Status: Fixed errors, updating again. :)

Nevermind Me

One Of The Boys

“We’re back!” Missy announced in the house. I could tell Ape had redecorated since my last visit. Just meant the guys have been giving her hell.

“Where’s my Letti bitch at?!” I heard Bam holler from upstairs and I kicked off my shoes to run to him. Yeah, I may have thought he was hot, but the guy was like my brother. I swear I loved him and wished I could see him more. Hell, I’d live with them if I could.

“Ahhh!” I screamed jumping onto him. He twirled me around, kissing my cheek.

“What made you finally come see us, Skank?” Novak slapped my thigh.

“I dare you to guess.”

“You’re pregnant.”


“She’s prostitute. Send her to Vito.” Raab called out and we all grimaced.

“I would never give Letti to Vito’s fat ass.”

“I’m touring with the Jonas Brothers.” I waited for the laugh that came instantly.

“No shit!”

“No shit. My mom booked them so I share a tour bus with them.” I aswered, honestly. I usually didn’t curse but, what the hell? I was with the wildest guys to ever live.

“Wow, Juliet. Fucking crazy.” Novak laughed and I shrugged.

“So we only get to see you for a day?” Dico asked and I solemnly nodded.

“Well go check out back. Those fuckers want to see you.” They pushed me towards the door and I went to look over the patio.

“Baby!” I screamed down, seeing Johnny and Steve-O. Steve-O was currently in a thong, floating on an inner tube and Johnny was tanning. Go figure. When they saw me they bothed screamed my name and I ran outside to go see them.

“Damn I haven’t seen you for two years.” Johnny hugged me.

“Yeah, you’re getting old, Knoxville.” I touched the gray hairs he had obtained and grinned.

“Tell me about it. It would be wrong for me to hit on you now.” I laughed and went to Steve-O.

“There’s my bitch.” He said and got out the pool making me laugh.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me, Babe?” I asked, putting my arms around his neck. His body was dripping and getting water on my clothes since he just got out the pool. Yeah, of course there was an age difference in me and Steve-O. Duh, but we weren’t in any relationship or anything. Steve-O is…Steve-O. He has his own title in my book.

His mouth came to mine in a peck. Small and simple and I smiled at him. “Gah! I missed you!” I tackled him, making him lose balance and we both fell into the pool. I was loving every minute of it. The happiest I’ve been in two years.
Everyone laughed and we got out.

“Where’s Phil and April?” I asked, trying to find something to dry off with and not succeeding. It was sort of cold out the water because of the breeze that started.

“Letti take your clothes off you’re shaking.” Bam smacked my arm.


“Just do it. It’s not anything we haven’t seen before.” He smirked and I gave him the finger. But I obliged which left me in boyshorts and my bra.

“Picture!” The camera in Bam’s hand clicked away and I tried to run but Novak grabbed me.

“Letti bear is a sex goddess, don’t you agree?” He smirked and after a while put me down.

“You better stop messing with her, remember how she kicked your ass last time, Novak.” Raab gave the warning.

“I’m hungry.” I said, finally getting my towel and sitting on Johnny’s lap. If the other guys were brothers, Johnny was the dad. The thought of Johnny Knoxville being my father was beyond amazing it made me laugh.

“We should all go out to eat!” He announced and then lowered his voice to whisper in my ear, “Make sure you grab Bam’s credit card.” I giggled in reply and went into the house to take a shower.


We ended up at some diner none of us really cared to remember the name of. Well, I guess it was a bar if you want to get technical, but we heard they had good food. We sat in two booths since there was so many of us. Me, Raab, Bam, Steve-O, Johnny, Dunn, and Novak took up one by ourselves and settled in to see what we wanted.

“Hot wings and French fries.” I stated not even picking up the menu,

“Beers, beers, and more beers.” Steve-O and Johnny agreed.

“Yuck.” I scrunched my nose playfully at Steve-O since he was next to me. He kissed it and grinned.

“We are getting you drunk of something, Letti. Watch, by the end of the night you’ll be dancing on tabletops.

