A Wolf's Bound Spirit

3 - The Box

The world spun around her as she opened her eyes, and she closed her eyes again, her ears flickered backwards and she listened for noise there was none... That wasn't right.
Her eyes shot open and she struggled up onto her paws, she was in a box, well what looked like a box to her.

It was dark and she shuffled her paws a little and felt straw under her. She looked up to see bars and the moon shining softly through them her eyes flickered around the box and she threw back her head and howled.

The sound travelled past her muzzle and then she let the sound echo around her and she listened, nothing moved and she paced her head down, her muzzle to the ground and paced. She paced around the perimetre of the box but there was still nothing.

~Five Hours Later~
Her paws dragged she had been without food and water for she didn't know how long, she didn't know how much time had past ad without food and water her strength was fading.

The sky began to lighten and her ears flickerd towards the bars as steps were heard, though it sounded like human footsteps she had to be sure when the eyes of a human, she flickered her ears back at the unknown male, the male had brown short hair and green eyes. She growled at him baring her teeth which turned into a snarl, the man's voice was heard as he turned to something behind him.

"Reed sure knows how to choose them doesn't he?"
Another males voice was heard which was gruff, "Apparently this one is more special then all the other wolves, i don't know why but it is he won't say why though." He laughed and another males head looked through and he grinned. "i bet he wants to breed her you don't get white wolves around here too often."

The other males voice laughed, "Come on i think she would look nice as a white fur lined coat."

The males voice began to disappear as they walked away and she walked to the furtherest darkest corner and curled up feeling weaker.

She laid her head on her paws and watched the bars on the box.