The New Beginning


The phone rang, Mikey got it.

" Again? Okay thanks."

He came over to us and smacked Franky behind the head.

" Hey!" he said as he rubbed the spot where Mikey had hit him.

" You guys, we need to pull a Beatles stunt," he said

" Again?" asked Ray.

"What's that?" I asked

" It's when we have to many fans already lined up and are waiting for us all around he place. So what we do is send a limo to one side of the building and we go in a regular car back stage. Just like the Beatles did," he said

" Yeah, but once they caught on and followed any car that came around. So we had to go behind stage in a delivery truck," he laughed

" Ha! I remember that!" laughed Bob.

Mikey knocked on the bathroom door.

"Gee, we need to pull a Beatles," he said.

" Okay," he said.

Once Gerard had his clothes on we all rushed into a beat up car. This was going to be hard. We had no time to ask for another car so six people had to squish into one car. We had a driver and now we all had to get in. We looked at each other. I had already been squished at the door way and there's no way I'm doing it again.

" Dibs on front!" I said and opened the front door. I was about to open the car door when I saw Steve walk out.

" On Second thought, I love you guys so much," I opened the back door and dove in and tried to make myself as small as possible. Bob sat in the front Mikey, Franky and Ray all squished in and Gerard laid across our laps, his feet in my lap.

" You kick, you die," I said to him. He stuck his tongue out at me

" Fuck you," he added

We were on our way. The guys had their makeup in the trunk and some other stuff. I guess their gear was already at the stage waiting for them.

When we got close we stopped two blocks behind the place, waiting for the limo to pass. My arm was numb because I was pressed so hard against the door, I thought it would fall off. Finally the limo passed. I sighed with relief.

We pulled up to the curb and just like the bus everyone was in a rush to get out. Okay, how the hell are we going to get out now? Ray got out first and helped drag Gerard out. Then we could all get out. The first thing Gerard did was crack his back. Me? My whole left side was numb.

"That wasn't bad at all," Bob said.

The rest of us gave him a look that said. 'Yeah maybe for you."
We headed backstage. I have never seen so much food in my life. I grabbed a bag of cheetos off the table, and followed the guys. we went into the dressing rooms and sat on couches.

" Okay, now the guys and I have been talking. You need to stay back here, you can come out and listen to the music just stay backstage until it's time," Gerard said as he began to put on eye liner.

" Time? Time for what?" I asked.

" You'll see," he said as he smiled. The guys went somewhere else to practice and I stayed in the dressing room playing video games and munching on cheetos. Before I knew it two hours had passed and I could hear crowd chanting.


I opened the door and went down a hallway and through a door that said 'Stage'
I knew it wouldn't be the stage directly but probably directly behind it. Yup, I was right. People were running around, and looking at clipboards and such.