The New Beginning

Go Fish

I woke up to the bus door being slammed. I slowly opened my eyes as I heard the keys turn the bus on. I looked at the clock it said six thirty. Franky snored on the couch, he must have gotten up and wrapped a blanket around himself because one was dangling from under him. I realized it wasn't raining, but the windows were wet with raindrops on them from last nights shower.

I turned around on my side and looked out the tiny window. The bus pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. There weren't a lot of cars on the road. I sighed deeply. Tonight we would pull into the hotel. On Friday the big Halloween concert, then----. I can;'t think about it. At least not now.

I quietly climbed down off the mattress. I looked at Franky asleep on the couch. I would miss his hyperness. Franky can make anyone laugh, and when he wasn't to hyped up h could be sweeter than Gerard. I smiled as he sucked up the drool that was sliding down his lips. He's no sleeping beauty. I quietly tiptoed to a back room.

I slowly opened the door being as quiet as possible. Mikey, Ray, and Bob were in the room. I quietly stuck my head in the room. Mikey and Ray were asleep on the bed facing away from each other. Mikey really didn't look to much like Gerard. He was definitely more of a talker than his brother. He mumbled in his sleep and turned around. I quickly pulled my head back out, scared that he might have seen me.

After waiting a few minutes to make sure he was asleep I peeked back in. Ray's hair covered his face. Ray was funny, and yeah, he did sound like a girl some times. I would miss his ability to be serious yet goofy at the same time, and his fro, I would definitely miss that.

Bob laid at the foot of the bed, legs dangling off the side of the bed. He could make anyone talk and was one of the best drummers I've ever seen. I looked at all three of them and smiled to myself.

I closed the door as quietly and slow as I opened it. I didn't want to wake anyone. I slowly opened the door to Gerard's room, barely breathing, as if he could hear me breath or my heartbeats and that could wake him.

He was laying face down on the bed completely sprawled out. I laughed as quietly as possible. His back moved slowly up and down as he breathed. Gerard, I would miss him. He was the big brother I never had, well at least I don't think I have one, I digress. I would miss him encouraging me and making me laugh. I pictured his smile in my mind. I laughed quietly again. Gerard took a huge breath in and rolled over on his back. I stayed perfectly still and held my breath. I thought he had his eyes open and was starring at me but after what seemed like five minutes, but what was really probably ten seconds, I decided it was safe to breath. I slowly and quietly sighed.

These guys were my family. All of them. I don't want to lose any of it. I slowly closed the door and softly leaned against it. It's not fair. I finally get close to them and now they're going to be taken away from me. I'm beginning to think the world hates me. I breathed in slowly. No one could ever replace these guys no matter how hard they tried.

I walked back to the kitchen area. I took out pancake batter. I poured in the water and put syrup into it. I didn't want to work the stove because I could pull a Mikey and accidentally set something on fire, so I just ate the batter. Hey you wouldn't complain if you were hungry, and I was.

I licked the batter off the spoon. Franky stopped snoring. I looked over at him realizing he must have woken up. H sat up the book laying in his lap.

"Did I fall asleep out here?" he asked me as he rubbed his eyes. I nodded and sipped my pancake batter from my spoon. He sat up and went to the fridge and pulled out a water. He leaned against the fridge and sipped the water.

"What the hell is that?" he asked mentioning to the batter.

"Pancake batter, I don't want to use the stove," I said as I lifted the spoon to my mouth.

"Oh," he said as he came over and put his finger in the batter then licked it.

"Hey, it's my breakfast go get your own," I said as I hugged the bowl. He went into the bathroom with bunched up clothes. We hit a bump.

"Ah Shit!" he yelled as stuff fell out of the medicine cabinet. I laughed and almost made pancake batter come out my nose.

Ray came out next. Wearing jeans and a black shirt. He yawned and gave a half wave half nod to me. He sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. Soon everyone else had gotten up and was either eating or drinking coffee or both.


We were headed out of Nevada and into California. Even though it wasn't night you could see the casinos lights. Even over in California it was still cloudy. WE cheered as we crossed the state border into California. We were in Lake Tahoe. Even though it was Wednesday and a school day kids were walking the streets like nothing. A kid with a MCR shirt watched as we stopped at a red light. A lot of the kids were skaters, and were probably fans of the guys so coming out of the bus at a gas station was impossible. We would be swarmed by them.

I looked over at the lake. No one was swimming and snow had sprinkled the edges of the lake and streets. The water looked gray and silvery and peaceful. I wonder how deep it was. It looked pretty big, I could see it stretch pretty far back into Nevada.

I sighed and walked over to the table and leaned against it. Ray was playing go fish with Gerard.

"Got any queens?" Gerard asked. Ray shook his head and smiled. I looked over at Ray's cards. He did have a queen. Three in fact. Gerard took a card and it was Ray's turn

"Any aces?" he asked. Gerard took a card from his hand and laid it over on Ray's pile. Ray smiled and asked again

"Any fours?" he asked.

"Nope,"Gerard said. He was down to his last three cards. Ray took a card from the pile.

"Got any ummmm, Kings?" he asked. Ray shook his hand. I examined his deck. At least he wasn't lying this time.

"Got any Queens?" Ray asked smiling. Gerard slammed down two cards on the table.

"How do you always win?" he asked suspiciously. Ray shrugged his shoulders. I chuckled then went to sit on the couch. Gerard had given up and Ray had won.