Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

If it makes you happy

I had to meet Taylor’s grandparents and talk to her mother before she could go to the concert with me, which I had no problem with. They were nice people and after lots of talk they allowed her to come with me to each show if she wanted, which she reallydid.

“Excited?” I smiled, glancing at her as we were on the freeway.

“Are you kidding?”

We both laughed. I turned the volume of my Kate Voegele CD down, seeing as Taylor was about to speak.

“How’d you manage tickets for all four shows? That must be expensive.”

“Oh, I didn’t pay as much as you think. I have sources.” I winked. Second thinking it, I decided I’d keep me and the boy’s relationship a surprise. She’d told me that Nick was her favorite, which would make it an even better surprise. I knew the size of my smile was probably too excited, but I couldn’t help it. I hadn’t watched any of the videos of the show online so it would be that much better. Excited, that was an understatement.


We arrived later on purpose, missing the huge swarm of girls for the most part. Before going to find seats, I bought Nick Jonas and The Administration shirts for Taylor and I, smiling seeing as mine matched with my brown felt fedora.

“You didn’t have to get me this,” Taylor blushed, running her hand over the shirt.

I shook my head. “Maybe not, but I wanted too. I want you to have fun tonight; there’s no other way to do it. And if that doesn’t help, think of it this way: Without you coming, I wouldn’t have left my house tonight.”

“Seriously?” She asked, eyes lighting up.

“I’m afraid to say yes. So instead of thanking me, we just have fun tonight. We’re about to witness a great event”

With a small smile, she nodded her head, giving in. I smiled again before motioning for her to follow me. I did my best following the instructions Nick had texted me to get to my seats. I was sitting up with whichever other friends of Nick decided to come. Apparently, he thought people would recognize me from the pictures of me and him at the airport.

We sat down and observed as people piled in. After ten minutes or so, the doors closed. A while later, Diane Birch came out to performed.

“I’ve never been to a concert before,” Taylor laughed. “Does it usually take this long for everything to start?”

I chuckled. “This is nothing compared to the boys’ World Tour.”

“You went?”

“Yeah. It was better than I thought it’d be. I wasn’t a huge Jonas fan before last year.” I shrugged. We watched the rest of Diane’s performance before she went off and it was load with too many voices talking again.

“Oh my God” I heard Taylor say from beside me as I went to check my phone. I looked up at her, confused. Nick wasn’t out yet, there’d be screaming.

Her eyes were wide with shock and her mouth was open in awe, staring at something behind me. Cautiously, I turned to look.

With his short hair and ever present Nike’s on, Joe Jonas stood, talking with his older brother. Where there were previously empty seats, the ‘VIP’ section suddenly was being filled with familiar faces. I quickly whipped around, hissing ‘shit’, then again because I cursed.

“Juliet, what’s wrong?” Taylor had broken her gaze to look at me.

“I—” I sighed, not knowing what to say. “I just—”

“Juliet?” Joe’s surprised voice made me stop talking and my stomach drop. I saw Taylor’s eyes widen before I dropped my gaze to the ground, not wanting to turn to Joe.

“Jules.” He said again, and this time I knew there wasn’t exactly a way out. With the deepest breath I could take, I turned and looked up to the brown orbs that immediately penetrated mine.

“H-hi…Joe.” I answered, getting mad at myself for being this shaken up.

I didn’t have time to tell myself to get it together before he was in front of me, picking me up and embracing me in his arms tightly. I immediately wanted it to last forever. Forget everything that’s happened between us recently, that night, my note; all of it. My arms were trapped under his as he held me close. I felt him place a kiss on my hair, breathing a heavy sigh. I could feel myself wanting to cry. Although I tried to avoid it, I know Joe. And I know he’s hurt; because of me.

It was when Garbo came by that he let go. He released me, but the intense look was still in his eyes.

“Jewel baby! God, I missed you girl! Where ya been?” He asked, giving me a tight hug, but nothing like Joe’s.

I forced a smile. “Missed you too. I’ve been busy; I’m a working girl, Gregory.”

“Pretty girls don’t work, just ask Valerie.” He said, making us both laugh. Catching sight of Taylor, I felt bad for leaving her out.

“Uh, Garbo…Joe. This is Taylor, she’s a friend of mine.” I put my hand on her shoulder, motioning for her to stand up. She did so, a huge smile on her face.

“Hey,” Garbo greeted her cheerily, pulling her in for a hug. I smiled at the site before stealing a chance to look at Joe. He was staring at me. I mouthed ‘Please’ to him, I didn’t want it to be a bad night; I’ve had my share of those. Although he was hesitant, he nodded slightly, his face was basically telling me everything. He was lost and confused and I know he wanted an explanation, as if I had one.

Once Garbo chatted with Taylor, Joe followed suit. He smiled and joked with her despite the turmoil that was going on within him, making me see what a great person he was.

Kevin, Danielle, and a few others I knew also came to talk to me and meet Taylor. We were all acquainted and situated by the time Nick came out. Whatever I was feeling, I let it go once I saw my best friend on stage, looking so happy. If I wasn’t happy, at least he was. I looked over at Taylor seeing her huge smile and I agreed with myself; if they were happy, I could deal.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: 1,079

I was supposed to post this last night but I over estimate my ability to focus.

And dude, I think I'm sick. I feel sorta crappy and in about two hours, I have to go help out my sister's softball team. Yeah, we'll see how that goes.

Anywayyyy, this chapter's not as bad as I though it'd be. I know I didn't write about the concert but I will in the next chapter, or maybe the next. =)

Wanna comment?

-- OH, you guys seen the We Are The World video? Anybody else upset that not only did Justin Beiber start the song, this little nutball didn't even know the words! I had my issues with it, but despite T. Pain's HORRIBLE auto tune and Nicole Shezzinnger or whaveter getting too much time for the voice she doesn't have, it was a good deed. I thought Miley did well and I'm sad that Nick didn't get a longer part and Kevin&Joe didn't get one at all! Switch out Justin for those two!
