Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

New Beginnings

To keep a silence is the hardest thing when it’s one between Joe and I. We weren’t strangers or angry lovers. No, just two people stuck in a one sided resentment. I drove quietly through the streets of Toronto, careful not to misread the mapquested directions even one letter off. Any other day, I wouldn’t mind getting lost in someplace new. But I wasn’t alone, or with someone I was happy with.

Joe tried at conversation, each attempt lamer and lamer in enthusiasm. My answers were dull, blank, and dejected, like the faded road we were riding on.

I sighed as he touched the radio for the fifth time, this station by far the worst. If the music wasn’t horrible, the constant static makes my eye twitch. I reach my finger to turn the crap off.

“Please, just sit and don’t touch that anymore.” I subtly plead, not looking at him.

“Well, Julie,” I cringed and he noticed “I—What is wrong with you?”

“I’m fine.” I snapped, harsher than I meant to, but I didn’t apologize like all the other times.

“Juliet, you didn’t even tell me, let alone come see me when you get here. I haven’t seen you for weeks and all I get is a wave? Jules, I thought we were better than that. I mean I—”

I stopped the car in the parking lot of my mom’s Toronto office, ignoring Joe. “We’re here.”

I walked in, folders in my hand, and directed myself to the petite woman probably a few years older than me. Of course, she was dressed to kill in her pale pink dress and crème blazer. This was a fashion agency after all.

“I’m here to see the costume designs for the Runway special on the 31rst.” I told her, looking unaffected but firm.

“And who would you be?” She asked with a thin, raised eyebrow.

“Juliet Monroe, Renee Monroe’s assistant.” I answered her. “Now, can you point me to the room?” I asked with polite sweetness which was anything but sweet. Being my mom’s assistant caused me to act out of character sometimes, but hey, I was just playing the role.

“Studio A45.” She said somewhat vehement. “He’s going in too?” I turned and saw Joe. I internally sighed, not wanting to cause a scene, and nodded.

“You could’ve stayed in the car” I muttered, getting into the elevator.

“Nope. I figure if I stay with you, you’ll be nice to me again.”

“To be honest, I’d rather not have anything to do with you right now.” I knew it sounded harsh, but how else could I get him to leave me alone?

“Well that’s too bad. I want a lot to do with you.” Apparently, that wasn’t the right approach. His hand found mine and I looked into his eyes.

“Cut. It. Out.” I said slowly through clenched teeth, pulling away. “Joe, you---you can’t do this!”

“What, Juliet? What am I doing that is so bad? That makes you so madat ,e” He asked, getting angry which just made me even more furious.

“Oh! So you think it’s cool to just not tell me you asked out my sister, perfectly fine not to tell me but continue to flirt with me and then just in general not give a fuck?” I asked harshly. The look he gave me told me he was shocked. Shocked that I was so up front about it.

“Juliet I—did you just say fuck?”

“I’m done talking to you.” I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. The little bell signaled the doors were opening and as soon as they did, I was outside of them, looking for Studio A45.

That is how the rest of the day went, pretty much. I was on edge every time he spoke and yelled at him after we left the realtor’s office, our last stop.

“How was it?” Nick asked once I walked into his room, sighing. I answered with a huffing growl of sorts and flung myself onto the cold sheets of the hotel bed.

“I’ve never been so upset with a person in my whole life.” I said almost unbelievingly as I lifted my head from the bed for only a moment.

“And that is Joe Jonas for you.” He chuckled. I lay face down again, trying to let this horrible day pass.

“I thought you guys were best friends, Jules?”

“Best friends tell each other the person they’re dating. Especially when they’re related to said person. It’s common knowledge.”

“No one’s perfect,” He tried, but honestly I wasn’t having it. No bullshit excuse was good enough for Joe’s offense.

“You don’t have to be perfect to be considerate. I mean, when Joe told me he liked me, you didn’t see me dating anyone else.”

“You could’ve.”

“But I didn’t because I knew how he felt.”

“What if Joe doesn’t know how you feel?”

“Well he—What do you mean how I feel?” I lifted my face to see Nick’s. He was looking at me with a coy smile playing on his lips.

“Well, don’t you like Joe?”

“No.” I answered, surprised he’d even ask.


“No, Nicholas. I love Joe, but I do not like him.”

“Whatever you say, Juliet.” He rolled his eyes and got off the bed. “In other news, everyone is expected at dinner in an hour at Outback. You wanna’ go?”

“Sure. I could use some good steak and potatoes.” I sighed.


“I feel so comfortable.” I smiled as we were seated.

“You look comfortable.” Nick smiled. He suggested I just dress down since he was almost positive some of the cast would wear pajamas. So I had on a UCLA pullover hoodie, a pair of jeans and a pair of brown suede boots.

I sat in the middle of Nick and Demi. I couldn’t really believe someone could be so happy. Or let me say that they could show how happy they were. I was probably feeling something like the comfort she was, but I wore a smile while she busted a rap. You couldn’t help but love her and her personality.

“So, Joseph. Where’s that girlfriend of yours?” She asked him while I was buttering a piece of the bread I lived for.

“Val doesn’t really eat at places like this.”

“Like food places?” Demi asked, confused, and we all laughed.

“I don’t know” He scratched the back of his neck, “Places like The Violet Turtle and crap.”

“What the heck could you eat at a Turtle place?!” Again, we laughed at Demi.

“Val doesn’t really eat meat or potatoes not too much bread and no saucy foods at all. Fast food is a no go.” I answered since Joe was obviously not feeding Demi’s questions. “It’s easier to say she eats leaves and water.”

She looked at me and smiled. “You guys are friends?”

“No, no.” Nick answered for me with a smile I didn’t understand. “She’s her sister.”

I’ve never seen someone so surprised in my life.

“Lie.” She stated, shaking her head. “No, that’s a lie.”

“Why?” Joe asked quickly, sneaking a glance at me.

“Because, Dude, I’ve seen the way Joe’s girlfriend acts. This girl next to me is like…so nice! Joe, you’re girl is a real— ”

“You aretalking about her sister Demi” Chloe said and Demi’s eyes went wide.

“Sorry! I’m sorry!” She hugged me. I laughed, patting her shoulder

“No, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before. But there must be some good in that sister of mine. I mean, Joeobviously sees something everyone else doesn’t.” I couldn’t help it if I tried. I know it wasn’t nice to mix him in there but I truly couldn’t resist. When he looked at me I couldn’t keep his gaze for more than two seconds.

“Wonder what that is...” Demi muttered and we all got quiet, not knowing how to come back from that.

“Did you know an ostrich’s eyes are bigger than his brain?” I said, immediately feeling stupid. If myself wasn’t enough, the look Nick gave me was. We both started to laugh, causing everyone else to.

“Nice save.” He whispered and I nodded, listening as Demi began the story of her and Joe in the lifeboat.

“Where in the heck is our waiter at?” Someone asked after eight minutes of us sitting.

“I’ll check.” I offered, getting up and climbing over Nick. It could be only construed as coincidence that the waiter bumped right into me, almost knocking me down. But luckily, he caught me and saved me from a face full of food.

Immediately he began to rattle off apologies until shock wore off and I began to giggle.

“It’s fine.” I assured him.

“Are you sure?” His bright blue eyes, the prettiest color I’d seen yet, searched my face.

“Of course. My fault.”

“I’m Julian.” He offered once I was upright.

“Juliet.” I smiled. When he smiled I couldn’t help but think, how’s this for a new beginning?
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,508


but i think they'll get better.
screath that. they will get better

comment for the long awaited?