Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

Words Between Us

Julian. Julian McHathern.

That was him. And was he everhandsome.

It was a week since I saw him at Outback. I had his number and he had mine. Well, hadhis number. Somehow it had miraculouslybeen erasedfrom my phone. And I didn’t want to point blame, but I suspect Joe would know how. Scratch that, I knewhe did, no matter how much he feigned innocence.

The way he stared at me for the rest of that night, and how he had acted like it was absolutely out of the question for Julian to ask for my number told me as much. Who did he think he was? He had no say in my life; not if I didn’t have any say in his.

“We’re leaving in a few weeks.” Nick said to me one night.

“Going to South America” You could hear the smile in my voice as I thought about what was next to come.

“Excited?” He smiled, already knowing the answer.

“Yes.” I laughed, “One wish I have in life is to travel as many places as I can.”

“Glad we can give that to you, Jules.” He hugged me. I hugged back but released when there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” I told him. The other day this girl, how she made it that far I don’t know, had knocked on Joe’s door. She went crazy when he opened it up in his pajamas. I kind of felt bad for how security took her out like she was a mental patient. Now Nicholas was scared. It was sort of funny, even if I understood the precaution.

It wasn’t crazy fans this time. No, Joe Jonas was standing in front of me. His hands were in his jean pockets and his head was down. He looked up once the door opened.

“Hey, Juliet. Do you wanna—Do you think we could talk?” He asked. I could have been wrong about the nervousness I suspected in his voice. I slowly let out the breath I was holding, mumbling a ‘mhm’ and going to slip on my black Converse and a sweatshirt.

I saw Nick mouth something to me. I let my lips form the words ‘I’ll be back’ before I closed the door. We took the elevator and walked outside. Of course, the committed girls were outside in the cold.

About fifteen of them were outside. They screamed Joe’s name and took pictures. I was frightened by them, as embarrassing as that sounds. I knew they would love to be as close as I was this moment; they were standing outside in sixty degree weather just for a glimpse of the boys.

“I’ll get you guys when I come back!” He called to them, smiling politely. He put his hand on my back, softly urging me to go the other way. I stopped and turned around to one of the guards making sure the girls weren’t getting into the hotel, pulling three ten dollar bills from my pocket.

“Can you use this to get the some hot chocolate or something? Please? I know they’re cold. You too. You all look freezing.” I smiled at him and kept my tone soft. I didn’t want it to seem like a demand.

“Of course, Sweetheart. Are you sure?”

“Positive. You can keep whatever is left.”

“I couldn’t-“

“Yes, you can. Just a small gesture to say thank you.”

He laughed, giving up in arguing. “Thank you, Miss.”

“You’re welcome. And thank you also. Enjoy.” I smiled once more before joining Joe.

“What did you do?” He asked as we began to walk down the dark street.

“I asked if he could buy something to warm them up. It’s so cold out here.”


“Yes. After standing out here just to get a glimpse of one of you guys, I think they deserve it.”

“Wow.” He shook his head, smiling. For some reason, I blushed.


“You’re a great person, Juliet.” He looked me in my eyes and I turned away blushing more, glad the street lamps weren’t bright enough to show my face.

It was probably another ten minutes before either one of us said something.

“I wanted to talk to you. Or at least just get a chance to be alone with you. I don’t like the distance.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. I kept my gaze on my feet, occasionally looking across the street.

“Juliet….Whatever I did to hurt you I’m sorry. You’re one of the most amazing people I know and wouldn’t want you mad at me.”

“You didn’t hurt m—” He stopped walking and took my hand in his, making me look up at him.

“I can tell I did. I don’t know what, but I know I hurt you in some kind of way. I never intended to and I’m sorry.” His voice was quite, like mine and his eyes were sincere. I couldn’t deny I’ve missed Joe. He was my best friend, I still wanted him to be.

“Your apology is accepted. I’m sorry for shutting you out. It was rude on my part.”

“Don’t worry about it. It all started with me.” After sharing a smile, we started up our walking again. The fact the Joe still had my hand was all I could think about. We swung them between us finding warmth in the connection.

“I also wanted to talk to you about something else.” Again, with the nervousness in his voice.

“Like what?”

“Well—” He was cut off by my ringing phone.

“Sorry.” I used my hand that wasn’t in his to pick my phone from my pocket. “Hello?”

“Is this Juliet?” A male voice asked politely.

“Yes. Who is this?”

“Um, I don’t know if you’d remember. This is Julian, from Outback?” A smile lit my face when I realized he had called.

“Of course I remember.” I laughed softly.

“Great,” He laughed, relieved, “I know it’s short notice and everything but I was wondering if you were busy right now?...”

“Of course not!” I laughed, happier this time. I dropped Joe’s hand and held it to my chin as I listened to Julian.

“Well would you like to hang out tonight? Maybe go out for a meal?”

“That sounds great. What time?”

“Whenever you’re ready I’ll come pick you up. Where are you staying?”

“The Four Seasons on Roderick.”

“Got it. I’ll see you in a little while.”

“Okay. Bye.” I hung up smiling.

“What was that about?” Joe asked, seeming uninterested.

“Julian invited me out. We should head back so I can get ready.”

“You sure?” He asked and I frowned in confusion.

“Yes. And it gives you time to talk to all those girls outside. I think we’ve been gone long enough.”

“Juliet—” He started before sighing.


“Never mind.” With those last words, we walked back to the hotel in silence. I had my date on my mind and Joe looked lost in thoughts of his own.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,175