Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

only if you want me to

“This is going to be loads of fun!” Taylor cheered for the second time, making me laugh at her excitement. I think she was just relieved at how the situation worked out.

For a birthday present to her, I offered to watch take Taylor to any amusement park of her choice. Her grandparents, although protective, agreed seeing as it would be more fun than being at him. Her sister was going to a friend’s house and Taylor was coming with me, and she was ecstatic about it. And her grandparents would have the house to themselves so it was a win for everyone.

“I doubt it will be as great as you’re making it Taylor.” I laughed a little more, opening the front door to my house. It’s always empty now. Mom and Valerie are gone to New York and my dog got stolen a while ago, I was grieving too much over Joe I didn’t give it much time to hurt me. The way the silence got to me sometimes though, made me consider getting another puppy.

“It’s better than being bored at home.” She shrugged. I saw her point and let her be happy.

“Come on, we can put your stuff in my room.” I began to jog up the stairs, walking and directing us down the hall when we got upstairs. Unlike Valerie, whose room under went changes every month or so, my room has stayed pretty much the same since I’ve lived here. My walls are a light blue , and my ceilings had stars, hearts, and cute things painted onto it in baby doll pink. My walls held posters of John Mayer, N-Sync, Bon Jovi, and a few other artists. Since the room was so big, one wall was taken up by a mahogany book shelf, filled with books I’ve read.

My four poster bed sat against the wall to the right of the door, the door to my balcony a few feet away on the far wall. I had a chest at the foot of the bed that was my Great-Great-Grandmother’s. I kept some of my favorite things in there. On the other side of my bed was the door to my closest which was big enough to be a room itself. My vanity and a full length mirror sat in there with all of my clothes. Next to that door was my bathroom.

My computer desk was near my book shelf, closest to the door. Next to it sat piles of CD’s and CD cases sat on the floor. Japanese Cherry wood made up my flooring. As far as I was concerned, I was comfortable the way the place looked.

“I tell you every time, but here it is again: Juliet, I love your room.” Taylor sighed, sitting her stuff by the chest at the foot of my bed.

I smiled. “I’ll miss it when I move out.”

“When are you gonna be leaving?”

“Right after Summer; Nick got me to consider Fall courses, although he was trying really hard to get me to blow off college altogether. I can’t put college off for another year.” I laughed a little. I wouldn’t want to be twenty something and an undergraduate.

“Nick told me he’s gonna’ miss you this tour.” She told me, walking over to my computer desk and sitting down in the chair. She spun around on it as she waited for me to comment.

I would miss him, too. I would miss all of them, even the touring itself. The whole thing was a time I’d cherish forever and think as the most dramatic period of my life. And although I got so much joy from it, that’s not my life. The boys tour because it’s their career; I have to do my own thing. And no matter how much fun or what it did for me, I have to start working on my own life. I couldn’t mooch off a famous band or my mother and I didn’t want to. This year was going to be the start of life on my own truly.

“Yeah, I’ll miss the guys too. Maybe if it weren’t so huge and long I’d be able to go.” I joked.

“How was it? The last tour with them?” She asked, leaning forward in curiosity.

“It was the best, despite a few minor landslides in the fun. Although I really didn’t want to be there in the beginning, it turned into something really great.”

“You’re so lucky. I envy you.”

I laughed at her mock glare. “Why? It’s not like you don’t know them now. You can take my place on tour.”

“I wish. My grandparents would never go for that one. But, really, I’m fine with just knowingthem. I still can’t believe Nick Jonas texts me!” She squealed and I couldn’t help but laugh and at the same time admire her happiness.

“I guess it’s pretty cool to know them. It’s weird though, like you feel like people who are adored by the world should have some other distinction than fame that separates them from the rest of the world. But they’re just like normal people.”

“That’s what’s so cool. I can admire them and know that somehow we’re the same.” She smiled and so did I.

For a while, we sat in my room, relaxing. Taylor played around in my CD collection and we talked. We worked on writing some songs, and played our favorite covers. It was well into night before my phone rung.

Maybe I could be
All you ever dreamed, cause you are

Beautiful inside
So lovely and I
Cant see why I'd do anything without you, you are
And when I'm not with you
I know that it's true
That I'd rather be anywhere but here without you

Joe, of course. I slid my thumb across the screen to answer the call after letting it play for a little, listening as Taylor softly sang the lyrics when the song went off.

“What’s up?”

“Hey, Jules. You busy?” He said in a voice that I could tell he was smiling.

“Yes and No. I have Taylor over for her birthday weekend.”

“Oh yeah, Happy birthday, Taay!” Joe sang out. “ What’re you two up to?”

