dunno what happened then but when I came to the livingroom you were pushing Frank toward the door, and then he left.” What? Frank was here last night? Sleeping on our couch? I pushed him?

“Why was Frank here?” was the only thing that came out. Mikey looked at me almost like he was pitying me before sighing again. He seemed to be sighing a lot this morning.

“I found him laying on the ground when I was having a walk through the park. I wish you hadn’t made him leave so I would’ve had a change to ask why he looked like someone has beaten the shit out of him”, Mikey replied, now, finally taking his eyes away from mine, taking a big sip from his coffee. He screwed his face up when he noticed just how cold his coffee was.

“Frank was – beaten up?” I now said becoming more and more confused every second, “but he seems to be nice kid, why would someone want to beat him?”

Mikey looked at me in disbelief, shaking his head. “Well it didn’t seem to stop you from pushing him last night, did it? I bet it didn’t make him to feel any better, either”, he laughed slightly, drinking the rest of his coffee and standing up, while the things he had told me bagun to sunk in.

Oh my God, that kid must hate me now.

“Oh god, I’m – I’m sorry, Mikes”, I whispered. I was suprised he actually heard me ‘cause he was now on his way out of the room. Anyway he did hear me, turning to look at me once more.

“I’m not the one you should be apolosiging from.”