A Wolf's Bound Spirit

1 - No Longer Safe

The wind softly blew in my coat making me smile as my lolled out to the side.

I turn on my back haunches and sped off back through the forest, streching my neck out and running for the heck of it.

I playfully yipped and to smield to myself, my father would not have approved but sometimes i didn't care what he said.

Slowly my pace turned to a walk as i neared the den where my father was having a meeting, i was late i know but really i didn't really care, i never did simply because i was dfeerent to them. I was a wolf yes but i could change to human and walk around on two back legs.

I grinned at the thought.

The first time i had done i my mother, father, brothers and sisters had almost died in shock, they didn't know what was wrong with me, to be quite honets i was scared myself at the first change and i could tell you it was not something i want to do again.

I walked towards the den and entered, my fathers looked at me and then turned back to address the elders, 'My apologese for my daughter being late, she was need on an... errand.
Nodding my head i sat down beside my mother who didn't look at me, my brothers and sisters sll glared at me, i was puzzled.

'Father what is going on?' i questioned.

'These elders have heard rumours that there was a band of humans going around the forests looking for wolves to be their... pets,' we all winced at the thought.

'But how? We will not let them we have a strong spirit,' i debated.
'I'm sorry WhiteWIngs but they have a secret weapon which bounds ours spirit to them,' said a black wolf.

I looked at him puzzled.

My mother spoke for the first time, 'It means my darling that we are no longer the superiors... It means we are in terrible danger if any of us gets captured by these... people.'
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