The New Beginning

Race Cars and Paper


She seemed down when I told her that. I knew she had grown to like us. I think she's afraid she'll lose us if she's not close to us. She picked up another paper and began to read.
It seemed like an okay school. But then again I wasn't going to it.

I put the paper I held on the table. I picked up another one. It was a picture of the seniors, and from the look of them, they must have all shopped at Ambercrombie or Hollister. I noticed it was a little booklet, a paper copy of their yearbook. I flipped though it slowly.

She's gonna hate it there, I have never seen so much pink in my life. Except for two sophomores. Sophia Twain, and George handburg. They wore what we did. Other than that the other kids looked like they were into rap and not our kind of music. I hope they don't pick on her, know she'll give them hell if tey do, but the teasing still hurts, I know it does.

"Hey, don't worry, you can come visit us, or me, in the summer or whenever you get a break." I said as I searched her face for the faintest smile. She starred at the table.


I don't know if he was just saying that to make me smile or if he was serious. I looked up at him, he was smiling at me. Gerard has a weird smile, but it can make anyone smile back, now that I think about it Franky's smile is like that too. But not me, not this time.

"Thanks," I murmured.

But in a year will he even remember me? Will any of them remember me?

"This is the preppiest school I've ever seen," he said as he gave a paper booklet to me. I opened the first page. He was right. All the girls wore lots of pink and yellow and bright colors. A lot of them were blond too. I pushed it away from me. I don't want to go to this school, at least.

Mikey got up and sat next to me.

"I'm bored," he sighed and grabbed a paper.

"What's this?" he asked

"Paper," said Gerard

"No shit, but what's on it?" he asked

"Info on her new school," Gerard said as he picked up another paper.

I have one more week. The day after Halloween I'm supposed to go there. The guy's will go home, and I'll be stuck there. Why can't I live with my uncle? I get the feeling he doesn't love kids to much.

I crawled under the table to get out because Mikey wouldn't scoot over to let me out. I went to the back where Ray and Bob where playing some race game.

"There you are you little fucker." Ray said as he closed in on Bob's yellow race car. Franky's feet separated them on the bed. He was laying down and reading some book. I crawled up to him and laid down next to him.

"I didn't know you could read," I said as I watched Ray slam Bob's car into the wall.

"Neither did I," he said his eyes glued to the book.

"Ha! I won again!" yelled Bob as he got up and started jumping up and down on the bed.

"Fuck you, you cheated!" said Ray as he slammed his controller on the ground. Franky didn't get up or anything. Neither did I. We laid there being bounced up and down with Bob.

"What ever, you owe me ten bucks!" he said as he stuck out his hand. Frank looked at his hand and grinned.

"Ew, Ray germs!" he yelled. Ray had licked his hand. Bob turned around and kneeled over Frank and wiped his hand on his face.

"Ah! You mother fucker," he said as he wiped his face off with his shirt. Frank tossed his book at him.

"Missed!" yelled Bob as he ran out of the room. I laughed at Frank.

"What the hell you laughing at?" he asked as he wiped his cheek on mine.

"Ugh. Gross," I whined and wiped my cheek on Ray's back

"You can have your spit back," I said, Ray laughed