Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

Because I'd rather you right here

“So this means I’ll be seeing you in a month?” Nick asked as we stood outside the airport doors. He had his duffle bag slung over his shoulder, a rolling suitcase in his left hand.

I wrapped my sweater tighter around myself, nodding with a smile. “I’ll miss you, Nicholas.”

“I’ll miss you, too Jules. Remember what I said” He wagged his finger. I rolled my eyes, opening up my arms and hugging him. It lasted probably a full minute, neither of us caring about the people watching. I wouldn’t be seeing my best friend until the end of the month; no one else really mattered right now. Before releasing, we exchanged kisses on the cheek.

“Call me when you land, ‘kay?” I said, going over to the driver’s side.

He motioned a mock salute, “Will do. Love ya, Jules.”

“Love you, Nicholas,” I called. I watched him walk in before I turned her car on and followed traffic out of the airport.

After I’d dropped Nick off at the airport, paparazzi being seen but not thought about to seriously, I was on my way to my art class. It was quiet in my Nissan Altima while the heater warmed my body, and I was finally left alone to think, unfortunately about Joe mostly.

I wondered about what he was doing right this minute, if he was mad at me; angry. I thought about Christmas morning and how easy it’d been to slip back into being comfortable with him. I even though back to when I didn’t want anything to do with him; everything involving him ran through my mind. I wished I still felt that way; it’d make everything so much simpler and easier. I’d probably have a better relationship with Valerie.

But I’d never realize that Joe Jonas wasn’t just an immature rock star or that enjoyed the simple things in life like a starry night. I wouldn’t have had as much fun as I did while touring with them. And surely, I’d never experience a shock like his kiss gave me.

I sighed, trying not to think too much about Joe; it was a lost cause. He was with my sister and I wouldn’t let myself excuse that. No matter how deeply I felt.


Joe Jonas sat in some boutique he didn’t know the name of as Valerie tried on piles of new shipments the store clerk had given her. He knew as soon as she suggested him going, he didn’t want to; he hated shopping with Valerie. It wasn’t any fun for him; all he ever did was sit on a chair or couch while she went through stacks of outfits she wanted. She didn’t even ask his opinion because she didn’t exactly ‘trust’ his fashion sense. Whatever, he thought.

He couldn’t help but think about how she was leaving back to her own home soon. They’d been spending time with his parents in Texas since before Christmas, but now he was going to go back to his own house and Valerie was notgoing. She wouldn’t be far, though, he thought. The house he had was shared with his friend/ keyboard player Ryan in LA. Joe would probably never be completely rid of Valerie.

He only had himself to blame; he made a last minute decision thinking it’d help him. But it didn’t, if anything, it made everything worse. His family didn’t like Valerie but put up with her because his parents thought Joe liked her because he hadn’t kicked her to the curb yet. His friends thought she was hot, but her attitude was truly ugly. He was never able to be himself around her.

But the worst effect of his dating of Valerie was the fact that it only drove Juliet away when that was the last thing he wanted. He only wanted her closer, which didn’t happen. He was stupid. What kind of plan is it to date the girl you adore’s sister?

He sat back on the pink couch further, sighing. He tilted his head toward the ceiling, rubbing his hands over his face. How did he let things come to this?

Juliet had been gone for a total of three weeks; left him on the day after Christmas with a note on his bed. He still hadn’t read it, he was nervous. What if it said she didn’t really care for him like he did for her? That she didn’t want to be with him? He didn’t think he’d be able to take the rejection.

He just wished he could talk to her. They had no contact whatsoever since she’d left. He tried to call her but only ever got her voicemail. The sound of her voice would’ve brought a smile to his face in any other instance.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he dug it out, seeing a text from Nick.

Just got on the plane. See you guys tonight.

Joe sighed. He quickly texted Nick back, asking about Juliet, before sighing again. Nick didn’t want to tell Joe where he was, he knew how it would make his brother react. He knew Joe would want to see her and he was correct.

He wasn’t satisfied spending his days as Valerie’s boyfriend or pretending like he wasn’t hurting. He wasn’t okay with Juliet leaving him for Julian. He didn’t like how life was right now. He had to see her soon.

“Joe, Baby. C’mon, we have to get to Versace next!”

He hadto.


I smiled at everyone as they left the classroom. For my first try at teaching art, I’d done well. I didn’t stutter or loose my voice and I didn’t blush. When I showed some of the things I’d painted or drew no one looked bored, which is a good sign.

I began to pack up my pencils and pastels when one of the students approached me. Looking up, I saw the girl who was sitting towards the front of the class. She had pretty eyes that could be considered to have green, blue, and yellow hues in them and thick brown hair down her back. Her bangs covered her forehead, stopping right above her eyes. I smiled at her, halting my actions.

“Hey, did you need anything?” I asked.

“I just wanted to tell you that your art is really good,” She said with a shy laugh, tugging at the sleeve of her hoodie.

“Thanks.” I laughed softly. I stuck out my hand a smiled at her. “I’m Juliet.”

“Taylor.” She smiled back, seeming relieved that I wasn’t making the exchange awkward. I slung my satchel over my shoulder and motioned for us to walk together.

“So is art your past time or are you really into it?” She asked me as we walked out of the building.

“Well, I like it a lot but it’s not a profession. I really like art, music, and dance; self expression I guess. And I usually create lively scenes with my art.”

“I see” She nodded, “I just got a guitar for Christmas but have no idea how to play it,” She laughed.

I couldn’t help but smile, jumping at an opportunity. “Really? I could give you lessons. My friend taught me and he says I’m pretty decent.”

“Seriously?” She looked surprised.

“Yeah.” I nodded smiling sincerely. “You’re…sixteen?”

“Fifteen.” She shrugged.

“Okay, yes. Just talk to you parents if you have to and tell me at the next class. We can start as soon as you want.”

“Thank you so much, you really don’t have to.” Her eyes were bright as looked at me gratefully.

“I want to and you’re welcome. See you Thursday.” I smiled and waved as she did also, walking away.

I got in my car and smiled as I watched her skip over to the sidewalk and pull out her cell phone. She seemed generally happy about what I said which made me happy. She was a sweet girl. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, my phone began buzzing. ‘Free fallin’ played from it causing me to momentarily halt my actions; it was Joe. I stared at it until it stopped, letting out the breath I was holding. I should’ve expected a call sooner or later; he never let me be for long.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 3,496

Okay, so although it wasn't a huge wait, I feel like this was sorta late.
OOh, new character.
I think it's only appropriate that I dedicate this to Taylor . =) Go checkk out her stories!

I might edit this chapter later.
Another thing we should speak on: Bring Back Mibba Awards

If you think it's worthy, nominate this story for a category. Absolutely NO PRESSURE, it's what you like.

But really, if you like one of my stories, it would be greta for you to nominate them. =)

X. If I'm being completely honest, I think I was stuck on updating this week over 'Nelena' drama. For some reason I cannot like Selena Gomez; I seriously try, too! And I LOVE Nick so all this stuff with them together what making me sick and annoyed a bit.
All I really want is Nick to be happy, so...yeah.

Hmmm, anything else to say?...OH. Me and Nick Jonas are not gonna be tight anymore if he keeps going and replying to everyone but me. Seriously, I mean it Nick J.

Haha, COMMENTS anyone?