The New Beginning

It's Not Over Until You're Underground

We pulled up into the next city. The tutoring place was right next to a starbucks. By now all the guys knew I was getting a tutor

" This place is getting to fucking crowded," Ray said

As the bus pulled to a stop in the parking lot I could see some other teens wave goodbye to their parents who dropped them off at the tutoring place, then turn around and go into starbucks where a whole bunch of other teens were.

" Fuck, and I wanted Starbucks," Gerard said.

" Go get it then," I said as I pulled a black sweatshirt over me.

" Can't, look at all the kids there," he said looking out the window.

" Just go in, make them happy," I said as I looked out the window with him

" But teenagers scare the living shit out of me," he said. I rolled my eyes

" Hey, Roxy, will you go an-" began Gerard.

" No" I cut him off, I knew he wanted me to get him his coffee. I opened the bus doors and waited for Steve to get out of his bus. I was standing there like an idiot for almost ten minutes when he finally did come out.

" Look, Uncle, I know you mean well, but this is the last thing I need. I'm under enough pressure already, I don't need a teacher breathing down my neck," I said

" Roxy, you're traveling with one of the greatest rock bands and you get to lay around all day and hang out with them. How is that pressure?" he asked as we headed for the door.

" Because, you don't know what it's like for me, please Uncle, just wait another month or so at least. Just until I get used to all this," I begged

" Roxy that's enough," he said as he pulled the door open for me.

" Fine, I warned you," I said.

As we walked in every kid looked at us, or at me I should say. Some really friendly lady came over and shook my hand, so hard I was afraid I would lose it. Her and my uncle talked for a little while. I sat down and gave one of the tutors a harsh stare.

" Okay I think we have someone," she finally said. she went back into her office and came back with some blond lady who looked to be about Gerard's age.

" Roxy how does it feel to have school start again for you?" she asked with the fakest smile I have ever seen. She was so bright and cheery. It sickened me.

I wasn't feeling as so bright as she was so I just looked her up and down

" You're way to happy for a normal person, do they have you on pills or something? Oh and the school part. I hate it. If I ever get the chance, I will shove you're tutor out the window."
I said. Told you they were going to go through hell.

" Young lady is that a threat? If so Threats aren't to nice," she said

" No, it's a promise," I said as I glared at her

My uncle didn't hear a word I had just said because he was on his cell phone yelling at someone about couches and tickets. I looked up at him and he gave the signal for me to take the tutor back to the bus with me. I walked out without her. And climbed into the bus.

The guys could see I wasn't to happy.

" Don't worry, I used to like school, besides the getting beat up part," Ray said.

The tutor finally climbed into the bus. She seemed excited to meet the guys. Franky came up to her.

" Hey baby, you can tutor me if you want!" he said. They all started cracking up, while she blushed.

'Hi, I'm Anne," she said as she extended a hand to Gerard.

" Gerard," he said as he shook it.

" I know, I love your music," she said. Oh good, we got a crazy fan tutor. She can go flirt with Gerard or who ever she wants and leave me the hell alone.

" Thanks." said Gerard. She put her hand in front of me to shake it. I began to look at her

" I wouldn't do that,' said Ray

' I almost lost my hand doing that.''

She pulled her hand back quickly. I smiled up at her with evil eyes.

" Well, let's start now," she said as she sat on the table.

" Let's not," I said as I climbed up the drivers seat as he began to start up the bus. I laid on my bed and drew the curtains. I heard her high heels clack as she came over and drew back the curtains.

" Roxy, your uncle higher me to tutor you. I don't think he'll be happy that you wont let me."

I got close to her face.

" I was in a come for three weeks, not one person of my family came to see me. My uncle sent his assistant Marcy over only twice those whole god damn three weeks and I couldn't and still can't remember a thing . My mom, his sister is in jail, and I can tell he hasn't even tried to pay for her bail not once. Me being here? A fucking publicity stunt. As long as I'm alive and making him money by showing my face to the public he doesn't care. So go ahead tell him. He won't do anything. I'm smart Ann, so is he. He knows I just have to make up something about him doing something bad to me and he losses big bucks. Now if you're smart you'd go flirt with Gerard or something and leave me the hell alone," I said as I drew the curtain again

Let's see if she tries to tutor me again.

" Don't worry, I'm sure she just needs a tampon or something," said Frank.

" Fuck you Frank!" I said from behind the curtains with a smile.