Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

the last night of my content

Tonight is the last show…for awhile. I could act like that was okay, but who wants that? I wouldn’t be seeing everyone until October. No more going out for ice cream with Frankie, playing guitar with Nick, or bickering with Joe.

Who knew a whole summer with people would make you love them so much…

“Don’t you look pretty.” Garbo winked my way.

“You guys practically made me.” I shrugged half heartedly.

“You cool, Chickadee?” Garbo sat beside me, his arm swinging to lie around my shoulder. I smiled, leaning into him.

“It’s over.” I said softly.

“Aw, Jewel Baby. It’s not that horrible. I didn’t know you loved us so much” He smirked. “I swear it’s not as bad as you think.”


“Promise. Now give me a kiss.” I giggled and kissed his cheek. “C’mon. Prayer Circle is going on.” He pulled me up by my hands. We went into the other room where basically everyone was. The boys, the band, Jordin, Honor Society, Wondergirls, the crew. Even in the wide room is seemed crowded.

“Come stand by me, Juliet!” Joe called to me. Valerie glared at me from where she was, quickly going over to hold Joe’s hand. I shrugged and went on the other side of him, Nicholas on my other side.

“Excited?” Nick asked me as conversation buzzed all around us.

“I’m not the superstar here.” I smirked.

“No. You’re more important than a stinkin’ superstar.”

“I’m gonna miss you, Nicholas.” I told him, dropping his hand to give him half hug and kiss since Joe wasn’t breaking hold on my other hand.

“And I’m going to miss you too.” He kissed my cheek.

“Okay, okay everyone! Please bow you heads and close your eyes.” Paul said and as soon as everyone did so, the prayer started.. I held tight to each boy’s hand, listening to Paul call blessings over us all.

“Amen.” We chorused after him. We gave a good luck to Honor Society before they ran off to go play.

“Talk to me, Julie.” Joe said, slinging his arm around me. “How ya feelin’?”

“Mmm. I don’t know. I really don’t think I want to go back home,” I said truthfully.

“I don’t want you to leave either.” He mumbled something after that that I couldn’t even begin to understand.

“What’d you say?” I asked, turning to him. He smiled, a scheming glint in his eye.

“Nothing, Lovely, okay? Just don’t be sad. Have fun with us for the last one. Promise me.”

“I’ll try.”

“Nope. Not good enough.” He took my cheeks in his hand like I was a kid and forced me to look in his eyes. “Promise me Juliet, I don’t know you middle name, Monroe.”

“Fine!” I laughed, “I promise Joseph, I doknow your middle name, Jonas. Oh, and my middle name is a secret.”

“No fair,” He pouted.

“Doesn’t matter. C’mon, let’s go find everyone.”

“Oh! We need sing song time.” Joe said excitedly.

“Noo. I don’t wanna.” I refused with a groan.

“C’mon, Juliet. You already made it tradition. You want me to get Nicholas?” He threatened, knowing Nick would guilt me into relenting.

“No. C’mon let’s go.” I walked ahead of him, picking up Nick, Kevin and we all headed to the bathroom for warm ups.

“Joe first after warm ups.” I said before he could do the same to me. With a playful glare, he stuck his tongue at me. We did the normal, routine vocal warm ups before it was our own rehearsal time.

“Since you guys insisted on doing this, I want to pick the song please.” I looked at them looking for consent.

“I don’t know why you’re still so shy. Like you need to ask us to choose the song.” Joe playfully shoved me. I blushed and shoved him back.

“Fine. I want to do ‘Fall For You’.”

“Nice.” Kevin high fived me. I found out that was his song for Danielle. Their song, which was adorable.

“Start it for us, Joe.” I nudged him with a smile. He mimicked my smile before reaching out his hand for mine, as if it was a trade. I accepted it and he hummed before starting up and singing.

He looked at me and winked before Nick took over.

I’d never admit it aloud, but I’d like to think Joe was singing to me.


“Ready?” I felt someone grab my hand. I looked to see Andrew’s blonde head and excited smile.

“For what?” I asked confused.

“It’s the last show, girl! Everyone’s going out there.” He laughed and pulled me over to the lift.

My eyes were wide with nervousness as we all piled onto the platform. Jordin Sparks came skittering on, laughing out of breath. With one look at me, she laughed some more.

“Oh my gosh. You look like a deer caught in headlights. Don’t be so nervous!” With a hug like we were best friends, she gave me another encouraging smile. Her bubbly happiness was something good that made me want to feel like she did. I smiled and tried to laugh off the nerves.

“Move it! What the hell you almost stepped on my toe. These are just bought Minolo’s honey.” Valerie strutted her way onto the lift, interrupting the excited vibe we were producing.

