Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

things are changin'

The month of August would bring plenty of new events and changes for both the Monroes and the Jonases and, of course, Taylor. With everything planned, the obvious separation and drifting was inevitable.

Taylor would be going back to school once Summer break ended, slowing her down. She’d be a sophomore this year and the second year of high school was sure to keep her busy. Especially with the AP classes she’d gotten into and the clubs she planned to join. She already confessed to me how busy she’d find herself this year.

Valerie would be flying to Milan to work as one of the head models for an upcoming designer, Giovono Estair, this year. The offer was big, even to me, and without a second’s hesitation, she’d accepted the gracious offer. For her career, she’d be one of the youngest top models in the world. Upon recent plans, it was prepared that her new manager would travel with her. Stefani Walsh showed herself worthy over the year she’d worked for my mother and now she’d get the grandopportunity to work with Valerie. So, that left my mother with the time she was looking for to begin work on her new clothing line due in Winter. And when Denise wasn’t touring with the boys, she’d be in Paris with my mother. After being opened up to the world of fashion by my mother, Denise had evolved and wanted to be more involved. So the line would be co-designed by her. The whole thing would only strengthen their friendship.

As for me, I had sent several applications out. Getting acceptance letters from Carnegie Mellon, Sarah Lawrence, NYU, and Australian University, I went for Australia. I had yet to formally announce this decision to everyone else. But by the end of August, I’d be a student.

Thus, before the obvious parting of ways for who knows how long, we decided on a big ‘family’ trip. Today was our first meeting on the subject. To make it fun, I suggested we meet in the form of a barbecue, which was way more exciting than Nick’s suggestion of a general office meeting.

We swam and played with water balloons and water guns for the most part of the day, only getting out when the sun got the orange tint it always did before it began to change to night. By 3:30, Valerie had left, no surprise, and by the time we sat around the patio to discuss the plans, she’d called to tell my mom she couldn’t attend the trip, no surprise there either.

“Well, that puts a damper in things, doesn’t it?” My mom sighed, putting her phone back in her purse. She didn’t notice the looks the whole table exchanged. In all reality, it made things better. No pretending and stepping around the truth throughout the trip and it would give me the chance to tell my mom what was going on, what would happen, and what already happened. She didn’t know anything, and I felt guilty for keeping so much from her. Joe’s whole family, including Frankie, knew about me and Joe. Like I told myself whenever I thought about everything wrong with my relationship, in time it’ll be all worked out.

I took a bite of the ribs that Paul had made, relishing in the taste. Joe laughed at the satisfied face I wore but I ignored him and paid attention to what everyone was talking about.

“Well it’s summer time so we have a pretty good range of places.” Paul stated, taking a sip of the Margarita my mom had whipped up for the three parents.

“I say we go to Brazil” Joe shrugged, popping chips into his mouth. I laughed, making him look confused.

“I doubt we’re aiming that high, Joe.”

“Why not?”

“Taylor can’t go to Brazil!”

He took a minute before cracking a grin. “Oh yeah, huh? Whoops.”

“Anyone else have any ideas?”

“Lake Tahoe.”



We all thought about the suggestions as Denise spoke up. “We need to vote on which one to go to.”

Conversation broke off as we all turned to each other to discuss what we wanted. Joe, Taylor, Nick, and I formed a group to figure it out.

“I wanna go to Mexico.” Joe proclaimed, leaning his head on my shoulder.

“I was thinking Mexico, too.”

“But I’d need a passport and everything for that. Uh, I don’t know if my grandparent s would go for me leaving the country.”

We all ‘Ooohhed’, realizing the flaw in that choice. Sipping some more water, I weighed the two options left. I’d never been to Lake Tahoe but I heard the water was so clean you could drink from it. And Miami was just beautiful and sunny. But it was also filled with people and very busy compared to Lake Tahoe. And this wasa bonding trip. Maybe the nature of the lake would do us good.

“I vote for Lake Tahoe.” I said, leaning my head onto Joe’s.

“And I’m going with whatever Juliet says.”

