Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

don't speak to me

I was so absorbed in coloring Ms. Genevieve’s driveway that I only began to hear my phone’s ringing in it’s tenth term. Whoever was calling me was persistent to talk.

I listened to the song, my brain refusing to put a name to the ringtone.

And I’m free fallin’


I didn’t want to answer it. I knew it was wrong to answer it. So when my fingers itched to silence the calling, I resisted. I turned it off instead, at least until I could finish my chalk work. And after I visited with Ms. Genevieve. And after we talked.

I was mad, to say the least. I didn’t…I didn’t---Ugh.

…How could he not tell me he was with my sister?

He could’ve said that instead of telling me he loved me and hugging me so tightly. He knew he’d be asking her out and still made no move to tell me. No. Instead he gave me foam filled hugs and held my hand and sang with me.

I huffed out a long breath and continued my drawing until it was complete. I dusted off my hands and knees, finally looking up and seeing Ms. Genevieve on her porch, watching me.

“Something’s wrong with you, chéri.” She observed, her eyes wandering over my face. I walked up to where she was, trying to put on a nice smile.

“I missed you, Ms. Genevieve.” We shared a hug before she instructed me to come inside.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” She asked, putting on tea for the two of us.

“Yes.” I nodded with a smile. “ It was definitely something new. I even brought somethings back from Canada for you. And Mexico.”

“That can wait for later.” She said, “I want to know what’s troubling you, chéri.”

“It’s nothing. Just some silly thing I shouldn’t be worried about.” I shrugged, looking down.

“A boy.” She predicted with a solemn nod. “Tell.”

“He’s with Valerie.” I said in a somewhat distressed voice. “I mean I know we aren’t together but he was really nice and you’d think if we were good enough friends he’d tell me he was going to ask my sister to be with him. It’s-Its—”

“The way life works.” She finished for me, a faint smile on her lips. “ Sometimes it’s shit. “ I laughed before I looked at her hoping for an answer. She had wisps of her mahogany hair, tinged with grey around her face. Something about her gave her a natural beautiful look. At age seventy two, I thought Miss Genevieve was wise and beautiful.

“Don’t fret, my dear. Just because it isn’t in your favor right now doesn’t mean it will not grow better. You are a wonderful girl, mi Ch`eri. This boy is confused. Tell me about him.”

“His name is Joseph. He’s really immature and really amazing at once. He loves little things, like me. Things like puppies or bubbles. He’s a big fan of Yankees and is into athletics. His favorite—”

“You are fond of him.” She concluded.

“I-I.” I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

“Very fond.”

“I-.” I stopped and took a breath. “Would you like me to make you dinner, Miss Genevieve?”


Eight missed calls.

Garbo, Nick, Danielle, and Joe.

You shouldn’t call your girlfriend’s sister. Especially if you kissed the said sister, or at least tried to,my mind said.

I decided I’d call Nick. When we got home four days ago I didn’t want to know. I probably wouldn’t do it either if I hadn’t already spent the day with Miss Genevieve. But she lifted my spirits for now.

I showered, braided down my hair, fed Milo, repainted my toenails with a turquoise color, and did everything else I could before I stared at my phone. And, as if it were magic, it began ringing. I waited ten seconds before reaching and pressing talk. I breathed in and out before talking.

“Hi.” Is the first thing to come out of my mouth.

“God, Jules! Nice way to completely leave me in the dark! ” Nick said, exasperated.
“I could say the same to you.” I said so softly I barely heard.


“N-nothing. Gosh, it doesn’t matter.” I couldn’t bring myself to ask him why he didn’t tell me. But it did make it harder to talk.

“What’s the matter, Jules?”

“Nothing, Nick. What were you calling about?”

“Just to see if would actually answer anyone’s calls.”

“Well, I was busy. Haven’t really been using my phone.”

“So what have you been doing?”

“Nothing. Unpacking,.” I was finding it more than hard to talk to him; knowing he was keeping something from me, something he knewwould affect me no matter what. Something that would make or break me. That wasn’t a best friend.

“Wow, Jules. You’d think tour would fix you into fast pace. Well, we’ve been here and it really is fun and…” Nick began to tell me all the fun they’d managed to pack into these four days. I heard bits and pieces as I tried to get the lump in my throat to go away. “Oh and you wouldn’t believe- “

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I cut him off, my voice wavering slightly, making me regulate my breathing. I was probably as shocked as he was at my words. Straightforward wasn’t something I considered myself. But here I was, basically demanding to know why Nicholas never told me.

“Juliet I don’t know what—”

“Don’t okay? I want to know why you didn’t tell me.”

“Is this about—”

“Yes! Can you just answer my question?”

“Juliet,” he sighed, “I didn’t know how to say it. I knew it was wrong and I couldn’t have been more pissed off about it if I tried. No one knows why he did it but it’s done and I don’t—I leave it alone because I can’t do anything.”

“He should just leave me alone.”


“I said he should leave me alone. As in don’t call my phone four times or text me that he misses me.”

“Julie don’t be like that.” I could hear the plead in his voice.

“She’s my sister. It may not seem like it, but I wouldn’t do that. To anyone.”

“Calm down, Jules.”

“I can’t if we keep talking about it! I’m sorry but this conversation isn’t helping. It’ll be best if we just don’t talk for awhile.”

“Juliet,” His voice sounded nervous. “Um, maybe we should talk this out before-“

“I don’t want to. Just leave me be, Nicholas.”

“Seriously I think-“

“Please. Goodbye, Nick.” I hung up, roughly running my hand over my face. I desperately needed something to occupy my time. So I got up, undressing to put on a pair of navy blue cotton shorts, a grey tank top and ankle socks. As a last minute decision I put a bandana around my hair, just for the fun of it. I got a clothes basket to wash a load of clothes, filled it, and walked downstairs. Before going out to the garage I turned on the stereo. When I came back inside I put on my i-Pod to my playlist just for cleaning up. Keri Hilson’s ‘Energy’ came on and I started with the kitchen, singing the words softly.

“Seriously, Juliet? I—Oh,” Valerie said. “You’re cleaning up and that just changes everything. Could you shampoo my floor?” She asked casually.

“What---No! Val, I don’t know how to shampoo floors. I’ll clean up your room though. Do you need anything else?” I think she was surprised by me asking, and she probably should be. I had been getting pretty bold with her while we were on tour and now she was seeing me offer to clean. I didn’t want to fight with my sister anymore. So I could use this as a truce.

“Um. Well I have clothes that need to be taken to the cleaner’s.” She shrugged.

“Okay. I’ll make sure I do that.”

“Thanks.” She said, trying not to sound too nice since she actually smiled.

“Hey, Val? Do you know where mom is?”

“Nope. But we’re having people over tonight.” She answered from the stairs before going all the way up.

I thought about what she said and how our cooks were off today. I felt ridiculous to have people cook for me in my own house but my mom insisted it was a sign of superiority. Well I wasn’t fond of feeling superior when I know I’m not. I didn’t like people making me seem so perfect, because I’m nothing close. . I’m simple. I’m just Juliet.

Plain, quiet, Juliet.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,451

so what's up?

i feel like i'm not stuck anymore. you guys tell me how you like the updates, please. it means alot. when there's not much feedback you don't really know if people are still interested.

