Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

'cause i'm seein' you for what you are

So, my mom booked the Jonas’! And what does that mean? It means I will spend my days in a tour bus, away from my home for months to watch the same show repeatedly in that time. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t want to, it was that I didn’t want to. How awkward could that be? They rented another tour bus so there’d be enough room. The boy’s band’s bus, the parents bus, and the ‘Kickass’ bus, as Joe has deemed it. I could already see he was a loose cannon . Kevin was just a friendly and considerate guy while Nick was just going with the flow sometimes, maintaining everyone the rest of the time. Yeah, I didn’t really bondwith any of them.

“Um, is this anyone’s-” I started to ask before Joe ran up to the bunk and screamed ‘Mine!’. Uh, okay. I just went to the next top bunk across from his. I had a slight thing with cluster phobia and the bottom bunk wasn’t what I wanted.

“Joe you’re a jerk. Juliet was going to bunk there.” Nick told his brother.

“No, no. it’s fine. it doesn’t really matter all too much.” I stopped his protest and set my notebook on the bunk. Since the bunk areas wasn’t exactly ‘roomy’, our suitcases were put in the front area . Valerie’s were put in the extra room at the very back of the bus since she had so many.

“It’s just the basic things I’d need. Damn, Juliet, we’re going to gone for more than a week, I need my options.” She’d told me.

I knew the other reason. She had her thing for Joe. I wasn’t jealous, it didn’t matter to me. I wasn’t looking for anything in either boy and I planned to keep it that way. Better to keep it like that. So I hear, Kevin is engaged. She’s to be joining this bandwagon also. But as for the other boys, it’ll already get rumors around if we’re seen with them. I’m sure that’ll happen soon enough though. Let’s not underestimate my sister, shall we. She lives for limelight. So her and Joe might be perfect for each other since he’s the middle man in the group.

I stopped drawing on my notebook cover, like I did a lot, when my stomach growled. We hadn’t eaten since we left California and we were on our way to Boston since they just left New Jersey before coming to get us from California.

“Do you know when we stop again?” I asked Nick since he was the only one not in his bunk. He was sitting on the floor with a guitar in his lap when he heard my question. A smirk splayed lightly on his face before he answered me.

“You hungry to, huh?” I silently nodded.

“Jeremy is gonna stop in a few so we can grab some fast food. Nothing special.”

“That’s fine,” I murmured, unfolding my legs.

“I’m dying here!” Joe bellowed, ruining the comfortable quiet Nick and I were enjoying. He dumped his body beside me on the couch. “Hello there.” He smiled at me and it made my breathe hitch.

“Hi.” I muttered before going back to my note pad.

“So what’re up to? Are you as dead hungry as I am?”

“Um, I guess so. Haven’t eaten all day.” I didn’t look at him, it would make the butterflies go even wilder. It happened all the time when a guy talked to me. They made me so nervous and I hated it.

“Gah!” He exclaimed which frightened me. “How does anyone not eat all day! You’re crazy,” he flicked my arm and I just smiled. “Why are you so quiet?”

Because I’m not a media whore. Like I would ever answer anyone that way, I wanted to say. Yeah, right.

I blushed when he asked me for some reason. “I don’t know. I just… am” I shrugged and he smiled about something. “What?”

“I dunno.” He laughed before standing up from the couch. That’s when I felt the bus come to a stop.

“We’re trying to make this nice and easy so boys stay on the bus,” The driver said along with who I now knew as Big Rob. “You girls can come in if you want.” I nodded and slipped on a pair of flip flops. It would be good to stretch my legs even for a minute.

“No fair!” Joe whined, slapping his hand against the loveseat cushion.

“I’ll make sure I bring your food right to you.” Valerie promised him and he smiled at that.

“Ew.” She remarked, seeing as we were at a Burger King. “Where’s mom, she knows I wouldn’t dare eat at some greasy shithole.”

“Waiting for you by their bus door,” I told her before going in to order my meal.

“Bring these to the boys.” Rob instructed me when our food was ready. I managed to balance the drink tray in one hand with the bags gripped in the other. Climbing up the bus steps was a bit tricky, but I managed.

“Oh! Burger King is my new girlfriend.” Joe sighed, grabbing the bag I handed to him.

“That’s what you said about McDonald’s. Joe you sly dog,” Nick tsked playfully, making me giggle to myself.

“Okay how about this: Juliet’s my new girlfriend because she’s saved my life from hunger.” That made my cheeks flame so I grabbed my food, ducking out the areas and into the backroom. It had round table in front of a half circle booth that lined the wall. A makeshift bed was to the right and a window above it. The light was great in here and I loved it.

“Why’d you run away from us?” Joe asked, faking heartbreak.

“A girl has to eat,” I joked quietly, taking a bite from my burger.

“So why isn’t you sister here?” Kevin asked.

“She doesn’t eat fast food.” I processed once I swallowed. “Her and my mother are going to go find something they deem edible.”

“Are you the only one who eats fast food then?”


“They really must not know what they’re missing out on,” he laughed. About halfway through eating, Valerie came back onto the bus with a salad from what looked to be an Asian restaurant.

“Sorry, but it’s impossible to find something good.”

“C’mon, Val. Just take a bite of the burger.” Joe walked over to her, the bacon cheeseburger in his hands. “Just a bite.”

“No!” She squealed, shoving it away. “Those things are just oily and gross. I have no idea why you eat that, Juliet. It goes straight to your thighs.” I didn’t bother with a reply, just continued eating. But there was an audience and she wanted to say something. I was beyond blaming Valerie for the things she said, that was just her nature. After all these years mean words and selfishness were a part of her. You couldn’t blame someone for what was their nature; they’re just being themselves.

“So are you guy’s going to the show tonight?” Joe asked, looking from Valerie to me. To be honest, I did notplan to. There were many months of them performing so I had time right?

“We have our dressing room you could wait at. It’s quiet,” Nick told me quietly. I looked at him and smiled. “Thanks.”

The look he gave me was understanding. Someone two years younger than me knew who I was; or at least had an idea. He realized I wasn’t as obnoxious as my sister and probably noticed I didn’t want to be here. I looked at his eyes and saw that he understood; he had an idea of what I was going through. And for some reason, that was friend worthy. And unexpected; I’d never dreamt of a Jonas Brother as a friend. I guess there was a lot that would change this tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word count: 1,327

*iJust found out I got reported. -__-
So this is me trying to repair my 'errors'. Yeah, so what, I'm sort of bitter about it.

heh. ummm. the story starts off slow, seeing as she isn'y a JOE fan.
but i wanted to write something like this so yeahh. sorry if you don't like it.
but if you do, please tell me so. it'll make me happy! =)