Oh how right he was. After taking a few shots and sipping Bacardi blue Hurricane, I was singing ‘Teenage Dirtbag’ on the bar counter with Brandon. Everyone was cheering us on and I giggled, leaning on him a little for support. He gripped my waist so I didn’t fall as I leaned over at the end of the song in laughter.

“Thank you! I’m leaving tomorrow!” I blew a kiss and jumped off the counter to be caught by Bam.

“Havin’ fun, Letti?” He smirked and I nodded giddily.

“Well let’s go home and continue the party.” He set me down real quick when the bartender tapped his shoulder, the bill in hand.

“I thought Johnny said he had it?” He questioned and when his eyes fell on me, I burst in to laughter which turned to hiccups.


“Okay, I’ll get you back, Letti.” He promised and went to pay while we all cleared out to go to the cars.

“She had it all figured out
But she left me with a broken heart
Fucked around and turned me down
'Cause she didn't think I could play the part!”

I sang in the lot, jumping around and hitting everyone on their butt.

“Letti I dare you to moon the cars when we get to the stop light.” Novak laughed and I did too, agreeing. We all piled into the car, eager for the first light.

Once we stopped at one they all urged to, making sure the window was down. Giggling some more, I pulled the back of my pants down, exposing my bare butt to whoever was outside. I heard a few guys cheer and when we started moving again I got back in the, laughing like crazy.

“Go Letti!” Everyone in the car cheered kissing my cheek. See, this is where I was actually praised. It was a weird change, but good all the better. I was appreciated by the people who loved me and it felt great. I wasn’t a doormat with the Bam boys, but a prize. It would be lying to say I didn’t love it.


When I finally woke up, my head was pounding and Steve was lying hugged up to my waist. With a peek around the room, it seemed we all crashed upstairs by the fireplace.

I wasn’t the first one up, I realized and went to shower, seeing if it would help my hangover. I took my Advil and went downstairs to find April cooking.

“Looky here. Miss Juliet decides to wake up.” She teased and I smiled lightly, propping my elbows on the island where she was cutting up potatoes.

“Where’s everyone at?” I asked, stealing a piece of bacon.

“Everyone who got up is in there watching T.V.” She pointed and I snagged another piece of bacon and the rest of the guava juice container I knew was bought for me but Bam drank half anyway, before going in there and plopping on the couch.

“Gimme gimme,” Raab screeched, referring to the bacon that I had gotten for him.

“What the fuck? Ape let you have some? She said we had to fucking wait.” Bam complained.

“Well I’m special. And she loves me.” I stuck out my tongue and let him have some of the juice.

“Letti bear is leaving us!” Dico cried, latching his arms around my leg.

“Yeah, that does suck. When are we going to see you again, Juliet?” Dunn asked and I sighed, shrugging.

“I am on a world tour. It’ll be a while. But I promise I’ll come visit before I go off for college.”

“Oh, you’re going to go be one of those smartbitches.” Bam said and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah or else I’d end up like Missy and marry one of you piece of shit losers.”

“Burn!” Dunn yelled out and we laughed.

“So what time do we have to get you back, Letti?”

“Um. By soundcheck which is like 4:30.”

“Aww. So we have to eat and leave!” Raab whined.

“I’m sorry. But don’t you want to drive me? Your little sister? The one you’d-“

“I got it, Letti. “ He stopped my ranting and grabbed the juice container from my hands.

“Yo, I have an idea.” Bam said when we started eating.

“And what would that be?” I asked him, chewing my pancakes.

“Bitches, we are going to a Jonas Brother concert!”


“C’mon. This is the last time we’re seeing, Letti. I already know we can get in.”

“How? I’m not allowed to get all of you in.” I retorted.

“Well you can get at least some of us in. And then you guys forget: I know Joe Jonas. Just went to dinner with the kid like a month ago.”

“So this means what?”

“We are initiating operation Jonas.” He winked and I sighed, smiling anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: Word Count: 1,607
so i think i should get my butt kicked for how bad this chapter stunk.
i'm sorry. like so sorry.
the story gets better.
and i already know i want a sequel. and how most things will go.