Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

No Letting Go

I don’t think Christmas is my favorite holiday, I just like the snow in the Winter. My mom and I were out looking for last minute Christmas gifts in New York and the snow crunched loudly under our heels as we walked. I wanted to ask why exactly I had to wear high heels in four inches of snow, but I refrained; I doubt the answer would’ve settled me. Besides, I hadn’t spent quality time for a long time. Since the whole fight with Valerie, to be precise. She tried to always talk to me about it before I just avoided the both of them and anyone else asking too many questions altogether.

“Excited for tomorrow?” my mom asked me, sipping the coffee she’d just bought at Starbuck’s.

“Yeah, sure” I mumbled, knowing excited isn’t the word I would use. We were doing Christmas at the Jonas household in Texas. My mom had grown to be the best of best friends with Denise and since you couldn’t really call me, Valerie, and my mother a family; they’d invited us to their home in Dallas for the special holiday. We’d be catching a flight to Dallas tonight for the occasion.

As soon as I found out, I wasn’t exactly happy. I hadn’t seen the boys since the end of November; almost a month ago. And I knew I didn’t want to see Joe, so I called Denise and asked to bring Julian. She couldn’t have agreed on the idea more. She knew what it would be like for me alone. Valerie was already at the Jonas house and I had the feeling if I went alone, I’d be like an outsider.

“It’s best to just forget about it, Juliet.” My mom sighed, sensing my hostility, “Valerie should get over it, she’s not a child anymore.”

“Mom, she tried to beat the crap out of me and told me she hated me; it’s not something you forget.” I shook my head, facing forwards.

“But it was stupid. Valerie is used to having things handed to her, Juliet. She’s never had to really compete because she’s always had it all. Most of that, probably, is my fault. But now she has competition, and it’s nerve wracking not only because it’s the first time; it’s because you’re her sister. Her boyfriend loves spending time with her sister and that doesn’t sit well. But she can’t change people’s feelings. Sooner or later, she’ll learn to lose and no matter what, it won’t be your fault.”

I stayed quiet, processing what my mom was saying. She wasn’t accusing me of anything, but she was hinting at something; I just didn’t know what.


“Juliet,” Someone said softly, shaking my arm gently. They repeated themselves but sleep was just too good to see what they wanted. Whoever it was, laughed and picked me up.

“Be careful, you goon!” I heard someone yell as we went down what felt like steps. Getting out the plane, I thought to myself. Whoever it was wasn’t getting any help from me. I was trying to go back to sleep as someone argued with whoever was carrying me.
“Give her here!”

“Dude, I got it. Why don’t you grab some bags or something?”

“You almost dropped her!”

“I had her. I wouldn’t let my girlfriend fall.”

“Sure,” The other person mumbled. That was the last thing said. The last thing I remember was a kiss being planted on my forehead while I was sat somewhere.


I woke up the next morning in a big room. There was a large bay window wide open, letting bright sunlight into the room. I squinted against it, turning to look behind me. Julian was conked out, mouth opened slightly. I giggled and planted a kiss on his forehead before getting out of the bed. I went through my suitcase, getting out pajamas since I was in last night’s clothes. I didn’t remember getting to the house so I knew I’d gotten a good sleep.

“Julian,” I whispered once I’d changed and brushed my teeth, “Julian, wake up. It’s Christmas.”

He grunted softly, shaking his head, “I’m sleepy.”

“Fine, I’ll give you a little more time,” I smiled before quietly walking out of the room. I remembered that we were in the Jonas’ Dallas home. It was more than beautiful. Instead of their LA home, this had more of a homey feel. The colors stayed earth tones, different shades of brown. I wondered if it would be silly to say it looked like a Texas home would.

I walked downstairs to see all the boys up, minus Kevin and Julian. Joe, Nick, and Frankie were in the kitchen, searching for something to eat. My stomach filled up with nervous flutters. Would they be mad at me for leaving so abruptly? I quietly walked into the kitchen, Frankie being the first one to see me.

“Julie!” He shouted before I could stop him. He ran up to me, throwing his arms around my waist.

“Merry Christmas, Frankie, but no yelling.” I whispered, “Everyone is still asleep.”

He mouthed an ‘Oops’ and couldn’t have been more adorable. I kissed his cheek, hugging him tightly once more.

“But, Juliet, I’m hungry. Joe ate the rest of the cereal.” He rolled his eyes.

“Well I’ll make breakfast.”

“Our mom usually makes the breakfast.”

“We’ll let be a Christmas gift to her. I think she’ll appreciate. Will you help me?”

“Of course,” He smiled. I winked at him and finally looked up at the other two boys. A uncertain smile made its way to my lips, “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, Jules.” Nick hurried over to hug me, “I missed you.”

I hugged him tighter, “Missed you, too Nicholas.”

