The New Beginning

Tthe Reflection

I woke up and I could have sworn I was in a bunk bed at some place. I threw my feet from the bed, forgetting that I was above the drivers seat and still on the tour bus. I landed on my face on the rug. As I pulled myself up I looked at the clock. It was three in the morning. I heard the t.v on in one of the back rooms. It comforted me just to know that I wasn't at some at some orphanage or boarding school.

While I was up I grabbed a bottle of water. I was feeling a little better, the cough medicine helped with my throat. After chugging the bottle of water I went back up to bed. But that was the worst decision I made.

I had the dream again. I was still hiding from my uncle. He still wanted me to leave. The guys weren't around so I couldn't ask them to help persuade my uncle not o take me away.

"No, I don't care. I want her out. I don't care if she doesn't' go to boarding school if I don't pay for her. Take her to an orphanage for all I care," He said. I was to much trouble for even my uncle. And because I was to much trouble for all of my other family I'm gonna end up in an orphanage. I don't want new parents.I don't want to start over again. I'm sorry.

" I'm sorry, please let me stay," I whispered.

I woke up.

"I'm sorry, please let me stay," I said. Everyone was up.

"Sure you can stay," Frank said. I sat up and the room was spinning. I was still sick. Anne walked out from th back room.

"Hey, I bought you some new clothes form this cute store in the last town," she said as she tossed some sweats. I didn't pay attention to them but they felt soft.

"Put them on, you'll feel better," She said. I pulled th curtains back so no one could see me.
Once I had the clothes on I did feel a little better. They were soft and warm. I sipped the water from the bottle I had laying next to me. Ow, my sore throat was back. I was still sleepy.

"I now you're sick but lets do some homework," My head felt like it was spinning. I didn't want to do her work. But then I remembered the dream. What if Uncle Steve really is thinking about making me leave early? What if he does think I'm to much trouble? Will he actually not care where I'll go? Will I ever see the guys again i he did make me leave. I wanted to cry and ask if my uncle was actually thinking of dumping me early. But maybe if I do some of Anne's work, maybe he'll change his mind. Just maybe.


It's been two days since then. I opened my eyes. My head ache was gone. My throat wasn't as bad. I hopped off my bed and headed to the bathroom. As was washing my hands I looked up into the mirror. I gasped. The girl I saw was not me, but a clone of Anne. I touched my hair and the girl touched hers. It was braided and nice and neat. I was wearing those pink soft sweats. They were form that "cute store" Ambercrobie and Fitch. This was not me. Anne was trying to change me. Trying to make me into one o those girls. She thought since I was so sick I couldn't stop her and would just go with it.

I was about to scream and change quickly into a punk outfit when I stopped myself. What about my Uncle? What if he was about to change his mind and let me stay. What if he saw that I changed back. Will he kick me out? I touched the mirror. This was not me. But if I stayed this way, I'll be able to stay with the guys. What do I do?

"Don't let them take you alive," Gerard's voice echoed in my head. Gerard was right.This wasn't me, and it never will be. No matter who wants me to change. If I do go, I know the guys will stay in touch with me somehow. I grabbed my clothes from a drawer and ignored the guys' stares. I know they thought I had charged.

I went back into the bathroom and put on my black cargo pants. A red tang top and a black tie. I took out my brads and put into a messy ponytail, with my bangs hanging out to the side. I looked back into the mirror. There as the girl I knew. She smiled at me and sighed along with me.

"Even if he does take us,' I said to the mirror.

"We wont let him take us alive," I smiled as Anne called me for more lessons.