Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

'Til I Stumble Upon Your Beautiful Face.

The boys had their suite that had an adjoining door to ours. I was completely okay with the idea that we wouldn’t have to sleep in the same room; happy, if you will. I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair so it wouldn’t become a mess. After that I restraightened and curled the bottom in waterfall curls. I had this thing with curling my hair before bed. I don’t know, I like the way it looks in the morning.

“You sure to take a lot of damn time to go to bed to not apply anything.” Valerie said, claiming the bathroom after I was out and the steam got out. She, like every other prima donna, had a nightly ritual. The whole face thing was important to her.

I folded the waist of my shorts up to the highest they would go and readjusting my tank top before climbing into the covers. Then someone knocked on my door. Pulling on a robe I answered it. Frankie.

“Sorry. I forgot to give her back earlier.” He smiled cutely and handed me Minnie. I had forgot he even had her.

“It’s fine. I’m pretty sure she likes you.” I smiled at him, watching as he blushed a little.

“Thanks for letting me play with her. I’ll see you later, Julie.” He waved and went back to the room he was sharing with my parents. Our mom was actually in our room, but her and Denise were downstairs doing God knows what.

I set Minnie on the makeshift doggie bed I made where Milo was laying.

“So why was Joe calling you his girlfriend?” Val asked from the bathroom, failing at sounding nonchalant.

“Because he’s weird. I don’t know, I really don’t talk to him like that.”

“ Oh well you must if he jokes about you two being together.” Her tone got more insistent.

“Or not. Joe talks a lot, I’m sure he was just trying to make you mad.” I rolled my eyes as I settled my head onto the pillow. I hated talking to her about stupid things like this. She could really be the bitch I knew when it came to the lamest of arguments.

“Whatever it was, it needs to stop. Like now. Juliet keep doing what you do at home and find a book to bury yourself in. Seriously, you’re pissing me off.”

“Valerie, whatever. I don’t like him, he’s really annoying anyway.” Okay, so maybe he wasn’t that annoying . But he did interrupt a lot. And put his foot in his mouth constantly. It counts. Especially when I wanted her to stop talking.

“I’ll tell you what’s annoying. Purity rings!” And that’s where we stopped talking. Talking about sex to her wasn’t on my Things To Do list. I cuddled into the blankets and dozed off to sleep.


I woke up when my hungry stomach got unbearable. Our fridge was, thankfully stocked, along with the cup boards also. I really liked suites like this, ones with the kitchens and everything. I got to cook! But what I wanted before that was Starbucks so I pulled on some basketball shorts and made a quick run, getting back to the room shortly.

After about 45 minutes, I had breakfast for me, my mom, and Valerie plus the three guys in the next room.

I put tops on the food before laying back down for a moment, feeling sleepy now. When a moment turned into another half hour I woke up. The alarm clock read 9:45. Hm, good enough. I sleepily got up and went to play with my puppies…but they weren’t there.

“What the hell?” I asked myself, searching around the room. After a double sweep, my tired eyes didn’t see them anywhere. So, I went into the boy’s room. I didn’t think they’d be up, or more that I was hoping. But Joe was. Along with Nick, who wasn’t as chipper as his older brother. Joe was toying with my puppies on the ground, a huge grin on his face while Nick sat staring blanky at the TV.

“So when did you decide to kidnap my dogs?” I asked, annoyed. I didn’t care how cute the scene was, I just woke up and saw my most prized possessions gone. You’d be angry too. Especially if it was the guy who ruined your night by being a dunce.

His head shot up at the sound of my voice. But after his eyes met mine, they traveled down my body. I did the same, trying to see what was making him watch me like that. Ohh, it was probably the fact that my shorts were still hitched up right at the top of my thighs and my midsection was exposed from my slightly raised tank top. And that lime green bra showing through my tank top. Just possibilities, you know you can make your own guesses. I shoved my shirt back into place, awaiting his answer with a blushing face.

“No, I heard them whining when I couldn’t sleep so I just decided to play with them. I’m sorry if I made you mad it was just that they seemed sad and you were tired and I didn’t want to wake you up because you looked so nice sleeping and they-” Joe rambled while I fixed my shorts to a more appropriate length. I didn’t need to look at him to know he was still looking at me, stuttering over his words. I ignored that fact that Joe looked really innocent the way his hair was rumpled and his glasses fixated on the bridge of his nose. I also resisted the temptation to size him up as he did me.

“Doesn’t matter. If it’s that hard to explain, leave it alone.” I went to sit on the edge of the bed Nick was laying in, hoping he didn’t mind.

“Do I smell bacon?” Joe’s head perked up and my eyes widened. I forgot about the breakfast I made!

“I forgot! I made breakfast for everyone.” I hopped to my feet and glided into the kitchen of my room, getting three plates and bringing them into the boy’s room.

“Wow.” Nick sighed, staring at the plate.

“What?” I was confused. I mean, it was just breakfast. No big deal, really.

“Why’d you cook?”…What kind of question was that?

“Well, I like to. Plus, I got hungry and figured that buying something wasn’t necessary. Not when they stocked us with food.”

“Watch when we tell mom.” Joe laughed with a mouth full of eggs; I tried not to grimace as I saw his food swirl. “She’ll be surprised.”


“Well because you cooked while in a hotel. And might I say this is really good. I hate restaurant eggs.”

That might be the one thing Joe and I have in common. How sad, our common ground was over the predicament of restaurant eggs.

My phone played from…inside of my bra. I bit my lip and discreetly took it out, ignoring Joe’s smirk. Ignoring the call, I placed it on the coffee table.

“You hungry, babies?” I asked my dogs and went to the fridge for their bottles. When I returned the were eager to get to the bottle. “Could you get him?” I asked Joe and he obliged.

“How do I do it?” Was his first question.

“Here.” Nick went over to help him while I got Minnie to suck on her bottle.


Who wouldn’t stare at Juliet when she stood in their doorway? Especially they were her hair was waved and looked to be tousled from sleep. And the little pout she wore was the cutest. She looked like a freakin’ goddess. And hey, the way her clothes were wearing her it made her look…sexy.

I tried to talk to her sometimes, but she was so quiet. It’s like she didn’t like me. Or that I made her nervous, which was an ego boost. But I noticed she talked to Nick. Why? Was there something wrong with me? I don’t know, but I hope she lets her guard down. Sort of like Valerie. Now she is veryopen with me. Most of the time we have free, she’s right there. But honestly that gets…redundant. I want Juliet to talk with me.

So I guess I gotta’ pull out the Jonas Charm. Hehe.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,404

i love you.
seriously, three comments may be a little, but i put this story out like yesterday night!
go to and tell me if you really think thats okay?.

seriously, Selena?
i really think that looks ridiculous. just my opinion.
but haha, anyone hear Joe's SayNow message. you have to love him =)
'Just went shopping at Urban Outfitters, got some pretty awesome stuff.'