Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

But tonight I could fall too soon.

“Juliet,” Joe spoke up, interrupting the movie that was playing. I was lying on the ground beside Julian, slowly eating a Baby Bottle Pop. “Why don’t you model?”

I looked at him incredulously, along with Valerie. Her grimace told her envy all too well. “Um. Wh-what?”

“Really? Juliet’s no model.” Valerie scoffed at the very idea of us being in the same league. She looked at Joe’s face from her position beside him, his arm, slung over her shoulder.

“She could be.” Julian shrugged. “She’s got the looks.”

“And the physique.” Garbo said and my cheeks flamed with embarrassment. What?! I know they realize how shy I am, so the blunt comments could be kept back. Nick looked like he didn’t know what to say. I didn’t blame him. Joe was trying so hard not to laugh while Valerie glared menacingly.

“Joe, shut up.” I muttered, staring intently on the embroidery of the quilt Julian and I were lying on the ground with.

“Is it my fault? I know you guys agree.” He nudged Nick and smirked at Julian.

“I’m going to go get my pajamas on.” I excused myself and damn near ran to the closet for my suitcase.

“Me, too.” Valerie said I knew something was going to happen to happen with the two of us so I hurried into the restroom. After I changed I sighed, knowing she’d be outside waiting. Oh but no, she wasn’t. She was in her bra and underwear in the bedroom. The guys couldn’t see her from where the living room area was, but she knew that all too well. I dropped my dirty clothes into hamper and went back to lay beside Nick.

“Sorry if we made you uncomfortable, Jules.” Joe kissed my cheek and chuckled. I pushed him away, my smile begging to be shown. “Ya’ look cute though. In your jammies.” His hand found its way to my hip and I froze.

“Ahhhh! A spider!” Valerie screamed from the backroom. Shit. Joe jumped up and went into the back room. I knew Val’s plan when I heard the single ‘Ohmygawd!’ leave his mouth. He walked back out, breathing sort of uneven and his hand rubbing his forehead. “Don’t ask.” He warned us all. I didn’t have to ask; I knew.

A while later Valerie walked out wearing mydamn pajamas. I only knew because she wore silk sets, while I mismatched with tank tops and boxers.

“Valerie, what are you—” I started, only for her to stop me.

“It’s hot.” She shrugged, going back to sit hugged up to Joe. I swear that girl makes my blood boil sometimes. She alwayshas to have the fucking upper hand! God, nobody wants her It Girl title!

“Aren’t those Julie’s?” Nick asked, looking at me then her.

“Well it’s okay. Right, Juliet?” She said, it wasn’t really a question which made me even madder.

“Of course.” I mumbled and turned back to the movie, violently sticking the candy back into my mouth.

“I’m sick of this movie,” Joe turned the T.V.

“Now what was that for?” I asked, annoyed.

“Let’s do something else?” Oh yeah, because there is so much to do with security outside or door.

“Something else would be…?” I looked at him expectantly and he looked back at me, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. It made my stomach churn uneasily.

“Truth or dare anyone?” Absolutely not. What the heck is he thinking? Garbo must be all sorts of horny. Oh it feels gross even saying that. But it must be true! It’s not like there’s anything completely wrong with it, since he’s only three years older than me. Truth or dare would be fine if I were born with traits like Valerie. Three hot guys wanting to play kissing games with us without adults. But I wasn’t born like her, I was the opposite so I wasn’tkeen of the idea. And I had no idea how Demi felt about this. She didn’t looklike a whore.

“Nooo thanks.” I reached for the remote but he snatched it up before I could get it.

“C’mon, Julie. Just for kicks. Nick’s playing. Demi, too” Joe said.

“I don’t want to play.” I retorted, looking him in the eye. Miiissstttaaakkkke! He got his strange little gleam that made me stop breathing as he got off the couch and got close.

“Please. It’s no fun with only two girls.” His breath was hot on my lips.

“It can’t be too bad, Juliet. C’mon” I heard Demi say, but didn’t try to look past Joe to see her.

I swallowed, “Julian?” I asked.

“I’m game.”

“F-fine!” I breathed out and moved away from him over to Julian’s side. He put his arm around my shoulder, smiling at me.

“Okay.” Joe smiled and sat back. We all gathered on the floor, well except for Valerie.

“I’ll go first. Garbo, truth or dare?” Joe asked. My stomach was a fistful of nerve wracking knots. Why did I give in? God only knows why I get weak from his gaze. Oh, God. T-t-tha-that’s not right.

“Okay. I dare you to guess Valerie’s bra size.” That made me and Nick giggle like crazy. Demi’s eyes got wide but she made a face and said nothing. Valerie simply smirked, sticking her boobs out further.

“Uhh,” He rubbed the nape of his neck, “32C?”

“Nope. I’m glad you think so highly of me though. I’m a 36B.” She smiled and cupped her boobs. Gah, my sister is a whore.

“Kay.” Garbo said quickly, turning his gaze on me. “What’ll it be, Juliet?”

