Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me


You’ve got to have more self assurance.

That’s what I’ve always heard. From everyone. My mom, dad, sister, even my preacher. I know right? It’s quite annoying to hear that on every occasion. And I don’t know what they’re talking about; I have self assurance. Just because I don’t walk with a stick up my rear end like Valerie, my runway model sister, doesn’t mean I doubt myself. I’m just modest. My favorite things to do are read or just sit some where quiet. The sunlight is my favorite. Is that so wrong? That I find more of a friend in my baby beagle than in my sister?

“Juliet!” I heard my mom call me and sighing, I grabbed the dog of eight weeks in my palm and went to see what she wanted.

“What are you up to?” She asked me, looking at the magazine on the counter.

“Sitting outside.” I shrugged because it was really all I was doing.

“Well, I need you to do a store run really quick, Babe. I made a list and here’s the money. You can get yourself a book if you’d like.” She sent a warm smile my way and I returned it with my own.

“Kay. Could you put Milo back?” I asked her. After hesitating a moment, she took the puppy and headed for the garage.

I grabbed the list and the money before slipping on my shoes and getting in my car to go to Wal-Mart since I liked it best. After getting my mom’s things I went to see if they had any good looking books. Hmm. I haven’t gotten the chance to read Miley Cyrus’ book and heard it was good. I felt somewhat silly getting it, having it predetermined as a book that wasn’t exactly up to par with my favorites. Figuring I could only gain something, I grabbed that and one called The Other Daughter before checking out.

As usual I scanned the covers of the magazine before I got to one and laughed to myself. The Jonas Brothers. On the cover of a housekeeping magazine. Seriously? That’s crazy. There are musicians, not house maids. But Denise Jonas looked beautiful as ever. I always thought her and my mom would hit it off.


I walked into the house to hear Valerie on the phone practically screeching. ‘I know!’ and ‘It’s beyond awesome!’ could be heard repeatedly. I kicked off my converse and walked into the kitchen to give my mother her things.

“What’s Valerie so excited about?” I asked her, grabbing my books. That question got a big smile to appear on my mom’s pretty face.

“Your sister just attracted the best audience yet.” My mom announced to me. I waited for her to continue, silently nodding.

“Denise Jonas went to the last Runway show and just happened to have the seat next to me. We talked a bit, but when she saw Val she asked me who she was and I told her that was my daughter. She wants to get together sometime! Isn’t that great, Julie?”

How ironic life truly is, was my first thought, but I realized how happy my mom was. This wasn’t my idea of great news, but I would fake it for my mother. She may not have been a character match for me but I’d do anything to make her smile. “It’s amazing, Mama. I’m happy that you guys got the opportunity. I’m sure it’ll do big things for Valerie.”

“But that’s not the best part. She wants to come for dinner tomorrow night! With her family!” She shrieked and I chuckled, thinking how much of a teen she was. But then I got a little queasy. That means I’ll have the Jonas Brothers themselves in my house. And that was nerve wracking. I’m not the most outgoing person so the thought wasn’t very fun to think of. I felt the corners of my smile twitch but I held strong for my mom’s sake.

“What does that mean?” I asked, quietly.

“Well, shopping of course! We need to get Valerie to look her absolute best! Denise Jonas has real connections because of those three cherubs she popped out.” I tried my best to give a nice smile before going upstairs into my room. I knew my mother wouldn’t exclude me from dinner tomorrow night, although I’d prefer that route. It would just be the usual thing. Valerie would be the main attraction and I’d sideline for her. It’s how it worked. No, my mom didn’t do it on purpose. But it’s sort of hard when you have a polar opposites as daughters. She tried her best to keep us with us both, to not forget my needs, but Valerie made that hard. She is veryselfish.

But what could you expect of a model? She is treated like she’s the best so she can succeed. That definitely goes to her head, no matter how good she is. We didn’t get along all the time, but I’m patient for the most part with her self centered behavior. Used to it. I guess it’s not her fault, just like it’s not my mom’s. That’s what life has dealt her.

What has life dealt me? The doormat of this life.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 884
**Trust me, they get WAY longer. I started this story almost a whole YEAR ago; I've grown. :)

yeahh. sucky first chapter; i know. but i just had the urge for this story for some reason. i dunno. it's new and i decided to go with it.
i'd like to know what people are thinking of it. =)