The New Beginning

St. Johns....Who The Hell Is John?

I jumped down and didn't do it right so I landed on my ass. I was still a little tired and the floor was comfy. I laid on the floor just thinking. Halloween was in a week almost. I wonder if my dad had ever taken me trick -or- treating when I was small. Maybe even my mom was around then. I wonder how late I went out. Maybe I went with friends. Maybe I even had a boyfriend who went with me to a Halloween party?

I wonder what I'll do for it this year. The guys would probably go to a big party. They don't need to dress up they just need to wear their outfits from concerts and ad some fangs and they would look like perfect vampires. I wonder if I could get ahold of some too. Maybe I could go room to room and trick-or -treat. If I can't get any candy that way, I'll make Uncle or Marcy pick me up a bunch from the gift shop or I'll get it myself. It's not Halloween without candy.

We hit a bump, and I hit my head on the floor. I put my hands under it so if we hit a bump again it would soften it. Mikey sighed and strummed the guitar hard then put it aside.

"Gee, get me a soda," he said starring at the t.v

"Fuck you, get your own," he said as he flipped the pages in his sketch book

"Plllllleeeaaaassseeeeee Gee?" he begged as he stuck out his lower lip. It would have looked better if he had his glasses on.

"Nope," he said. He looked over at me with a smile

"Roxy?" he asked

"Mmm, I'm to comfy. You have legs go get it," I said

"You guys fucking suck," he said as he got up nd went to the fridge

"What ever," Gerard said as he began to sketch again. I got up and sat across from him. He didn't even look up. I looked out he window at the passing cars.

A car passed us that had a dad and a girl my age in it. The girl was crying and the dad was yelling at her. I wonder if me and my dad fought. Did he ever make me cry like that girl. I hope not. I hope we were close. We looked like we were in the picture. But a smile can hide millions of tears.

Gerard looked up at me.

" You okay?" he asked.

"Don't know," I said. He closed the book and yawned.

"Finally a break," he said as he yawned.

"Huh?" I asked turning from the window as the car carrying the girl and dad sped off.

"Well there's no more concerts from here until Halloween. We'll be in California to do a huge festival thing. Then the tours over, and we all go home," he said

I thought for a little. Home, home, they had one but mine was gone.

"Maybe you guys do, but not me," I said

"Oh, Steve asked me to give this to you," he said as he dug into his jacket pocket. He took out a huge folded orange envelope.

"He said it's info on your new school," he said as he slid it to me. I stopped it from going off the edge with my hand and lifted it to me. I ripped the top off it and dumped the papers inside on the table.

"ST. JHON'S HIGH SCHOOL" was splattered against all the top of the papers. I picked up the first page and Gerard grabbed one as well.

"Welcome to ST. JOHN'S HIGH SCHOOL! We strive to bring the best out of students! With our excellent curriculum our students are at the top of testing scores. Each student is treated as a unique and special individual, and is given every opportunity available for a good education!"

I could tell this school was full of shit already. I let the paper slide off my hands and onto the table.

"Huh, I guess that's why you came with us. This school's in California," he said

I wonder what it'll be like in high school. Will the guys continue their lives and forget about me? I hope not. But 'm just a kid, what would they care about me? I knew that sentance was wrong but still. What if we didn't keep in touch? I don't want to forget any of them. Not now not ever.

"Does my uncle live in California?" I asked quietly.

"He lives in New York and he has a house in New Jersey," he said. My eyes were on all the papers on the table but I could tell Gerard was looking at me.

"It's a boarding school Rox." he said quietly

I slowly nodded my head.