The New Beginning


While trying to walk out of the room with my eyes covered I slammed into the refrigerator. I could hear Mikey Bob and Gerard laugh. I uncovered my eyes and sat down on the table.

"What're Franky and Ray doing back there?" asked Bob.

"Showing their ass's to the world," I said as I leaned my head against my hand.

"Are they wasted?" Bob asked

"Nope. Just bored," I said.

Gerard chuckled and pulled a red bull out of the fridge and sat on the couch behind me.

"Hey Roxy, you coming to the Halloween concert?" asked Mikey.

"Probably." I said looking out the window. Some lady was flipping off Franky's ass, which sent him and Ray into a giant fit of laughter. I felt someone play with my hair. I turned around. Gerard was flicking my hair with his free hand as he sipped the red bull.

"Having fun?" I asked. He nodded and tried not to laugh as he chugged his drink. I grabbed the bit of hair he was playing with and put it in front of my shoulder. He took it back and started to play with it again.

"So are you actually going to go, or are you gonna hang backstage?" Bob asked.

"I'll watch you guys," I said as I took my hair back and held it in my hand. Gerard would not tolerate his new toy being taken away. He set the red bull down and pulled my hair hard.

"Ow!" I yelped. He pulled so I would get up and slide off the back of the cushioned seat from the table and onto the couch and my head was in his lap. He smiled at me and began to play with my hair.

"Ow, jerk," I said as I got up. He laughed then threw his empty can at Bob.

For dinner I just ate some cookies that were in the cabinet an fought with Franky over the last frozen waffle. I won of course. We had stopped going now and had parked in some parking lot. After I ate the last waffle Franky Mikey and Gerard went outside to smoke. I followed them. I hang towards the back of the bus, while they smoked on the side. The parking lot belonged to Safe-way, it's name lit up in red.

I saw a man come out with a bouquet of roses and a few frozen dinners. I laughed to myself. What a loser, but I guess it's better than Franky's Cajun. I sat on the floor and watched people go in and come out of the store. I ran my hand over the cement rolling small pebbles over. My hand bumped into something, I looked down. A pack of cigarettes lay next to me unopened. Gerard said he started when he was a teen. Mikey and Franky probably did too.

I picked it up. I wonder what it tasted like. Gerard and Mikey said they would kill me if they caught me smoking. But it can't be to bad for you, they had been smoking for years and they were okay, right? I opened the pack and smelt the cigarettes. They didn't smell like Gerard or any of them after they smoked. I guess you have to light them first.

"Roxy, were going in, you coming?" I could hear Mikey call to me. I looked up at the store.

"Yeah, be right there," I called back. I stuffed the pack in my pocket and got up. Hey they did it, and I'm a very curious person.

I walked into the bus afraid that one of them might hug me and feel the pack, or toss something to me and they would fall out. I would never hear the end of it if they found it.

Luckily no one really paid attention to me as I walked in. I went up to my mattress and drew the curtains. Where could I hide them? Bob sometimes came up here so he might find them. I flipped back the blankets searching for a place to stash them.

Pillow case? No, they had pillow fights often and the pack would fly out. Under the mattress? I tried to pull the mattress towards me. Crap, it was nailed to the boards. My clothes, they wouldn't look there. I put the pack back in my pocket and took off my sweatshirt. I pretended to look for something.

I quickly dumped the pack in my underwear part of my bag. They wouldn't look there for sure. I zipped up my bag and looked up. No one had paid attention to me. I sighed and went up to the mattress.

I looked over at my picture of my dad. I wonder if he smoked. Maybe I did before the accident. I wonder what I was like before, if I had changed at all. I heard someone walk towards the couch and I looked up. Franky had his book again, I don't know which is more scary, Franky mooning people or him reading. They're both pretty scary if you ask me.