The New Beginning

Hi, I Feel Dead Inside, How Are You?

I starred at the ceiling trying to remember anything. Anything at all. I would be gratefully to even member what I had for breakfast that morning. It was hard to do anything with all the noise coming from outside. It was more annoying then that damn beeping at the hospital.

I opened the blind of a tiny window. I saw Marcy with a clipboard pointing at people and talking. She looked worried.

"There is no way I am going to help her out," I said to myself

I decided to walk around the bus. Honestly, I was scared what I would find. I opened a door in the back. An unmade bed, a guitar and some popcorn with something green growing on it was all that was there. I opened another door on the left. Another bedroom. This one with pillows and feathers everywhere, a few empty red bull cans and some dirty underwear on the floor. Lovely.

I didn't want to open the bathroom door, who knows what I would find in there. How did all these guys fit into this bus? And what about those girl groupies? I'm sure they had them come in here and- oh, bad mental pictures.

They must have another bus around here. I climbed back onto the mattress above the drivers seat. I turned on the tube again. On almost all the news station was my car crash and how I just woke up. Why was I so important on the news and yet I had no flowers, teddy bears or anything in my room? I heard like a roar coming from the stadium, or stage or , you get the picture.

I opened the blinds again. Tons and tons of girls came running to the stadium near the bus. Why couldn't it be one of them on this bus instead of me? I bet anyone of them would give anything to be here.

Marcy was yelling for security. It looked like feeding time at the zoo. They almost bowled her over with signs and shrieks. Security soon had the girls pushed back. I couldn't see the members of the band because some fat ass cop was in front of them. All the girls shrieked as they walked p to the bus. I closed the blinds and shut the curtain thing in front of the mattress so the band couldn't see me.

The last thing I need was to be ordered around by some whiny guys in ties.