“Truth.” I spoke softly, tucking a lock of hair behind my hair.

“Okay. Does Joe make you nervous?” A light noise of shock came from my partly opened mouth. Does Joemake me nervous? Yes! But why on earth would I say that?

“Yes.” I answered quickly and tried to avoid the color creeping to my cheeks. I let them have their snide little comments before I asked Nick something. He, like I knew he would, chose truth.

“How many times have you ever made out with a girl?” I would not be the only one getting embarrassed tonight. Yeah, I usually wasn’t on for making things fair when I was at disadvantage, but heck they were playing dirty tonight. Might as well play along, right?

“Five times. Same girl.”

“Would that girl happened to be Miley Cyrus?” I smirked and he returned it.

“One question only.”

“Fine.” I turned back, not before sticking my tongue at him. We both laughed a bit and the game continued. Each time I chose truth, the guys looked disappointed. But Valerie looked especially happy. She always chose dare. I knew she was hoping one of them would give her a dare with physical contact. I couldn’t say I wasn’t tired of telling the truth. So, how bad could a dare be?

“Truth, Juliet?” Garbo smirked. But this time, I shook my head in response. “No. Dare.”

I got incredulous looks all around, with the exception of Valerie’s narrowed eyes.

“Oh really?” He questioned with raised eyebrows and I nodded, feeling a tinge of boldness.

“M’kay. Well you have to kiss Joe.”

“W-h-hat?” I stuttered while Valerie screeched. Now this was my reason for choosing truth every time. I just hadto get the short end of the stick my first go!

“Kiss him. But not just any kiss. It has to be a lip lock with you on his lap. You guys have to kiss for 10 seconds. Oh! And after that you stay on his lap.”

“Um, I changed my mind. No dares for me.” I pointed my index finger and went to crawl away from Garbo. Unfortunately he grabbed me by my hips and sat me upright.

“Nope. Dare’s a dare.”

“Say’s who? Let her back out.” Valerie demanded.

“Sorry, sweetheart but it’s done. She has to do the deed.” He laughed. “Joe, sit in the chair.”

“I’m not sure Julian wants to see that. Right? I mean that’s---that’s”

“Just for fun.” He assured me. His face looked encouraging but I knew better than to think that. Why was he letting me kiss Joe? I just stared at him.

The hyper active boy jumped happily into the table chair and patted his legs as a taunt. I cannot believe I let myself get into this. “What? You scared, Juliet?” Garbo teased.

“No, I just don’t want to.” I spoke clearly, crossing my arms as I stood.

“Because it’s okay if you are. We know Joe makes you nervous.”

“Boys in general make me nervous.” I sighed, hoping he’d just give already.

“Oh, well than you could do your dare with me instead.” He reached to stroke my thigh but I skipped away and over to Joe. DuhI wouldn’t exchange for Garbo. The situation would be much worse than I thought they were already.

“I’d rather have Julian.” I muttered but Garbo caught it and looked at Joe. Why? I wouldn’t know.

I took a steady breath and climbed onto Joe’s lap, straddling him My hands rested on his shoulder, my arms against his chest. I felt his heart rate quicken and was sort of glad I wasn’t the only one. His warm hands went past my waist and stopped themselves on my bottom. A half laugh half breath left my mouth before I saw the way he looked at me.

I didn’t expect the warm sensation to come over me. It made my stomach jump, but in the best way. I bit my lip to keep from smiling. I knew I’d be nervous but to completely feel fine with kissing Joe in front of everyone? To sort of enjoy his hands on my body? To have my heart beat so quickly and my breath get so shallow? It was crazy, and I think I liked it.

I didn’t say anything, just brought my face as close as possible to his without touching his lips. The way his breath hit my mouth made me unbelievably light headed. I could smell cherry Starbursts on him and smiled. Quickly, Juliet, Quickly.I reminded myself. My hand reached to rest behind his head and my other on his chest.

I took a moment to look him in the eyes and I was tingly all over. There was a want in those eyes. It was irresistible. Without another thought, I closed my eyes and connected our lips. The feeling I got from the contact was unexpected. The spark that went through me made me shiver and almost pull away. But Joe’s hand behind my neck brought me closer, if possible. I felt his tongue and opened my mouth, not caring to ponder on why exactly I did that. I wasn’t thinking, if I was my thoughts would be solely on the pure euphoria of this moment.

When it ended, I was torn with emotions. My better judgment told me this was bad; so did the surprised looks everyone gave us. I only saw this after I took my time to stare at Joe’s eyes. They probably resembled mine. But my better judgment was clouded over by my high.

“I’m going to…take a walk.” I stated after I climbed off of Joe’s lap. Barefoot, half dressed, and hair tousled my Joe’s hands, I left. Not with thoughts of Julian and how wrong it probably was, but with bliss of how wonderful it was.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,916

and this is, what?
First kiss! Hah! She kissed him! In fron of Julian, ladies&gents. I know some of you will like that fact, hahaha.
Like it?

