The New Beginning

Movies Are Love

He shut the door and I heard the shower go on. I threw myself on the couch and starred at the ceiling. Now that I think about it, was he wearing is pj's when he first came in? I shook my head why was I wondering that? I rethought about going to the concert. Anne wasn't here so I could go without risking getting it from my uncle. But then where was the fun? It could be fun all on it's own. Maybe I don't have to hang out backstage, I'm sure I could get in where the crowd was. But if I got in the moshpit and came back all bruised and a little bloody Uncle Steve would kill me.

If I hung out in the back seats I might kick someone out of their seat, and they paid for their's. Nah,I think I'll just sit this one out. I'll go to the next one. I went over to the sink and filled a glass with water and slowly drank it. The clock said five. The concert started in three hours. They would leave as soon as Gerard got out and ready. It was safe to assume that they would go out and drink afterwords. I hope Frank didn't pull another stunt of when I as sick and he tried to carry me to the hotel.

I heard singing coming from the shower. I smiled. Th only time I ever heard him sing was at the concert, when he hums he he draws, if you call that singing, an now. It wasn't one of their songs from what I could tell. I knocked on the door.

"The concert's a little drive away Gee, I don't think it would be in my shower," I said. The singing stopped

"Oh I know, I just thought I should give you a preview of what you're missing," he laughed.

"If you're gonna sing like that I think I'll hang with Fall Out Boy or something," I laughed back.

"Pssh, those guys? Fine Bob can have the top bunk back, and we can get OUR fans back," He teased back.

I smiled and turned on the t.v. Gerard and Frank and once in a while Ray can only make me laugh really.

After half an hour of MTV the bathroom door finally opened up. It suddenly smelt like oatmeal. He had in Jeans a black shirt on. Which is what he normally wears, when he doesn't have three jackets on a once.

He shook his head and water went all over. A few drops landed on my face.

"Thanks," I sad as I wiped them off.

"Anytime," he smiled

I thew a pillow at him and laid down on the couch. He looked over at the clock.

"Oh shit!" he said then ran for he door.

"Hey Rox, last chance. You coming?" he asked as he pulled the door open and looked back at me.

"Nah, I'll go to the next one," I said as I got up and went to the door.

"Suit yourself," he said as he closed the door. I heard him run down to one of their rooms and knock fast on the door.

I opened my door and walked passed the rooms to the elevator. About three horror movies should be good. I pressed the button for the lobby and went down. The fans had left, probably to the concert.

I climbed up to the bus and went over to the t.v in one of the back rooms that Gerard usually slept in. I looked over to the drawer under it. Found them. Gerard's collection of gruesome horror movies.

I picked out Michael Mayer's one and two, The Ring one and two, and The Grudge. I was all set. I went back to the hotel not before going to the little gift shop and buying a thing of microwave popcorn.

this would probably be more fun if I had another friend to watch with. But the guys were playing at the concert, and they probably wouldn't be much help. I could see them shriek like girls at the scary parts.

I laughed to myself as I pictured Franky on Ray's lap scared. I went up stairs and popped in Michael, then put in the popcorn. I sat on the couch and pressed play on the remote. Two minutes later the microwave dinged and it smelt like popcorn and oatmeal. I grabbed a bowl from the drawer under the counter. My eyes fixed to the screen.

I brought the bowl an myself to the couch. Actually this was kind of nice. No guys wrestling each other over a snack or screaming like girls. No guys taking my spot every time I got up to do something. This could be all right. After half an hour into the movie it began to get scary. I hadn't turned on any lights and the sun was disappearing behind the building.

I heard the grudge do that thing in the back of her throat. It was late and there was only a little popcorn left. My heart was beating fast and I jumped at every sound I heard.

"Run," I said in my mind to the girl who was over her boyfriends body. I jumped as I heard a knock on my door.

I could picture the girl form the ring or Michael Myers standing at the door or hiding in the kitchen. I forced myself off the couch and opened the door slowly. I screamed.

It was the girl from the ring! I screamed starred at her face as her hair dripped on the carpet. She screamed back. A really high pitched scream like a little girl. We screamed together.

We screamed for about ten seconds until I realized she had blondish hair. I stopped screaming but she scream even longer.

I flicked on the lights quickly.

"Ray!" I shrieked and turned back to the couch.

"What?" he asked smiling.

"You fucking scared me!" I said

"Hey, having some girl open th door who looks like a ghost in a really dark room isn't the most welcoming picture," he said