The New Beginning


I don't know how long I was out there. The lizard had run off under a rock, and I could feel the bus moving as someone in there walked around. Someone opened a window and stuck their head outside it.

"Oh, there you are," said someone. I looked up to a bed headed Frank.

"Steve just called your appointment's at nine," he said. Called? He was about twenty feet from us at the most in the bus in front of us.

"Oh, and Anne won't tutor you today," he said. I smiled.

"When does she?" I asked. He smiled and took his head back inside, not before bumping it on the window part though.

I climbed back onto the bus and leaned against the fridge. The clock said six. Bob was snoring and I think Ray was to. Franky and I were the only ones up. Franky was sipping coffee at the table. I could see my studded belt around his hips. I went to the table and sat across from him. I looked down at the table tracing my finger over it making scribbly things.

"Nervous?" he asked as he set the mug down. I nodded my head and looked out the window. The sun was fully out now. This was an awkward silence. The only thing that was making noise was the clock, and Bob, and Ray snoring.

"Don't worry, you remembered the words to 'I'm Not Okay'," he said

"Yeah, but what if that's all I can remember?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. Thank you Dr. Franky. I sighed and put my head on my arms.

My uncle opened the door and said hi to the guys. I was about to get into a limo, when Mikey asked my uncle something. I closed me door. Five minutes later my uncle went into the front seat of the limo. We waited a while. I had my back to the bus so when I heard the door open again I was surprised to see, Mikey, Franky, Ray, Bob, and Gerard limb into the limo.

"Why are you guys coming?" I asked

" Well I've got this weird bump on my foot," said Franky as he buckled his seat belt.

"Shut the fuck up Frank," Mikey said.

"What, we've lived with you for four weeks now and we can't see whats wrong with you?" he asked.

I was relieved to see them actually. The whole time I had been here this was my first time in the limo. The driver started the car and we left. Ray turned up the radio and some song came on. All the guys began to sing to it. It didn't sound like one of their songs though. I was to nervous to sing along too. My heart was pumping fast. My breathing was fast and short. I was so nervous.

Finally what seemed like an hour but was only about twenty minutes we were there. We all piled out of the car. It was a regular hospital. We went into the emergency room. I don't know why though. There were some people who looked like they really needed a doctor and I knew a few hours waiting wouldn't kill me. But we sat on the leather chairs anyways. Uncle, went to the back of the room to talk to someone on the cell phone.

A little boy came up to them.

"Excuse me, Excuse me Mr!" He said excitedly. They all looked at him. Gerard smiled

"Hi, what's your name?" he asked gently

"My name is Jake, my brother is in the emergency room cause daddy got mad," he said

"Andrew likes your guys' music and I think maybe an autograph might wake him up," he said with all the innocence in the world.

The guys had a grim expression on their faces. They must have been thinking what I was. His dad must have beaten him unconscious. And now his little brother was trying to get him to wake up. The guys all signed their name and Mikey put something extra on the paper.

"Thank you," he said as he rushed back to a sobbing mother. The guys all looked at each other. No one said anything. There was no need to.

"You guys should go see him," I said. Franky nodded and they all got up to talk to the mom. She was so happy to see them. They went back to the room where the boy must have been. I hoped he was okay.

"Roxanne Olivander." called a nurse. I stood up as my uncle came over to talk to the nurse. She walked over to the elevator and me and my uncle followed. I was shaking. This is it. The answer is at the palm of a doctors hand.