The New Beginning

On The Road

I guess I slept in pretty late because I heard Mikey screaming like a girl. I pulled back the curtains, well I was going to but when I opened my eyes they were already pulled back. I sat up. Mikey and Ray were having pancake batter fights. Franky and Bob were watching T.V on the couch while drinking coffee. Gerard was at the table eating waffles and writing or drawing on something.

I tossed the blankets off of me and sat up and rubbed my eyes. I kept waking up in the middle of the night scarred because I kept thinking I was in the hospital. Thank god I wasn't, those annoying beeping machines would be in pieces right now if I was.

" Roxy your up!" yelled Mikey as he threw a fist full of batter at Ray, which he missed and landed on the passenger seat. I think someone was driving because we hit a bump and I nearly fell from the mattress onto Bobs plate of pancakes.

" Want breakfast?" he asked. I shook my head. I wasn't hungry.

I grabbed my jeans, black and purple shirt and some socks off the eatable and headed for the bathroom to try to change.

It was hard changing in the bathroom when we were driving. I kept slipping and hitting my head on a wall or on the mirror. I sat on the counter to try to put my socks on. But with my luck we hit a huge bump.

I nearly fell into the toilet face first.

" Shit!" I shrieked as I fell. I managed to move my head but my hand fell into the toilet.

" Fuck!" I whined

I came out of the bathroom with a banged up head and a wet toilet hand. I wiped it on the towel next to the stove. I sat on the table facing Gerard and yawned.

" How'd you sleep?" he asked as he sketched something.

" Barely," I said.

" What were you doing in the bathroom?" asked Franky as he changed the T.V channel

" Changing," I said

" You were banging around in there an awful lot. Did you forget how to put on your clothes?"

" Fuck you," I said.

He chuckled. What's with everyone and trying to piss me off?

I craned my neck to try to see what Gerard was writing or sketching. He smiled and looked up at me, then he turned the sketch book so I could see.

It was a girl sleeping, it was me, sleeping. So that's why the curtains were back. He had drawn me asleep and dreaming. Above my head was the dream cloud. He put a man twirling a little girl around and around in a little princess outfit.

Then I noticed in the picture I was crying.

It was just a sketch in pencil but it was really good.

" Wow, you're good." I said

" It's you, I thought you might actually be dreaming this, cause you were crying when I first came out here."

I nodded as he turned the sketch back towards him and continued to draw. I wondered where we were headed as I leaned back on the chair and put my feet up.

Mikey who was cleaning his classes because Ray had thrown them in the batter looked at me.

" That's not the smartest thing to do you know," he said

We hit a bump and I tightened my leg muscles and put more wait down on the table so I wouldn't fall back. I looked back up at him with a smirk

" Smart ass," he said as he flung batter dripping from his glasses onto me which landed near on my chin. I licked it off. Huh, blueberry