Marrying Someone I Hate

The Proposal

I sat in the coffee shop starring at my laptop screen. This was harder than I thought. I was 19 years old attending college. My name is Paige Allens and I was practically the shy girl trying to prove herself. My family is okay, we know when to come together but I’m still a teenager and my mom still has a problem with me wearing dark makeup, so you can see what type of arguements we get ourselves into.

Of course the major thing that I could not agree with was the Jonas family. My families best friend, so they say.

I didn't have a problem with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. In fact they were beyond nice.

Joe the middle age one who is 22 years old, is unique and I could accept that, he was the spunky one, the one that would constantly keep you guessing on the outcome, he was fine on my list and I could stand to be in a room with him.

Kevin is the oldest sibling at 24 years of age, he's supposed to be the most mature one. Yes he is mature but when Joe gets to him he turns into a kid in arguments. Kevin was a sweet guy, you could have a conversation with him without having to have to strangle him for a stupid comment he made.

Frankie the youngest sibling who is 11 is around sometimes but harder to find because he is in his adolescence years and still trying new things.

Finally...Nick, I’d rather not say anything that would ruin him but the truth is I can't stand him. My mom thinks he's the perfect guy, but I think otherwise. People tell me he is different then what I see him. But he still is unbearable; there wasn't one second of the day that we would knock on each others doors just for the pure enjoyment of annoying one another.

Of course in all the chaos a girl has to have friends to support her on the way. I have two best friends, Parker Korgan and Christy Howe. Parker is 20 and Christy is 22. They are both amazing people, I have known them since I was two years old and since then we have become inseparable.


I walked on my neighbor’s lawn attempting to make him angry. I chuckled to myself as I stuck the key into the doorknob turning it to make it pop open. I couldn't wait to hear his yell when he see's his freshly mowed lawn had been stepped on. The scent of clean laundry hit my nose once the door had opened.

“Mom I’m home!” I yelled as I closed the door behind me, and locked it. I looked around throwining my backpack on the floor yawning and slipping off my converse. I was going to morning college, and that made me exhausted. I pulled myself out of my thoughts to see my mom. She walked down the stairs forcing a smile that pursed her lips.

"How was your day?" My mom asked crossing her arms.

"Interesting" I answered back fiddling with my hands knowing something was up, my mom was acting kind of wierd and strange.

"Can I ask you something?” She asked me frowning. Now I knew something was definitely up.

"Anything ma" I stated forcing a smile walking into the kitchen looking for food. Anything to lighten the mood, and if that involved me nibbling on a stale piece of bread, that would be exactly what I would do.

"What do you think of when I say arranged marriage?" She asked, my heart flopped, why the hell would she want to know that?

I looked at her and thought for a moment, other then thinking that was a wierd question to ask, really what did I think of when someone said arranged marriage?

"I guess I think about a forced love life" I shrugged chuckling, that's pretty much what it was, two people forced into a marriage when they don't even care about one another. I then looked up to see my mom wasn't laughing.

"How do you feel about it?" She questioned, I frowned it's an arranged marriage what does she care what I think about it.

"Why do my feelings matter on this subject?" I asked her, you could hear how worried I was because my voice was cracking. There had to be a reason why she was asking all of these questions so out of the blue.She looked at me and gave me a facial expression screaming just answer the blasted question with no words and drama,

"I guess it would be fine if I didn't hate the guy, but if it was someone like Nick across the street I would rather die a horrible death" I answered motioning my hand thinking about what I'd rather do. My mom frowned and crossed her arms over her chest biting on her lip.

"What's wrong with Nick?"

"Mom don't even go there, he isn't the perfect guy! He may be the perfect guy for another girl but not me; I've hated him ever since he moved in!" I yelled angrily, why does she always do that?! We'll be having a normal conversation and it always turns into something about Nick.

"What if you got an arranged marriage to someone you hated?" She asked, I couldn't help but frown, this was heading to a really bad thing wasn't it...

"I'd rather die a horrible death" I repeated. My mom laughed like I had told her hell froze over; she paused and then looked up at me.

"Paige" She spoke sternly, I rolled my eyes, she didn't like it when I put such serious things into a joke.

"Figure of speech mom" I mumbled sighing and sitting down on the couch. My mom walked over and sat down on the couch beside me grabbing my hand.

"There is no easy way of saying this’re getting an arranged marriage" My mom stated looking down but looking up at the end.

My mouth dried and my muscles tightened, today was not my day, and today was a really long day. I sighed out; maybe there was a happy ending in this hell like beginning.

"With who?" I asked her with hope in my voice, I glanced up releasing my grip on her hand.

"Paige I" My mom stuttered looking at me, Jesus Christ maybe there wouldn't be a happy ending.

"Ma...with whom?" I asked her again, my heart was going a mile a minute, why was she acting like this!

"He's a neighbor" My mom stated leaning back, I felt some type of relief when my cute neighbor Nathan came into my mind.

