The New Beginning


Every time I woke up someone was always sitting next to me or there face was in mine. What's with everyone and sick people? I swear they must think it's the weirdest thing on earth to be sick or something.

But the thing that scared me most is when Anne was sitting next to me. I was sick but I was still me. She put her hand on my arm and rubbed my arm. I shoved it off of me and gave her the finger. She got up and sat back on the table.

At pit stops my uncle would buy cough medicine and any other medicine. He even picked up a bottle of Viagra. I laughed when Frankie took it out of the brown bag.

"What the fuck?" he asked as he showed it to me.

"I thought you were sick. I didn't know you had problems getting it up!" he said. I smiled.

"I think it's for the old man," I said as I looked at Gerard. He smiled at me then threw a paper clip he had in his mouth at me.

"Fuck off and go back to sleep," he said as he got up and looked through the paper bag with Frank, not before slapping his ass.

"Ew gay sex, please not while I'm here," I said as rolled over

" I don't know, it's very tempting." said Frank as he kissed Gerard's neck.

I tried to throw a pillow at them but it just hit the ground near their feet. Damn.

"Well she must be getting better, she's back to calling me an old fucking man," he aid as he walked over to me.

"Drink it," he said as he gave me a bottle of cough medicine.

"No, it tastes gross," I said as I closed the curtains on him and turned on my side. I heard the curtains being pulled back again. I turned around and came face to face with Gee. Our lips brushing each other.

It would have been a perfect moment. But once again luck hates me. I coughed in his face.
My face turned bright red,but he didn't seem to notice. He shoved the bottle of medicine between our faces.

"No, its gross and I won't let it take me alive," I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Fine I can strangle you," he said as he moved the bottle to show a playful smile.

"Hey, like you said, I'm just some kid," he said. I stuck out my tongue and he did that cute yet weird bunny impression.

I grabbed the medicine and began to try to claw the wrapper around the cap. It's always so damn hard to get off. Finally after much clawing and biting I got it off. Gerard poured the medicine and gave it to me. If it wasn't for me telling him how much to put he probably would have overdosed me and knocked me out.

I sipped it. It tasted worse than Frank's "Cajun". I pushed the little cup to Gerard's face. He took it then kissed my forehead.

"Now get better, it scares the fuck out of me when yo actually do Anne's work." he said as he pulled the curtains back.

I closed my eyes as the rest of the other guys piled onto the bus. I didn't hear Anne's high heel clack onto the bus. I smiled and drifted off to sleep as I pulled the picture of Dad up to me.

I had a weird dream. I dreamed of the first day I told Anne I wouldn't take any of her crap. I was in the mattress and I heard my Uncle say.

"She's to much trouble. I don't care what you do with her just get her out f here," My heart broke. Again. The guys were the closest to family I have. I don't want to go to an orphanage or boarding school. If I do, I know I'll snap at everyone. No one in the world understands me like the guys do.

"Please don't take me away from them," I said from where I was hiding from my Uncle