Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

A Day of Our Own

Thank God for California. We were finally in this state. San Franscisco right now, but that was enough for me. Apparently it was for everyone else, too.

Nick was away at a Giants game, the band where off to…well I really didn’t know. Valerie and my mother were about to leave for a go-see, Kevin and Dani are on a day out with only each other, while Ms. Denise , Mr.Jonas, and Frankie where off to sight see. Guess who that left.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come, Juliet? Won’t you be bored?” My mom asked me once more as they were leaving.

“Yes, Mommy I’ll be fine. Joe’s here, too. I’m sure we can find some sort of way to pass time while you’re gone. Go and do what you have to do.”

“Mom are you sure we shouldn’t take the both of them?” Valerie said, looking from me to Joe and back to our mom. It’s like she didn’t trust me. Oh right, she didn’t. Apparently she didn’t know how badly I wanted peace.

“Valerie-Honey, I don’t think Joe would like to sit in a room full of people on his day off. And Juliet doesn’t want to go; she never has. Let them be, Hun.” She said calmly to my sister. With a defeated sigh and a last look of anger in her eye, Valerie stalked out of the room.

“Have fun, Babies.” My mom smiled at us both, throwing in a wink also. What was that supposed to mean? Did my mom think- No, she better not. Couldn’t she sense the hostility between both her daughters?

We bid our goodbyes and as soon as they were gone, it was completely quiet. No one but me and Joe, sitting on the couch of in the hotel room, staring at the specks of dust that floated around in the sunlight.

“Boorrriiinnnggg.” Joe sang after fifteen seconds and I could only smile. “Let’s do something, Juliet.”

“Something like what?” I asked with a teasing smile, putting my elbow on the back of the couch to rest my head in my palm.

“I dunno! We’re in Frisco. The Golden Gate Bridge. Something. Hey! You know I heard this has the most gay people here.” Joe said and I stared before laughing at him. He was so…childish. The way his face went when he said gay. It was…cute.

“How about we just…stroll. Go…wherever.” I tilted my head to the side, thoughts of me and Joe skipping down one of the many hills here, laughing and eating ice cream cones.

“Sounds perfect. Let’s do it, Lovely.” He agreed and after I tucked my money in my pocket and grabbing my satchel that held my camera, we left the room, smiling already.


“Thank you.” I told Joe as I was handed a lemon snow cone.

“No problem. Thanks for being the bestest person I know.” Yeah right.

“I don’t think I’m all that.” I confessed to him modestly.

“Debate it if you want.” He shrugged with a smile, biting into his own red cone. Almost exactly like I’d thought up, we were making our way down a hill, probably a few miles from where the cab dropped us off. I didn’t want to be in the city. So we payed for him to drive until the trees were heavy and the buildings looked very old-timey. The trolley passed us and I felt a calmness of sorts.

Why? I’m going to guess it’s Joe. Only a guess. It could’ve been the easiness of the day, which Joe also was a participant in. I decided to experiment.

“Joe,” I said looking down the road before I looked at him, “Let me see your hand. Just for a moment.” He seemed confused as he stared at my face for an answer. His hand lifted up to meet mine.

I could’ve dropped it from the spark that came. I kept my gasp safe in my mouth, although my body did jump a bit, making him look at me strange. But I kept his hand in mine and felt the comfortable place. It was like I was warmed all over by him. And that was scary. Like a calm after a thunder storm, it was beautiful and so out of place.

“What’re you thinking of?” Joe asked me, still studying my face with a smile of his own.

“Hm?” I asked, looking at him.

“You were smiling.” He said, his smile growing a little.

“Honestly? You. It’s like you’re…I have no idea how to explain it. Peaceful? No, that doesn’t even cover it. It’s something deeper than a comfort.”

“Well, to make it simple right now, I’m comfortable around you right now. This,” He motioned to the snow cones, “Has something you don’t want to argue with.”

“Good.” I nodded, blushing as his smile grew more with happiness and his eyes gleamed with some emotion trying to shine through.


We didn’t realize the night sky was upon us as we sat in the family owned Italian restaurant. Our indication came from my phone.

I make them good girls go bad

“Oh” I gasped, hurrying to wipe my now greasy fingers on the linen napkin and get my phone out of my pocket.

“Hello?” I said once I got it out of my pocket, avoiding Joe as he smiled at me amusedly.

“Where the fuck are you two?” Damn. Why is she calling to ruin something fun?

“I’m not about to do this. Tell mom to call me if she’s worried.” I said and hung up. Wow, I’ve never hung up on anyone before. With a deep breath I smiled, feeling sort of proud.

“Valerie?” Joe guessed and I nodded.

“Let’s forget about it. I want to finish the rest of the time, God knows I’ll get shit for it when we get back.”

“Why?” He asked, confused.

“Well you are her boyfriend.” I told him, twirling my pasta on my fork.

“Not technically.” He said. Does he think I’m stupid? Or is he trying to get away with kissing all over her.

