Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

She gets what she wants, and he's what she's keeping

I was outside the bus on the sidewalk, drawing on the ground with the chalk I got yesterday at this shop of off the highway. Milo was sitting beside me, being lazy. It was always fun to write with the colors on the sidewalk. My favorite thing to occupy myself was drawing a pretty flower or something on Ms. Genevieve’s driveway. She was an elderly women who lived next door to us and I really enjoyed coming over to her house to keep her company. She told me her stories of being a young dancer in France and we’d talk about how I’m going to college next spring. I got accepted to go to Australian University. New York was my best state college, but I wanted to get away. And Australia was simply beautiful.

I had my iHome out here while I drew, singing along to myself and the puppy while he just watched me with a sleepy gaze. I could say I was much more than happy they let me bring him. Maya and her puppies were staying with a neighbor while we were gone. He was going to try and sell them. Something about giving away puppies always made me sad. I wanted to keep all of them, but was only allowed two. So I chose Milo and the other that I named Minnie. Frankie came a minute ago and asked to play with her so they were having a ball together inside the bus with Denise.

“Whoa! I haven’t played with chalk in ages!” Joe exclaimed, jumping off our bus. He came over to where I was and plopped down. Again, he contaminated the sounds of The Maine’s ‘Into Your Arms’ by shouting.

“Whoa. You draw really pretty.” He smiled at me and I blushed, keeping my head on the garden I was drawing. I was extremely aware that he was in my personal space and it irritated me and made me nervous at the same time. But, being the mouse I was, I said nothing about it.

“So how do you like touring?” We were drawing separate things. I would go as far as to say Joe Jonas is no artist. I didn’t want to ask what the hell he was trying to create. But from the looks of it, it resembled a lion humping a bush of ducks. Scrunching my nose at his…art, I answered his question.

“It’s… different. My mom’s never brought us to tour with her clients. I never wanted to and Val’s pretty busy. But it’s better than I thought it would be.”

“Yeah. I love it. Always get to see something new.” He nodded, moving on to draw random circles in multiple colors

“That’s a plus.” I softly laughed.

“Watch. You’ll love London if you’ve never been.”

“Actually, I haven’t gotten the chance yet.”

“Makes it all the better. I get to show you my favorite places.” He winked and I simply nodded. After I was satisfied with my coloring, I dusted my knees off and fixed my shorts. Milo whined and I picked him up, nuzzling his soft fur.

“That’s like the tiniest dog I’ve ever seen.” Joe laughed, also standing up. He petted Milo’s head which seemed to suffice because the little guy closed his eyes from the touch, looking blissed out.

“Well we’re gonna go lay down.” I bid goodbye to Joe and gathered my iHome to get on the bus. There I was instantly greeted with Valerie’s face. Yeah, it didn’t look too cheery.

“What the hell were you doing with Joe?” She asked.

“I was playing with the chalk and he just came over to draw.”

“Chalk? Seriously How lamecan you get? Gah, whatever, Juliet. Just keep away, okay? I already got him.” My shoulder was pushed as she stomped by and I rolled my eyes. I didn’t want Joe; I knew that with every fiber of my being. I didn’t want any of them. I don’t know why Valerie was so mad about it. We never competed for guys, mostly because she claimed them before I even saw them and I rarely wanted guys she did. But that didn’t matter. We didn’t like the same type. And Joe Jonas was not my type. Of course he was gorgeous, just not my type.

I climbed into the bunk and closed the curtain so Milo and me could get a few hours of sleep.


“Aw, She looks so pretty. Look at those faces together!”

“C’mon. Stop being a weirdo. We have to get her up.”

“Lemme get a picture.”

“Creeper.” I heard someone sigh.

I only opened my eyes when I heard a click of a camera. “What’s going on?”

“It’s showtime, Love.” Joe smiled cheekily and Nick sighed. I looked down to see my puppy still sleep so I got out of the bunk and changed before grabbing him second, cradling him in my cardigan so he wouldn’t get cold outside. I also grabbed my book and my glasses so I could read on the dressing room couch.

“What do you think, Julie?” Joe asked me as he modeled an outfit. I looked up from the book to size the outfit up.

“When did I get a nickname? And it’s fine.” I told him, diverting my gaze back to the work of Jodi Picoult.

“When I decided you’re my friend.”

I smiled in spite of myself, keeping my head down to mask it. “Well in that case, you could do better with the clothes.”


“Mhm. Here I saw a great pair of jeans over-” I began before the door slammed open.

“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Valerie chirped, walking over to Joe.

“Sorry, we didn’t know where you were,” He hugged her and by the look on her face, she was satisfied by it. Next to the two, I stood awkwardly, feeling lame.

“Jules, could you help me?” Nick asked, staring at the clothes rack. I was thankful for the escape.

“Everybody’s giving me nicknames.” I chuckled and he followed suite.

