Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

he's got somethin' special

Right now, since it was a day off and all, I was watching the Viva La Bam marathon. I had my snacks and everything to sit down for the day. Having to tour with the Jonas Brothers was tiring with all the early hours and numerous interviews. So, I dedicated today to MTV. Oh, Nick was joining me also.

“Bam Margera is amazing.” I commented, seeing him when he just woke up only in his boxer briefs. Yeah I had a thing for guys like him. Him, Steve-O, Johnny Knoxville, and Shia Lebouf. Well, Shia just went to jail but he’s still great.

“Seriously?” Nick laughed, looking at me as I gazed at the T.V.

“Yeah. He’s…hot.” I looked down, smiling as I said it, “I’ve actually met him before, personally know him, really. Everyone from Jackass.”

“Joe!” Nick yelled for him, still laughing. In a matter of five seconds, Joe produced himself, clearly a bit disheveled. But what I woudln’t even let my brain wonder.

“What?” You Could clearly hear Valerie whine ‘Joe’ from the bunks but we all ignored it.

“Jules has a thing for Bam Margera.” That statement had Joe’s eyes bugging.

“What do you mean? Nope, I don’t believe it. Garb! Juliet has a thing for Bam Margera!” Joe yelled into the backroom.

“Hahaha! Yo, JT, Julie digs Bam Margara.”

“You liar! Hey, Kevin and Dani!? You believe Julie wants Bam Margara?” He shouted. Okay, that was unnecessary. I can see why people could think it was a big deal, but it wasn’t unbelievable.

“You guys are making way too much of a big deal out of this.” I sighed, popping some Mike and Ikes into my mouth.

“Nuh uh!” Joe argued, sitting beside me. Against my better judgement, I stayed still.

“Hey, we’re goin’ to lunch!” John Taylor, Garbo, Kevin and Danielle waved before leaving out the door.

“Okay look.” I set down my soda, not believing I was letting them in on this. I barely even knew these guys and I’m telling them what types of guys can have my heart. I gestured with my hand, “I like two types of guys. First type is the artistic. I like him to be sensitive and caring. Likes holding hands and writes me songs. All in all, a real sweetheart.

“The second type is class A bad boy, I guess. I know it’s weird but how can you not love a guy who can be careless like that? Bam Margara is like a dream. That’s what I look for in those type of guys.”

“Random much?” Joe said and I simply shrugged. “So just so we’re clear, you like dangerous guys?”

“Um, yeah. I guess,” I shrugged.

“Well, I’m dangerous!” He exclaimed and I laughed out loud, causing him to pout.

“Mildly. I doubt you’d eat cow nuts or something.”

“So your dream guy eats cow nuts?” Nick laughed and I laughed also, rolling my eyes.

“He’s bad ass.” I corrected and got a raised eyebrow response from both boys.

“I just went to dinner with him, you know.” I’m not sure if Joe was just saying that to simply share, or convince me he could be my boyfriend. Either way, it didn’t matter.

“You know, all this reminds me that I haven’t talked to those guys.” I pulled out my iPhone and texted Bam’s wife and Johnny. This is one thing I can thank Valerie for: Connections. I got to meet a lot of people when I wanted to. So sometimes being dragged to a deathly boring dinner party turned out okay if I could meet someone I admired.

“Aren’t we going to be in Philadelphia tonight?” I asked, my head cocked to the side.

“Uh, yeah. And we stay two days.” Joe said distractedly, trying unsuccessfully sneak some of my Mike and Ikes.

“Yes!” I cheered and happily texted Missy back. I was staying at Bam’s house at least one of those days. I have been keeping quiet and not really having a good laugh with anyone. Well, I was sure it’d be loads of fun with those guys.

“You planning on going to see someone?” Joe asked, trying to look interested in picking at the couch seams but I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

“Yeah, actually. I was going to stay one night at their house.”

“Your mom let’s you do that?” He asked, incredulous. Like it was so bad at Bam’s house. Well, I guess it could be. But that wasn’t any of Joe’s concern.

“Yes. She doesn’t know really know them, but says yes all the more.” True. My mother had no idea who Bam Margara was. And I’m sure if she knew him, she would be very displeased in me befriending them. Not like she would actually care though. Being fair, it’s not exactly the fact that my mother doesn’t care, it’s that Valerie takes up the time she isn’t using to satisfy customers and clients. So there wasn’t much left of her to watch after what I do. I was independent though, no one needed to watch over me. No one ever did.

