The New Beginning

The truth Hurts More

The nurse was big. She looked like the kind who would hold the kids down as the doctor tried to give them their shots. It was so quiet in that elevator. Even Uncle Steve had his phone off. Finally the elevator dinged and the doors opened up. We all walked out. Me walking in back of them looking around.

She opened the door to another waiting room. To be honest I think doctors make you wait just so the fear builds up because they have nothing better to do. The nurse grabbed a gown and shoved it into my arms. It was the kind that showed your but in the back

"Get me another one cause there's no way I'm showing my ass to anyone," I said to the nurse.

She grabbed another one and threw it at me.

"Thanks Gertrude," She did look like a Gertrude. That or a Joe, she had a mustache. I went into a bathroom and stripped down to my underwear and put one gown on the right way and one on backwards so no one could see anything.

When I came out the doctor was talking to my uncle about tickets to a concert.

"Roxanne," he said as held his hand out. I starred at it. When he figured I wasn't going to shake it he pulled it back.

"So how do you feel?" he asked. I looked up at him. Was he really that stupid?

"I can't remember anything besides the words to a song. I'm naked and in a hospital gown made of paper, and it's freezing. How do you think I feel?" The doctor nodded and told us to follow him. He black buzz cut hair and glasses. He looked to be in his early fifties. We came into another room. It over looked a cat scan.

"Roxanne will you follow me?" he said. He left my uncle in there and we went through a door to the left which led us to the cat scan.

"I need you to lay down on his part and keep very still," he said. I nodded slowly and pulled myself onto the part that looked like half a tube was cut and put onto this machine. I heard the door close behind me. I looked behind me and the doctor was pressing some buttons and talking to my uncle, probably asking for concert tickets for his daughter or something.

The machine let a loud buzz out and it lifted me up and began to suck me in. I turned back around and faced straight up. Once I was in it let out a high pitched *BEEP!* then a red light flashed over my face. I t blinded me for a few seconds. Then it did it again. *BEEP! FLASH!* I sat there for what seemed like ten minutes with that annoying beeping and flashing. Finally the machine began to spit me back out.

I hopped off and ran and almost tripped going to the door, and knocked until they opened it. I raced to the doctors side as pictures of my brain began to show up on the screen.

''Oh good you have one!" he said. I looked over at him with a serious glare.

"Sorry," he said. He took a pen out and pointed to the back of my brain.

"Now see this part is where your memory is stored," he said. He clicked something else on the side of the computer. Another picture of someones brain came up.

"You see this is a normal persons brain. Now your brain had hit your scull causing you to black out. At the same time you damaged this part," he said as he pointed to another part of the back of my brain.

"Now because you damaged it this severe, I'm afraid that song is all you'll ever be able to remember," he said.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks. What!?! That stupid song is all I'm ever going to remember? No! I have to remember! I just have to!

"Isn't there something you can do?" I shrieked. I tried to control myself but I couldn't

" I'm afraid nothing in the known world of medicine can help you. The only thing that might make it come back is if something very dramatic happens and your brain is forced to remember for survival needs," he said as he put a hand on my back.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. Sorry!?! Him?!? How could he be sorry? This is his job! You're anything but sorry! As long as he's getting paid he could care less.

I collapsed on the floor sobbing. Why me? He said if something dramatic happens that involves my survival being endangered. What if I threaten to kill myself will I remember then?!
Huh you motherfucker!! Then will I remember?!