“And why is that?” Taylor asked, rolling her eyes.

“’Cause she’s my boo.” He kissed my cheek and we all laughed. The four of us, agreeing on Lake Tahoe, gave our submittal.

“Well, since you guys are the kids of the trip, it’s only fair to give you choice.” Denise shrugged. “Frankie and James, what do you guys think about Lake Tahoe?”

“It’s someplace we’ve never been” Frankie shrugged. “Do they have jet skis?”

“I would think so” Paul told him, making both boys light up.

“Dude, that’ll be so awesome!” James said and they immediately launched into details about the subject.

The rest of us talked about the important plans well until the night. By 10:00, we were sleepy and in need of showers.

Nick, Joe, Taylor, Kevin, Danielle, and I lay sprawled in the grass; dozing off before Denise came to gather us in.

“All right by children, time to shower and get to bed. Taylor, your grandparents are here; I already told them about the trip” She eased each of us up caringly, making me appreciate it. It also made me think of my mother. Could there be a chance she ever had motherly tendencies like Denise did. Did she ever feel the urge to smile and tell us Good morning or tuck us into bed. By age 19 I shouldn’t be hurt by the empty space my mother’s love never reached. But sometimes I wished I had a mother like Denise.

I leaned on Nick as we walked into the house, my other arm swung around Taylor as we walked groggily into the house. Faintly, I heard Denise still trying to rouse Joe, the worst of us all. I f I weren’t so sleepy, I’d offer my help; I knew the power of Joe’s sleep.

I heard chuckling as we walked into the house, opening my eyes to see all of our parents and Taylor’s grand parents looking towards us.

“The day wear you all out?”

We each nodded sleepily. They beckoned for Taylor to come on so we gave our hugs and waved goodbye as her family walked out the door. Nick and I helped each other up the stairs, seemingly getting sleepier by the moment. My mind was blurry as I stumbled into half seen dreams. I saw Joe’s face repeatedly along with others but since I tried to keep enough mind to find a bed, I couldn’t process anything.

“I say screw showers tonight. I’ll drown.” Nick mumbled. L I tried to laugh but yawned instead, nodding. We collapsed in the nearest bed, conking out with light speed.


I woke up with my face buried into a sweet smelling pillow and halfway laying my head on Nicholas’s arm. I picked my head up, feeling heavy. Upon further inspection, I realized it was Joe’s arm strewn across my neck that weighed me down. Instead of rolling my eyes, I laced my fingers with his, examining our intertwined hands. He must’ve crashed with Nicholas in I last night. I watched Joe sleep peacefully for a moment before checking on Nicholas. I could feel his leg laying on mine behind me, and his arms were also laid out. One right where my head previously laid and the other hanging off of the bed. I noted that all three of us were dry and still in our swim wear. I poked Nicholas in his stomach, watching him fidget but not waking up. I giggled and attempted to unearth myself from our human heap.

As I removed Joe’s arm, he frightened me by grabbing my hip. I almost screamed, instead glaring at him. His eyes were still closed but he was grinning sleepily. “Where ya goin’, Medusa?”

My mouth dropped. Looking at the mirror across the room, I noticed his assumption was much too true. My hair looked like it was attacked by something ravenous. I refused to let him get his satisfaction. “Nowhere, but it looks like it’s you’re the one who needs to be going. You’re getting’ kind of flabby, Bud.” I poked his stomach.

He chuckled dryly. “Low blow, Babe.” I laughed also. “Gimme a kiss before you leave.”

“No, your breath stinks.” I teased and laughed as he blew out a breath.

“So does yours; kiss me.” I rolled my eyes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, grinning when I pulled back.

“You’re the best.” He yawned before turning over to continue his sleep. I smiled appreciatively at the comment before climbing out of the bed and, not before planting a kiss on Nick’s forehead, leaving the room.


“Well I figure I’ll travel after school before I settle down.” I told Denise as I sat at the island in the kitchen, eating freshly sliced watermelon. When I’d woken up, it was 1:00; yesterday had done wonders on us. I licked my finger as she nodded in approval. I liked the gleam of admiration her eyes expressed.