“So you guys just kiss and hug when it’s convenient?” I retorted, causing him to look shocked at my accusation. “Look Joe I’m not stupid. And you won’t hurt my feelings with something I already know. We’re friends, you have Valerie. I can see that and I won’t mess with it. Just don’t try and lie to me.” I don’t know why I got so worked up about it. He was just trying to make everyone happy, but with Valerie and I that was never possible. And every time it was tried, I’d get the short end of the stick.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized, not knowing what else to say.

“It’s fine. Just the way it is.” I shrugged. So much for salvaging the rest of the evening. I racked my brain for a way to get this out of the way. “You have to taste this.” I told Joe, a forkful of pasta held out.

Once he was close enough, I made it so the sauce got on his nose. A laugh came from both of us as he tried to lick it off, not able to get his tongue that far.

“Cute.” I snapped a picture while I giggled at his antics.

“Of course, I’m adorable, Juliet Monroe.”

“And that only gets you so far.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well how far does it get me tonight?” He wriggled his eyebrows and I scrunched my face ‘ew’-ing at the comment, although I thought it was sort of funny.

“ I’ll cover the cab.” With one last sip of my soda, I stood up and went to wait outside while Joe payed the bill. The warm air was bearable because of the slight wind the swept around.

“Let’s go.” Joe came out of the restaurant, stuffing his wallet back into his pocket and slinging an arm around my shoulder. I smiled at him, a true, sincerely happy smile.


When we got back to the room, Joe’s arm was no longer around me. We didn’t know what time it was, both phones going dead, not that we cared. Today was fun. A getaway after our week of stupidity and time of shows every night.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say the night ends here.” I said, patting my pockets for the card but not succeeding in finding one. “You got the key?”

“Yeah.” He slid it in and opened the door. It was the door to his room but I could go through the conjoining door.

Nick was on the floor, his eyes on the TV but not looking very interested. As soon as he realized we were back he hopped up.

“Nice, Jules. I’ve been bored out of my mind.” He said, hugging me softly.

“Sorry. We couldn’t have been gone for that long though. How long ago did you get back from the game?”

“Hours ago. You guys know it’s like ten at night, right?” He said and my eyes got wide. We left here at one.

“Really?” Joe and I asked at the same time.

“Yes! Where were you?”

“Just…out. Nothing in particular.” I shrugged, walking over to the adjoining doors.

“I think you’re sister went a little crazy earlier. I heard her scream.” Nick said and I let out a sigh, rubbing my forehead. This was expected.

“It’s fine. If I have to let her vent, can I just stay in here?” I asked and both boys agreed immediately.

“Don’t even have to ask, Jules.” Joe smiled and I nodded going into my room.

“Mom, there she is!” Valerie pointed at me, standing up from the bed. My mom was busy on her laptop, while Valerie readied to set in on me. “Where the hell were you?”

“At dinner?” I said, like it was obvious.

“All day?”

“’Course not. We were somewhere. Don’t even know where.” I shrugged, kicking off my shoes.

“Mom, do you hearher?”

“Yes, Valerie. She was out. I don’t see why you’re so worked up.” My mom looked at her.

“Because she was out with my boyfriend. All day, without even calling.” She said like my mom should be concerned, which she wasn’t. My mom was never worried about me. I was more responsible than her in her eyes. Quiet and responsible go hand in hand.

“Valerie-Honey, she’s your sister, not competition. They were the only ones free. They’re friends.” My mom told her.

“So you won’t even ask what they did?” She asked, incredulously.

“Fine, Valerie. Juliet, what did you guys do today?” I loved the way my mom smiled at me lovingly, despite my sister’s craze.

“Well we took pictures of loads of things, rode the trolley, got random things from vendors, looked around, took more pictures, ate lunch, ate dinner. I think that’s pretty much it. Mom it’s really pretty out there.”

“Sounds relaxing,” My mom laughed and I couldn’t help but pity her. She’d been working hard for everyone’s outfits for the Teen Choice and I could tell she was tired. I’d have to help her someway.

“We should find time to hang out, Mommy.” I came and hugged her, kissing her cheek. We had forgotten about Valerie and her clear fury.

“Time. When we find some, I’ll be sure to get you, Baby.” She promised, making me smile. “Why don’t you sleep in the boy’s room tonight?” She whispered in my ear and I nodded as a thank you. She was on my side tonight, and for that I was happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,947

two things:
- i said i would update Let's Get Reckless yesterday, but only got one comment so i'll hold out on the update for a little.
- don't know if you guys know or whatever but i started a sequel to my Quizilla repost 'I'm something like a player'. It's called Somewhere We Went Wrong. i think i'll enjoy doing the sequel a lot. Kyle Brooks is played by Demi Lovato. its a Nick Story!

ummm. comment?. don't know what you guys will think of this.

TWO DAYS UNTIL THE CONCERT! i get my Lines, Vines, And Trying Times Shirt tomorrow! and i got my shoes today. =) life's gooodd.

anyone check OceanUP and see the 'God HATES jonas Brothers video?
crazzyyyy. go look.

okay thats it! bye!