“Don’t worry. Means we like you.” Well, that was a good thing, right? We’d have to live with each other, so I didn’t want to be enemies. I wasn’t the type anyways. Besides, they weren’t too bad, just rambunctious at the times I wanted to do something quiet. Maybe we’ll actually get on the same schedule sometime. Then we’d probably be friends.

Nick and me got his clothes together just in time. The boys went out onto the stage to perform after preparations were made. Kevin showed me the T.V. where we could watch the boys perform from the room. Hmm, just the first part, I told myself and flipped on the television.

Me trying to just watch the beginning, turned into me watching the whole thing. They were really good performers! And I liked the way they did the trampoline addition to the show. Of course all the girls went crazy when Joe took his shirt off. Valerie had been watching up to there and put her finger in her mouth, smirking. She can be a, well, how do I say this without being harsh? Slut? It’s the only way to say it. Because she’s done it before. I’m not saying I’mnot the purest saint, but she could cool it. Especially with trying to get famous guys. Chace Crawford was her first which surprised me. I met him and he seems like a deeper guy than Valerie’s type. But then again, it was just a fuck, what’d it mean to him?

I sat Milo on the couch to get up when the concert was over. The boys ran off the stage and I was sure they’d be coming in soon. Valerie was sitting at the mirror, checking her makeup. Just as I was about to look at the jacket rack, the boys burst into the room. It was before I knew it that Joe’s arms wrapped around me tightly in a sweat filled hug. Gross. Before I pushed away he let go, only for me to then be attacked by Nick.

“Guys.” I laughed, despite the situation. The thought of them rubbing sweat all over me came second to the feeling of my air being pushed out of me.

“Sorry,” They breathed, “Show hype.”

“Hug me, Val.” Joe held out his arms which caused her face to twist in disgust.

“How about you shower first,” She suggested.

“Fine then. That’s why Julie’s my girlfriend; she hugs me and brings me food.”

God, if looks could kill, plant me now. Joe really should shut up more; the damned idiot.

“Yeah right,” I muttered , causing the other two guys to laugh although for Val and me it was nolaughing matter.

“Aw, Julie you’re going to deny me?” He came close to me and I quickly backed away, already upset at his stupidity.

“I’ll see you guys on the bus.” I picked up my puppy and walked out. God, did he know how possessive Valerie was? She was definitely pissed about his ass-head attempt at a joke and I’m sure I’d hear more of her opinion later on. He really knew how to ruin something.

“He doesn’t know how to shut up.” Nick’s voice made me jump. I was on the bus for five minutes tops before he got on. I stayed quiet.

“Really, I saw how your sister went bitch crazy when he said that.” The look on his face looked a little frightened and it made me chuckle slightly. I wasn’t scared of Valerie, more accustomed to her ways than frightened. Didn’t mean I needed anyone giving her reasons to blow up at me.

“She…wants him. And what she wants, she gets.” I told him, my fingers gingerly touching Milo’s head.

“You really think so?” He asked, looking truly curious.

“Only a matter of time. They hang out a lot, so…yeahh.” It was quiet until I turned to Nick and saw him looking at me. More like staring. “What?”

“Why don’t you model?” His question made me laugh.

“Me? Out of all people,” I shook my head. I was nothing close to a model; not even remotely.

“Yeah, Juliet. It’s not like you don’t have the looks.” I blushed and he continued. “Seriously, you’re beautiful. So, why not?”

“I don’t want to model. I want to go to college and study English Literature.”

“Wow. That’s cool. I want to go for that, too.”

“Seriously?” I cocked my head to the side. It was my turn to be curious. Nick Jonas, a Jonas Brother, attending college? From the sound of it, he would be going while he was still young. So what would that mean for him and his brothers?

“Yeah. I’ve always had college in mind.”

“I think that’s really cool.” I nodded and he blushed, ducking his head to hide his smile, which was really cute to me. Modesty; I liked that.

“Thanks. Just trying to do something in life.”

I could now say I admired Nick Jonas. The youngest, yet the most intellectual. How many sixteen year olds have college goals while they are touring the whole and stealing hearts from fan girls? None that I know of; not that I knew any in the first place.

But all good moments come to an end when Joe Jonas is in the equation. He bombarded the bus steps, coming into the vehicle like an unwanted hurricane to ruin the peace.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Nick said and I nodded, grabbing the curtain to my bunk, “We stop at a hotel soon. It’s supposed to be really good.”

“An hour or so?” I guessed and he nodded. Tough out one more hour on this bus with Valerie’s possessiveness and Joe’s obnoxious ways. I sighed, deciding sleeping was the best way to do it.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word count: 1,978

ohhh. comment after chapter 3!
First commento!
seriously, if i had a 'Made Me Happy Right Now' award, I'd give it to her. That should make me eager and take my mind off of getting my cavities filled tomorrow.
Seriously, they found six and did half today! my mouth was numb for HOURS.
I hate dentists. Since when is it okay to shove your fingers in my mouth?
MOViNG ON!---> comment?. it's lovelyy.