The New Beginning


I was able to go home that day. The lady, who told me she was Marcy, brought me my clothes. A black skirt, black leggings knee high black and purple socks, a tan Alice In Wonderland shirt, a studded belt and my shoes.

I had no idea where we were going, but she kept me informed. I did do well in school but I had bit of a " temper" with the teachers which probably means, I speak my mind and question authority. That " temper", she explained, got me in loads of trouble in the office.
Even my other realitives wouldn't take me in, not even after I was in a coma. Wow, I'm loved.

" Where are we going?" I asked quietly while starring out at the sky.

" The tour bus, your uncle had you put in this hospital because it's the closest one." she said as she turned on her blinker.

Tour bus? What, was he like some rockstar? If so, then I was probably some publicity thing. I can see it now, " Big Rockstar Takes In Troubled Kid Out Of The Good In His Heart!" or some crap like that.

" Your uncle is the manager of a big rock band, I'm his assistant. Now when we get there don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, just go into the bus, fix yourslf a snack if you want and stay in that bus," she said

Oh joy this was going to be fun. Live with a bunch of spoiled Rockstars and be completly invisible. And there is no fucking way I'm going to be another assitant..