“Squish in!” Billy yelled so he could lift us. We did so, me clinging tightly to Jordin since she was doing the same for my cause.

“Welcome everybody back onto the stage and say hi to all the people who helped us out with putting this tour together.”

With a one, two, three, the machine moved us up, level with the guys. My bashful smile was hidden in Andrew’s shoulder until someone else tugged at my arm. I peeked a wary eye open to see Joe with an amused grin.

“C’mon, Juliet.” He took both my hands in his. He spun me around dangerously until I screamed with unsteady feet. “Cut it out, Joe!”

He listened and settled for an arm around my shoulder. We went around adding people to our little hug train. I looked around at all the smiley faces and couldn’t help my own smile. Final bows were down at we continued to party on the stage, guys in the crew spraying the foam guns. I hid behind Joe while he got sprayed mercilessly. Bad, bad idea. Because if I knew Joe Jonas well enough I would’ve already knew to run after the spray, maybe before. Because if you knew him, you would’ve seen that foam soaked hug coming from a mile away.

“Gah!” I squeaked, desperately trying to get away. His grip was merciless though and he only let go when it was time to go backstage. Everyone ambled off the lift, still hearing the wild screams the arena gave. I had goosebumps from the intensity of it.

But as soon as I realized that I’d be on a plane away from here, my stomach dropped with unease. It was so harsh my face sort of contorted at the revelation.

“I wish we had the time to reminisce right now but we have to get the girls to the airport.” Denise said, revealing what I already knew. The look on her face told me she didn’t like it neither.

I walked briskly to the boy’s dressing room, not knowing what else to do with myself. I brought my legs up to my chest and breathed so I’d calmed down. It was embarrassing to act like this, even if I was alone.

My alone time was swished away when Nick came into the room, along with my hope it would be Joe rushing in instead.

“Juliet?” He knitted his brow in concern, coming to sit next to me. I kept my eyes on the wall.

“I sort…don’t want to go.” I kept my eyes on the wall.

“None of us do. But we’ll see you soon. What’s two months when so much more is gonna be spent together?”

Two months. In two months I could cut my hair and grow it out even longer. Ms. Genevieve could die. The Nick could get a girlfriend. We could grow apart.

I shook away from my trance and gazed at my pale pink ballet flats.

“C’mon, Jules. Don’t act like this.” He rubbed my arm.

“I’m so pathetic. I feel like I little kid throwing a stupid tantrum.”

“No. It’s not like that. It shows how much you’ve grown to love us, no matter how much you didn’t want to.”

I laughed softly, along with him.

“Now, c’mon. You have a plane to catch with that splendid sister of yours.” With a tug I was up and Nicholas and I were linked by the arm. We followed the hallways until we pushed the last door open and a small night gust of air blew into us. Everyone was gathered by the van, my sister and my mom having to already have been in. They were all waiting for me.

We approached and whoever it was, Joe most likely, called a group hug in my honor. My face flushed from the tight embrace and the low air supply getting to me in the middle of the mess. When they let go I was sure my hair was all a mess, but I smiled still. I could go as far as to say I’d miss that.

They formed a sort of row I went down, hugging each person.

“When I get back to LA I expect to have a date with you, Gorgeous.” Garbo winked after we hugged, making me blush, muttering for him to cut it out.

Next was Joseph. I looked at him in his eyes, a shade or two lighter than mine.

“Gonna miss me?” I ventured.

“Hell yes.” He pulled me in for the best hug I cold ask for. With a tight squeeze and a kiss to my cheek he sighed. “I love you, Jules.” I don’t know if he heard my intake of breath. He released me and I smiled at him, red-faced and happy.

I turned to Nicholas who just took his annoyed look from Joseph to show me a look of adoration.

“Call me when you get home. No matter what.” I hugged him one last time before I waved to everyone and got into the limo. I watched as they waved while we drove away.

“God, you’re acting like we won’t see them for years” Valerie scoffed.

“Well two months is sorta a long time, Val.” I looked at her with my eyebrow quirked. Of course leaving wouldn’t mean so much to her, I shouldn’t have expected it to.

“Ha! I don’t know what about you but I won’t be seeing them for another two weeks.” She laughed.

“What?” I was confused. What was she talking about? I looked at my mom, who sighed, telling Valerie it was supposed to be a surprise,

“Well Joe being my boyfriend officially since tonight, I wouldn’t stay away from him for that long.”

Cue my heart stopping.


“He asked me out after the show.” She shrugged, like it was absolutely nothing, when in truth, it was everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,873

soooooooooo sorry i haven't updated since a day i can't remember. School kicks my butt and i was having writer's block like whooaaa.

i don't know how i feel about it. Tour is over, for now.

what's happening next?

comment, honey;;
