Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

and back again.

Music: Jonas Brothers, Nick Jonas&The Administration, Chris Brown, Mayday Parade, Trey Songz, All Time Low, Chris Garneau, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Young Money, Drake, Lil Wayne, El Debarge, Michael Jackson, Metro Station, Cobra Starship, Say Anything, Maria Mena, This Providence, 3OH!3, Rooney, Safety Suit. Travis McCoy, John Mayer, Pretty Reckless, Bon Jovi, Prince.

“Can’t I just stay home a while longer, Mom?” is what I asked my mother the day before we were set to leave. She asked why and I said I wanted a little more alone time before life was swarmed with strangers again. I was grateful she accepted my request and left me to myself.

For my two weeks alone, I visited the beach constantly. I sat in a college class of an old friend of mine. I painted, created, and drew so many things I didn’t know what to do. So today was the day I went back. And I was as far as the Toronto Airport before I got a headache. I didn’t want to be here is how I felt. I wasn’t thinking about everyone I’d grown to love or the pretty scenary; I was thinking about Joe and Valerie.

With the help of a fourteen year old boy, I managed to get myself and my luggage outside the automatic doors of the airport. I tipped the boy a five dollar bill and he smiled gratefully, going back inside with his family.

I had no idea who was picking me up but I wasn’t too much into caring. Just as I was taking out my i-Pod, I heard my name being called.

And there was Nick, seated in a shiny black car. From the sticker on the window, I’m guessing they’d rented it. He parked by the curb and quickly hopped out to help me load in everything before we got in trouble in the NO PARKING zone.

I didn’t speak to him once we were inside since our last conversation was ended on bad terms. Instead, I listened to my music and watched the scene from the highway as we rode it. I heard Nick tell me my mom was busy. I still didn’t answer.

We got to the Four Seasons which is where they were staying here in Canada. The bellboys came and got my bags and led us up to the room I’d be in.

“We sort of have the whole seventh floor to ourselves,” Nick said in the elevator. I simply nodded before I thought of something.

“Do we have to share rooms?”

“Um, well yeah. You can choose whoever.”

“Where’s Greg?”

“1403.” He told me just as the doors opened. I steeped out and went tot the room number he’d just given me, putting on the best smile I could muster. Seconds later the door opened to reveal the plaid clad bassist I’d grown to love.

“Gregory!” I hugged him, genuinely happy now. He lifted me up and kissed my cheek repeatedly.

“Jewel Baby!”

When we released I was feeling better than I started out. This is what I had come back for.

“Can I room with you?” I asked, hopeful.

“Duh. I was saving a spot for you, Pretty.” I blushed and hugged him again. Then I remembered Nick. I wasn’t ready to quite forgive him now. Maybe after more time with Greg.

“Do you know which one my mom is in?”

“Yeah…” He said quietly. “Two doors to your left. I’m next door.”

“I’ll…come see you later.” I said before he went into his own room and we rolled my bags into Garbo’s room.


My mood was bright and I was feeling good. I changed from jeans to a dress while Garbo and I watched Chelsea Lately. I really didn’t like her so I dedicated my time to bothering him.

“Why don’t you go bother Nick?” he laughed, swatting my hand away from his ear which I was bothering.

“That’s actually not a bad idea,” I agreed. “See you later,” I kissed his cheek and walked barefoot to the next room. I noticed how much colder the hallway was than the room. Shrugging my hands into the sweater, I knocked. There was slightly muffled noises before the door was opened by Nicholas.

“Wanna’ talk?”

“I don’t know. Do you want to talk to me now, Juliet?” He retorted, visibly upset with me.

“Actually,” I said walking past him into the room, “I do.” I sat myself on the ground, legs crossed and staring at Nick.

He looked surprised as he sat on his bed and stared back.

“I’m sorry.” We both said at the same time. I smiled and he laughed lightly, shaking his head.

“I shouldn’t have been so mad at you. I was just shocked by it, I guess. I mean I knew they were -whatever they were- but him actually making it official. Asking her if she would be with him makes it undeniable.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve stayed with Demi mostly in the free time because she’s always in his room doing God knows what.” He saw my face change and tried to make it better by changing the subject abruptly. “Jules, I have to take you to see this place about thirty minutes away. It’s really nice.”

“I saw on OceanUP. Maybe when you get some time we can go somewhere” I told him, standing up to sit next to him. It startled me when the door was opened. I watched the hallway and saw my mom appear with Garbo at her side

“Hey mommy.” I greeted her with a hug.

“Hey, Babygirl. You keeping my baby company?” She referred to Nick.

“Nick take cares of me more than I do for him.” I reasoned, sitting back at his side. Garbo sat next to me and we all smiled.

“That’s the cutest” she says at our close proximity. “Rob has been wanting to take some personal pictures. We’ll do that tomorrow. Juliet, would you help your mother out tomorrow? I have to go through the movie outfits and its way longer than it seems.”

“Of course.” I said with no hesitation. I’d do anything to help my mom.

“Have you talked to Joe yet?” She asked me.

“Nope.” I answered squarely.

“Want me to get him?” She jerked her thumb, taking a few steps backwards.

“Nope.” I repeat and she looked at me like I was going to take back my words, or word. I wasn’t going to, though. Talking to Joe can wait. I’m sure he’s busy with his girlfriend anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,041
Oh Man. Editing this I feel dumb. I was speaking in present tense and then in past. Yeah, whoever reported me; you can thank them if you're someone reading this right now. They saved you from my stupidity, still pissing me off though. :)
<- 7/9

ohhhh Lord.
i'm horrible and can't really think right now.
hate me, it's totally fine.

true confessions of mine: i want my ex-boyfriend back so bad it hurts.
if i can't have my ex, i want the boy with the smiles in my Spanish class. he makes you want to smile just because.

my life suckksss.