“Just sitting around my room. No one’s here so it’s just me and her.” I answered him as I held the phone in the cradle of my ear and shoulder while I flipped through a Seventeen magazine Taylor brought.

“Well, how would you to like to go out somewhere? Hey put me on speaker.” I took the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker like he said.

“You up to hang out tonight, Tay? I wouldn’t want you to be in the house on your b-day” Joe’s voice bounced off the walls of my room.

“Sure, although tomorrowis actually my birthday, Joe.”

“As far as I’m concerned, this whole damn weekend is yours.” He spoke, making her giggle and smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll bring your date with me.” I could hear the smirk in his face and laughed as Taylor blushed more, but for a different reason.

“Shut up, Joe.” She muttered, going over to the computer.

“Haha, I’m glad we’re friends too, Taylor. Anyway, you guys get dressed up.”

“Huh? For what?” I asked, confused.

“We’re going to paint the town! Come on, hurry up and get pretty girls. Dresses and such.”

“Joe, please. I don’t—”

“Please, babe?” He said, probably knowing how my heart would race at the word. I told him not to call me that, not until this thing with Valerie was done with; it was too tempting.

“F-fine. Whatever. Pick us up—”

“At nine. You have an hour and a half so hurry up and get beautiful. Not that you aren’t beautiful already.:”

“Bye Joe!” I said before he could swoon me anymore. Throwing my phone on my plush comforter, I looked at Taylor.

“I don’t have a dress; didn’t know we’d be dressing up like that.”

“I’m learning to begin to expect these things when it comes to Joe,” I laughed. “I have something for you. I keep clothes from ages ago. Come on, we better get on it.” I hopped off the bed and lead the way to the closet with a smile highlighting my face.


“Joe Jonas is such an inconvenience to a night of relaxation.” Taylor said, grumbled in her dress.

I smiled. In spite of her grumbling she looked really pretty. I had given her pink and blue dress that went nicely with a pair of gold heels I owned and a cute leather jacket. With some jewelry and her hair curled she looked like a doll.

“You look great, Taylor. It’s really not that bad.” Although a night in my Kings Of Leon T-shirt and sweat pants sounded nice, dressing up once in a while was fun. I myself was dressed in a slim, navy blue dress that ended a little past my knee. I didn’t want to go all out with my dress, so instead I put on some red lipstick and pulled my hair into a tousled type of side do.

“I guess not,” She sighed, trying not to bother her hair or anything. “Think he’ll be here soon?”

I glanced at the clock. “Yeah, he said—”

Two thunderous knocks pounded my door, punctuated by someone’s loud, “KNOCK, KNOCK!” Like it wasn’t obvious my door was shaking. Only Joe.

“Thanks for the heart attack, Joe. I thought we were being raided.” I said, opening the door to the noise maker. He was about to say something quirky, I bet, before he stopped and stared at me. It took a moment for the smile to make its way onto his face.
“I don’t think I should have to share you to everyone when you look this good.”

“Oh crap, there it is. Where’s Nick?” Taylor spoke, mostly to herself as she craftily maneuvered around Joe and me and out of the door. Her need to get away from our affection sometimes reminded me of Nick so much. Joe stepped closer to me, nuzzling my neck. I tried not to gasp and instead let out a shaky breath. The way he was so close and the fact that I wanted him so much made my head spin, especially when his mouth worked on my neck.

“Joe, Jo-OH!” I gasped when he gently bit down. “Oh my gosh,” I leaned into him, my legs feeling weak.

I felt him smirk before he raised his head and I saw the smug look on his face. He was such a jerk sometimes. I straightened myself out before pushing away from him to grab my purse. I tried my best not to look at his face as I passed him out of the doorway.


“You made us wear dresses to go eat dinner?” Taylor asked incredulously as we pulled up to Farfalla. I wanted to laugh and smack Joe at the same time. I got all worried about being at some type of premiere or after party when in reality, we’d just be in a restaurant with people just like us. We’d just be dressed like we did go to a premiere. Thanks, Joe.

“I just wanted to spice up the night.” He shrugged, throwing his car key’s into the waiting Valet’s hand. “Can’t resist a chance to get dolled up, neither.”

“I’ve never known someone so in touch with the mirror,” Nick muttered.

“Besides you.” Joe shot back childishly. Nick simply rolled his eyes, offering Taylor his arm like the gentleman he is. I bit my lip, knowing it wasn’t okay for Joe and me.