“Huh.” He grunted, “Wonder if my mom would let me go with you?”

“I don’t believe I invited you.” My mouth said before I caught my brain up to it Wide eyed, I apologized. “I’m sorry, that was rude.”

“No, it’s fine. Just a thought.” He looked down, trying not to show hurt. Sighing I tried to soften my blow.

“I don’t think she would. I’m staying the night and you have your own things to do.”

“But I wanted to hang out with you.” He told me, earnestly, making my stomach jump a smidge.

“I-I-I-“ I stuttered mindlessly.

“Why? So you could stare at a tree all day?” Valerie laughed, walking in and wrapping her arms around his torso.

“No. To go to Bam Margara’s house.”

“Ew. Juliet, that guy that does that stupid shit?”

“It’s not stupid, it’s funny,” I defended.

“Whatever. Mom’s letting you?” She raised her freshly arched eyebrow. I nodded my head in response and took a swig of Vitamin Water.

“Well, that mean you and mecan hang out, Joe!” She kissed his cheek. I don’t know who was more shocked, him or Nick. I wasn’t. With a sigh, I turned my attention back to the television set.


“Mom.” I tapped her shoulder as she read over the schedule.

“Yes, Honey.” She didn’t look up. Figures.

“I was going to spend the night with a friend today. I’ll be back for the show tomorrow. Is that fine?”

“Of course. You’re always careful. I’ll see you tomorrow, Sweetie.” Her pink lipstick left a mark on my cheek. I smiled and walked off the bus and back to mine, waving to the guys from the horn section on my way. I hummed to myself as I packed a bag for tonight. That house was basically screaming for me to be prepared. Missy told me they’d be waiting for me to come and I was hoping for dear life that meant she got a few of the guys to come. Steve-O especially. I had to make sure the guy was alright and doing well. His show about his drug problem made me cry and check on him every time I saw it.

“Watcha doin’?” Someone’s hot breath caressed my neck. Not thinking. I shot up, hitting my head on Kevin’s bunk.’

“Oh God.” I gritted my teeth and gripped my head tightly, thinking it would stop the pulse of pain.

“Oh, Juliet I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Joe picked me up into his arms and shocked me a great deal by kissing my head where I hit it.

“No, it doesn’t hurt that bad. The surprise got me worst.” I murmured, wriggling out of his grasp.

“So you’re leaving soon?” He asked, staring at me while I put my things in my duffle bag.

“Uhmm. As soon as I get my things together.”

“Sucks that I can’t go with you.” Why does he always do that? Like I’m so entertaining to him. We barely talk, barely interact but he always has to initiate communication. If it’s pity on me, he can stop it now. Just because I’m not the family star doesn’t mean I want attention. The way he did this and had Valerie questioning me got annoying and I don’t like to deal with it.

I decided to stop replying to what he says. It’s what I do when I get way too nervous or something. Stop replying and continue to do what I was in the first place. I managed to get everything I needed and texted Missy, telling her I was ready.

“Got time to spare?” Sigh, again with the conversation. It may seem like I’m stuck up but in all honesty, I’m just not used to people. Especially famous guys who like to get me in trouble with my sister.

“She’s coming to get me so I guess.” I shrugged, letting my body hit my bunk. I didn’t close the curtain in his face, because that’s just plain rude. I simply lay there, not even having my puppies. Nick and Frankie were outside somewhere playing with them.

“So Juliet. Tell me about yourself.” He smiled at me. He really does have a pretty smile. Perfect poster boy if you ask me.

“What do you want to know?” I asked, letting out a sigh. I discreetly pulled out my phone and told Missy to hurry.

“I dunno. Say something about you.”

“I really don’t like speaking.” My voice went soft, softer than usual since I was nervous.

“Why not? Your voice is pretty.”

“My voice is just my voice; nothing special.”

“It seems special to me.”

“Okay, if we’re just going to talk about my voice, I’m going to sit outside.” I muttered and grabbed my bag, hopping out my bunk. I walked out of the bus, eager to get away from Joe.

I couldn’t help but feel like I’d be feeling like this in the future. The way he made me feel was past the boundary line. If that line was crossed, I’d be in Valerie territory. And from where I was right now, I thought it would be better if he just kept to her and left me alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,729

hmmm. i don't think i did good on this one.
next one should be better. i hope.
should i write about her time at Bam's house?
or go straight to tomorrow's concert?.
dunno. i have the chapters after that written thouggghh.
so yeahh. tell me =)