The New Beginning

Voices in my head

"What, I did do some," he rolled his eyes and went to the fridge and pulled out a soda. We drove for a little while before stopping at a gas station out in the middle of nowhere. Anne was the first out. Followed by the rest of the guys who were careful not to have a replay of what happened last time.

I was the last one to come out. I made sure my uncle or Marcy was looking. I grabbed Anne's tutoring books and thought about what to do with them. I smiled as I thought . I quickly went to the front of one bus and lied the books under the tire. One tire even had rode kill stuck to it. After putting them under the tires I went back over to the guys.

Franky walked out with a bag of skittles, I forced him to share. After the buses were filled with gas they forced us to go back into the bus. I smiled as I sat on the couch. As soon as we started to go we felt a bump.

Anne was on my uncle's bus. Hopefully she had run out of books. If she didn't then I'd be ready, besides it was fun torturing Anne. We drove for the rest of the day. Franky Ray and I played Texas Hold 'Em. They had to teach me how to play first. Which wasn't to smart. W bet anything we could find. I put a rubber band, my studded belt, and a piece of string in the pile. Franky won. He laughed and immediately put on my studded belt. Bob soon joined in and mad me bet the mattress above the drivers seat. It was to tempting. I bet it. Bob won.

"Aw what!?!" I said

" Come on don't make me sleep next to Gerard again!" I said. Bob mimicked my voice.

" Don't worry Rox, You can sleep next to me," said Mikey

" You're his brother, you're probably worse," I said. He rolled his eyes. Soon Gerard joined in. And some how it became a game of truth or dare.

I t came down to my turn.

" Ummmm, Truth or Dare, Gee?" I asked Gerard

"Dare!" he said with a smile.

" I dare you to full on make out with Anne when she walks in tomorrow!" I said.

" Fine!" he said.

We were up all night playing truth or dare. I was having fun for the first time. But before we knew it the clock said four o'clock and we needed t go to sleep. Bob had my spot and I wasn't to sure about sleeping with anyone else, so I stole Gerard's blankets and slept on the couch. I hope he suffers with the lack of blankets.

But as I said, I didn't get any sleep. Tomorrow we would find out. would find out why I still can't remember. I hope Bob was right and they did have some kind of medicine for me.

"What if they don't?" I asked myself

" They will," I answered

" You don't know that."

" Shut up."


" Go away."

" You know I'm right. You're never going to remember."

"Fuck you! I will too."

" Liar."

" Go the fuck away and leave me alone!"

World War three had just erupted in my head. I put a pillow over my head as if to smother the voice. She wouldn't go away. I stood up and went to the cabinet.I took out Tylenol and swallowed two. I would have swallowed the whole bottle full thigh. I still couldn't go back to sleep. I was nervous. Gerard came out