"Oho Nathan!?" I squealed getting a little excited about all of this, with him that would be my happy ending.

"He's cute" I continued smirking, just thinking about those light green eyes and shaggy light brown hair.

"Other neighbor" My mom spoke quietly a frown coming on her lips.

"No...See that would leave Nick and...That would be a HELL NO!" I yelled standing up once it finally settled in, this is not happening.

"Nick Jonas is your fiancé" My mom spoke standing up and resting her hand on my shoulder in an encouraging matter.

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas is NOT my fiancé" I said laughing sarcastically with anger in my voice. This really can't be happening.

"Your future name is Paige Jonas" My mom continued her voice becoming louder in an attempt to over throw my voice.

"You’re not helping!" I yelled flaring my arms in the air, and pacing around the room.

"This was settled when both of you were little, that’s why they moved here, Paige! This can't exactly be changed from one second to another!" My mom yelled following me around the living room.I frowned biting hard on my bottom lip trying to keep the tears from forming.

"You don't get it do you!? I imagined my marriage differently, the guy that was supposed to be waiting at the end of the aisle wasn't supposed to be HIM!" I yelled feeling the tears sting my eyes. I closed my eyes shut feeling a single tear slip out and slide down my cheek.

"Paige you need to calm down, Christy is on her way to help with the wedding" My mom stated trying to lighten the mood and make my tears to stop.I looked at her with disbelief; she had just told me that by age 20 I would be married when I wasn't even legally allowed to drink, and she wanted me to calm down?

“How can you do this to me!?” I screamed throwing my phone on the table and grabbing my I-Pod, when in a time of stress music always helped to ease my mood. My mom stood in the middle of the living room looking helpless, she was also speechless, which at this moment was good.

“Don’t wait up for me” I spoke angrily walking away from her and opening the door slamming it behind me.

I walked toward the park and plopped down on one of the swings rocking slowly back and forth. I shook my head putting in my earphones changing it to one of my favorite songs that could allow me and help me let the news sink in. This was stupid, I didn’t even date a guy for a long time because of college, and now suddenly against my own will I'm engaged to the guy I hate.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I took out my earphones turning around to see Parker my best friend her arms crossed over her chest her brown hair falling on her shoulders.

“Hey Paige” She spoke lightly taking a seat on the swing beside me.

“Hey” I mumbled frowning, looking down letting my hair fall in front of my face.

“What’s the matter?” She asked leaning over toward me starring at me with concern in her eyes. I shook my head letting a sob escape my lips.

“I’m getting married” I mumbled crying a little bit harder, the tears streamed down my cheeks and I wiped them away with the back of my hand.

“What?!" She asked widening her eyes and rubbing the back of her head shrugging.

“To who? I didn’t know you were dating anyone that would propose so soon” She spoke quickly shaking her head still shocked.

“To Nick….it was arranged when I was younger…that’s why we moved in” I sighed standing up sniffing and tucking my I-pod into my pocket.

“I’m so sorry Paige” She stood up pulling me into a tight hug.

“Christy is coming” I smiled thinking that my best friend I hadn’t see in a year is coming back to help with this hell like wedding.

“That’s awesome!” Parker laughed pulling me into another tight hug. I frowned again shaking my head.

“Paige…He can’t be that bad” She sighed rubbing my shoulder trying to make me feel better.

“That’s the thing Paige…he is” I said chuckling and closing my eyes thinking about how stupid all of this was.

“Come on” Paige hit my arm lightly smiling.

“I’m serious if you leave us alone your going to come back to find one of us dead and the other one bleeding!” I spoke loudly sighing out and walking toward her.

“WE HATE EACHOTHER” I continued shaking her shoulders trying to get the point through.

“Have you talked to Nick yet?” Parker's eyes were widened while she tried to change the subject.

“No, and he isn’t exactly the person I want to talk to right about now” I looked away pulling my hands off of her shoulders.

“You should though” She frowned, it was the truth, I should talk to him to lighten the mood and see if maybe we can work past our differences.

“Unfortunately Dr. Phil your right” I smirked getting hit playfully by Parker. I laughed and then took in a deep breath.

“But I still don’t want to see him” I continued sighing out and standing up from the swing set rocking back and forth on my heels.

“Like it or not your going to have to” Parker reminded me, a frown appeared on my lips and I chewed nervously on the inside of my cheek.

“Paige you should try to talk-” She was cut off by someone coughing behind me. I didn't turn around but the voice drew my attention.

“Paige?” I heard someone say from behind me, my heart stopped this was going to be wierd.
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Hey guys!!!!! This is indeed Marrying Someone I Hate from Quizilla!!!!! It is the same exact story I just fixed it up a bit to make it flow more :) I didn't want to leave any of my previous readers hanging so here it is, I'll be continuing it on here :DD. And to any new readers thanks for checking out the story and taking the time in reading it. Please comment or message, feedback is always nice to read!!!! Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!!!! Thanks!!