“We could if you wanted, Juliet.” He said like he was reading my mind. I looked at him, standing there with his hipster glasses and navy blue suit with the sleeves rolled up. His brown eyes held my own, his mouth working into a smile. “I mean, I want to; I’d kiss you right here, right now if didn’t think it’d upset you.”

“It wouldn’t upset me, Joe.” I shook my head. “I just know it wouldn’t be right and it would eat at me. I—this situation we’re in isn’t exactly right and wrong or an example of our morals.”

“I know.” He said, placing his hand on the small of my back as he guided me into the restaurant. “But I want you to know it won’t be this way for long. I only want to make things easy for you, no matter what I go through to do it. I want everyone to know that I have you.”

I tried not to blush as I smiled at his words. I could see the sincerity in his eyes and feel the desire when he touched me. That’s what kept me from backing out and letting Valerie keep Joe. This was right; how I felt when I was near him was right. The undeniable fact that, now, I needed him was right. That sufficed me for now.


Opposite of Joe’s plans to stay out all night and fall asleep in the car, the four of us went back to my house. Turns out, Joe had planned on staying the night anyway for tomorrow so he and Nick brought their stuff. The four of us in the big house filled it pretty nicely. Immediately after showers and changing into pajamas, we got started on a good time.

Although we’d just came from dinner, we destroyed the kitchen. I made smoothies, smores, and Chocolate covered strawberries. Joe created some sort of chocolate masterpiece that, although looked like a death wish, tasted amazing. Taylor made a Mexican pizza and Nick just ate what everyone else had.

“We should do this all the time,” Joe said to me as I sat on the island in the kitchen, eating fudge off of a spoon.

“I couldn’t handle this alltime. But it is nice with just the four of us,” I agreed, nodding my head.

“We’re like an entourage’ Taylor joked.

“Oh! Or a wolf pack! I’m the alpha; DIBS!” Joe shouted, stuffing more cookie dough ice cream in his mouth. We all shared an eye roll.

“Of course you’re alpha, Joe. Nick doesn’t have the muscle for it.” I teased, knowing that specific part of Nick just madefor competitiveness would jump at the challenge. His eyes shot to me, like I new they would.

“Doesn’t have the muscle?” He stood up, rolling up his short sleeves and flexing. “Check out the gun show over here, Baby. I got Sludge and Jack, which one do you want?” He shouted, making me laugh uncontrollably at his imitation of the guy on Tooth Fairy.

“Oh Jeez, my stomach is starting hurt.” Taylor sighed, breathily after laughing. I giggled a bit more, turning to her.

“Ready to settle down?” I got a nod in response. Burping as I hopped off of the counter, I giggled yet again before following Taylor’s lead up the stairs. A sudden wave of tiredness ran through me, making me wave my hand at the mess we’d made. I can do it tomorrow. We reached my room and all four ran for the bed, jumping on the bed. I definitely would not have all of us sleep in this bed.

“How about…we all sleep on the floor? Bring the comforter and a whole bunch of blankets down because this right here will notwork. Absolutely not” I objected, shaking my head for effect.

“You’re pretty cute when you say that, Jules.” Joe smiled, pecking my cheek before running out the room for more blankets.

“Could you guys just go elope somewhere? Because he is reallyannoying and weirdly girly while in love.” Nick scoffed. I rolled my eyes, looking at my pillow as I blushed and smiled. I thought it was cute the way Joe acted. Nick is such a prude.

Joe returned with the blankets and, with much distractions and, well Nick and Joe being…Nick and Joe, we set up a nice comfortable sleep site on my floor. There was a circle in the middle where we put our food. The order was Nick, me, Joe, and Taylor organized in a ring.

I yawned, jumping when I felt Joe’s hand on my back.


“Mhm. Dressing up takes too much out of me.”

“Well, you look great in your worn out shorts and Switchfoot t-Shirt.” He smiled and I smiled back, closing my eyes.

“Night!” I heard Taylor yawn as I drifted closer to my great slumber. “Disneyland tomorrow”


Thanks, Joe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 2,796
Taylor Outfit:
Juliet Outfit
Sorry isn't enough, but it's all I've got for taking long...again. But hey, guess what? It's summer time. So between my personal life, doing 2 projects for next year's AP classes, and spending time with my boyfriend; I will write. That seems hard so we'll just see how it goes.

Ha, this is sort of a belated Birthday present to Taylor. There's a part two that will come tomorrow(hopefully), because as you can see, this was not Taylor's birthday.

Um, I'm loooking towards wrapping up Let's Get Reckless pretty soon. I know I say that alot but I mean it; it's been almost a year since I started this story; it's been good, Y'all. Haha

Ummm. I think that's it for now? :)

