Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

Welcome To The Show, I'm The Main Attraction

“Girls, please remember the manners and everything I’ve been telling you for the past forty-eight hours. It’s important that we don’t screw this up. Juliet, could you go in the kitchen and make sure the servers have it made precisely?” My mother asked of me and I obediently nodded, going around Valerie to click-clack my way into the kitchen.

“Is everything prepared?” I asked Minora, the head chef. She nodded in a curt fashion. I scanned the counter seeing the appetizers, fruit trays, wines, Sparkling Cider, Main course, and desserts lining it.

“Wonderful. They should be here shortly. Oh! Mario, could you check the fruit just one more time and make a little more dip for the strawberries. They have a nine year old.” I requested sweetly, satisfied when he nodded, complying in Italian.

He game me a wink and I smiled in return, going back up to my room. I didn’t like to have the high heels on when it wasn’t necessary, so I took them off and flopped onto my bed, opening up my lap top and signing onto aim.


tellMeWHAT:you rang, lovely?

midlyfree:I have to host tonight. =(

tellMeWHAT: ohhh poor baby. for who? one of your she-bitch sister’s friends?

mildyfree: no not like when you came. it’s someone else.

I didn’t want to tell Kara that the Jonas Family would be in my home today. She’d freak. I tried to keep things like celebrity business away from the only remote friendship I had. I’m sure you’d know how hard it was if your mother was a manager. Or…maybe a designer? Well, she helped with celebrity events. She designed clothes for them on appearances and things. But this time she was set on becoming the boy’s official designer while they did a world tour. What a better way to promote her clothing than to have three rockstars wear her work around the globe?

tellMeWhat: well I got to jet, J. text you later. <3

tellMeWhat has signed off

I heard the doorbell distinctly and with a soft sigh, I put my heels back on and carefully stepped down the stairs to meet Valerie at the bottom.

“Please don’t ruin this, Juliet.” Valerie said, more like a demand than a plead.

“I know how to act, Val.” I responded quietly, putting my smile in place.

“Yeah, just don’t fuck it up. And back me all night” Her harsh whisper reached my ears. I ignored it and continued with my fake look of cheeriness.

“Ready girls?” My mom clicked her way into the hallway and stood in front of the door, her hand on the knob.

“Yes ma’am.” We answered. The usual three deep breaths were taken before the door was opened and the faces of the Jonas family were revealed to us. Our smiles were bright just like we’ve been taught all these years for important people. People who could be potential rockets for my mother’s career. We were pawns in this transaction.

“Hello, Denise” My mom hugged them women and the exchanged smiles while her and her family walked into the house.

“Oh my gosh, Renee your daughters are both gorgeous young women.” She greeted us with kissed on the cheeks. Valerie’s outfit out did mine of course. I had a simple peach dress and a few accessories. My makeup was basic and my hair was straightened flat. I preferred my hair curled more, but of course, Valerie had to be the star. Her ensamble was like a Miley Cyrus get up. She was truly a complete model in every way, even in our own home. Again, I was just a stupid duck game at the Carnival. She was the Ferris Wheel.

“We haven’t gotten the chance to formerly meet.” She said to Valerie, taking her hand delicately and smiling beautifully. She looked so youthful for a women her age; it was magnificent to me.

“I’m Valerie, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Jonas.” They did the kiss-kiss thing before she turned to me.

“Do you model also, Honey?” She asked, taking my hand. I shook my head modestly and gave a shy smile.

“Well, you are a beautiful young lady. What’s your name?”


“Pretty, Honey.” How nice she was made me blush. “Well I’d like to meet my sons. Boys introduce yourselves.”

One by one, they came and shook our hands telling us their name. I was glad the sweat didn’t break out on my palms because I was madly nervous. The way they smiled made me blush a shade deeper each time and I silently cursed myself.

“Hey, I’m Joe.” He, I guess trying to act all suave, kissed Valerie’s hand.

“Valerie.” She giggled, winking at him. I excused myself before I had the chance to embarrass myself and have him pull the same thing with me, although I doubted I’d get the same attention.


Dinner. It went smoother than anyone could’ve expected. The boys ate heartily and told some jokes. Valerie laughed at each one, touching Joe’s arm since he was next to her. I was sitting beside Nick, across the table from Miss Flirty Pants and her prey. When mother started getting into business I took it as the cue to leave the table.

“We have Guitar Hero and a few other video games upstairs.” I told them in my soft spoken voice. How convenient that the background sister even had the voice for it. Soft and ever silent most days.

All four boys jumped at the invitation. ‘Follow me’ I told them and we excused ourselves and went up the stairs. Valerie sort of bumped me out of the way to lead once we got upstairs.

“Do you guys play a lot?” She asked. Her voice bubbly and even flirtatious. I was too busy setting up the game I didn’t bother with their conversation. Not until someone’s touched my shoulder. As a reflex I jumped some, falling on my butt.

“Are you okay?” Joe giggled like an immature at my fright. I breathed a shaky sigh, clearly flustered.

“Don’t bust your butt, Juliet.” Valerie laughed and I scolded myself silently.

“Yeah. Here.” I passed him the guitar and brushed myself off as I stood. Goddamn my paranoia. For the rest of the evening I engrossed myself in playing with the youngest one’s Webkinz, ignoring their loud cheers and hoots of laughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word count: 1065

hi. =)