We released some, so we could look at each other. He shifted his eyes over to Joe, motioning for me to talk to him. I bit my lip but he wasn’t having it. With a sigh, I let go of Nicholas and looked at Joe. He was staring at me with a look I didn’t know what to identify with. Blank almost, but in his eyes there was something he was trying to keep awayy.

Silently, I walked over to where he was standing and wrapped my arms around him. It felt great even as he tensed before slowly settling. The time it took for his arms to wrap around me wasn’t long, thankfully. I sighed, wanting to cry all of the sudden. Joe was my best friend. Now, I knew I wasn’t even supposed to be near him. But I cherished this moment; it was so good to be close. His cologne was still the same, intoxicating as I breathed it in. After a minute, I let go, unwillingly.

“Merry Christmas, Joe.” I said quietly, looking in his eyes. He smiled softly before pulling me in for another hug. Sweetening the moment, he pressed a kiss to my hair.

“Merry Christmas, Juliet.”


“Merry Christmas, Denise” I smiled when she came down the stairs, tying her pink robe closer to her.

“Oh, Juliet. You must be a saint,” She hugged me, “It smells wonderful.” She looked at the table Joe, Nick, Frankie, and I set up.

“The boys helped me a lot,” I put in, turning to them.

“Merry Christmas, Mom” They all went to hug her. It was so cute; their little family moment. Paul came in also, and after exchanging a ‘Merry Christmas’ with me, he joined the family hug.

Now that everyone was up, breakfast was made, and presents were waiting to be opened. We all filed into the family room around a humongous Christmas tree.

“Where’d you find this?” I laughed, admiring it. They decorated with loads of bows and bulbs. I spotted handmade ornaments from the boys all around.

“The boys cut it down somewhere. I said the same thing when I saw it,” Denise chuckled. I sat on the soft carpet, next to Nick, my camera in hand. I snapped a few pictures of us together, Frankie popping in some of them.

“Okay, let’s get this started,” Paul announced and the unwrapping began.

Frankie got so many presents I didn’t know where to start. Battleships, Bionicles, robots, and bunches of other things. I got a video of him opening my gift, a custom designed skateboard with his name on it.

“Thank you, Juliet! I love you!” I blushed and kissed his forehead. He was a sweet kid.

Nick got an` iTunes gift card, a lap top, and a new pair of boots. Joe got him tickets to a basketball game, Kevin gave him a new stationary set, and I got him a gift card to Burberry, a hat and a pair of shoes.

I bought Kevin and Danielle tickets to fly to Jamaica for them as a couple. Separately, I got Kevin a pair of very expensive boots, and a new camera. For Danielle a free spa treatment in any Jon Vaness spa and a gift card to Victoria Secret, and Bath&Body Works basket set.

For Denise and Paul, I also got free spa treatments and my own little coupon for them.

“What’s this?”

“Free coupon for me to watch Frankie. I figure you guys need a little break sometimes for raising amazing kids.” I laughed as I shrugged, “Just a fun little gift.”

They both appreciated it, making me feel happy. They were amazing parents.

My last gift to someone, besides my mom and Julian (the newest James Patterson novel and a gift card to Urban Outfitters), was Joe’s gift. It was a vintage leather jacket I found in Brooklyn.

“Wow, this is great, Juliet. Thanks,” He smiled appreciatively. I smiled at him briefly before averting my gaze. Our moment in the kitchen this morning would be our only one. Valerie was here and there was bad blood between us already, we didn’t need her attempting to pummel me into the Christmas tree.

“There’s something else in there,” I told him. He looked through the box and found an envelope.

“Lil’ Wayne tickets,” He laughed when he opened it up, looking surprised but equally happy.

“Oh Lord,” Denise sighed and I laughed. I thought it would be a funny gesture. Everyone joined in on the laughter, Valerie included. Joe came over to give me a brief hug before I opened my own presents:

A cashmere robe from Paul and Denise, an amazing new dress and heels from my mom, a stuffed puppy from Frankie, a Victoria Secret gift card from Danielle, a CD from Nick of songs he wrote just for me (I could’ve cried), a pretty wool coat from Kevin, and finally a pair of Creative Recreation sneakers from Joe and a leather jacket.

“Isn’t that cute. Let me get a picture of you two in your jackets” Denise and my mom said, making us go and stand by the tree. I laughed and slipped on my jacket, Joe doing the same.

“Mom, we look ridiculous.” I told her. I was in a v neck and boxers with my hair wild and wavy. Joe looked similar, his hair just a bit tamer than mine since it’s new short length.

“Say cheese!” They snapped the picture, and many other, wanting us to be silly or hug or something. When we were taking one that required us to be hugged up, Joe whispered in my ear.

“I have another present to give you later on. Tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,918

Didn't come out how I wanted it. Ah, well, Merry Christmas everyone =)

Next chapter probably up tonight.