“That should be a fun graduation present. Renee told me that she got you working at the office.”

“Yeah. Although my mom insists I’m crazy, I know she’s paying me double what the other receptionists receive.”

“Maybe, she isyour mother, though. She’s just looking out for you.” Denise smiled and I believed her, nodding. I looked out the sliding glass door to see my mom reading a book in her sundress. She was still beautiful; old age wouldn’t be the death of that beauty. Heck, I doubted anything would; appearances were always important to her even before she was into fashion.

“Although she’s always taking care of your sister, she loves you, Juliet. Your mother just has her own way of affection.”

I wasn’t looking at Denise as I heard her words, but I still understood the truth of them. I knew my mother loved me, sometimes it didn’t feel like enough, though. Especially watching Denise interact with the boys and even us girls. Maybe in a different environment I’d have more of a personality and sense of belonging. My family was more like an every man for himself pack.

“Life was hard for her. But despite that, she’s still a strong person. A talented woman who raised two wonderful daughters.” I smiled at the comment, finally returning Denise’s gaze. She was telling the truth. My father was a stranger to me and Valerie’s dad walked out when she was six and I was five. It was then my mom realized she had to make her dream a reality to be able to provide for the three of us. She worked her ass off to become as successful as she is today and for that she was so bright in my eyes. Despite the things she lost in the process, she tried her best to get them back.

As we sat in a comfortable silence, Joe stumbled into the room. His hair was wet from what could only be a shower, but he still looked a little drowsy. I smiled, offering him a piece of my watermelon. He glady bit the chunk of the fork, smiling appreciatively before pecking my cheek.

“So when do you plan on telling your mother?” Denise asked, making me cringe. Before I could open my mouth to speak, I heard my mother’s voice.

“Telling me what?” She asked, smiling brightly, inquisitively.

“Um, that—that me and Joe were going shopping. I know you always need something.” I smiled, hoping she couldn’t see it quiver. She studied me before, shaking her head with a smile.

“It’s a shame my daughter knows me so well, Denise.” She laughed, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. “Bring back some more margarita mix and smoothie crap.”

Denise rolled her eyes. “What are you calling yourself these days, Renee? The margarita master?”

“Whatever it is, you love it.” She retorted with a wink. I snuck a look at Joe and he nodded.

“We’ll be sure to get that mom. See you guys later!” I hopped out of my seat and grabbed Joe by his arm.
“That was waytoo close for comfort.”

“I kind of like seeing you so flustered.” Joe said. I punched him once for stupidity, then another just because.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 2,219

So, not the best chapter. But I really wanted to get at least something out after having to go through and correct all thirty eight chapters. It's only a filler. As you can see, they're going on vacation; without Valerie. :) (I'm sure there's a few of you who are exceptionally happy about that detail)

Um, obviously Renee doesn't yet know about Joe&Juliet yet. She will, soon enough. ;)
And it hints sort of at their past with the whole father thing. I didn't want Valerie and Juliet to be twins so I gave them different fathers. And I'm experiementing with using this detail later on to explain certain things. It's being thought over. :)

There Goes My Baby by Usher played most of the time. I'm sort of stuck on that song for...personal reasons. I have a new crush! Lolx, I can say that here because I feel it's completely safe.

The Most Important Thing

Since I haven't updated, I haven't told you guys about the BMBAs. Well voting ends in like, two days. Ha, it proves how lame I am. Anyway, it's for you guys to vote for your favorite stories. I don't plan on winning but I was nominated for two things.

Let's Get Reckless- Best Joe Jonas Fanfiction
Nevermind Me- Best Jonas Fanfiction

If you guys feel like giving authors on here the credit they deserve, go vote! It'll mean a lot to whoever wins. I'm not saying vote for me, I'm saying vote for whom you deem worthy. :)

Ummm, I think that's it. OH! I went and did a little shopping today, Got a cute dress and going to get my hair done tomorrow. :)Haha, have a good night/day!
